Area 19+20 SalmonClosure


Active Member
Rumor has it areas 19+20 are going to be closed March-April-May for Springs,or open for 1 hatchery.Anybody else hear anything?
Meeting tuesday up in nanaimo one of our fellow guides is going to it Trev I think!!!

Yeah but nothing much will be said at that one.
Guess we can always fish Sidney.
You missed a good one last night Wolf.Hooollllyyyy
Areas 19, 20, 28,and 29 are being discussed.(18?)
As noted meeting on Tuesday to hear the good news.
By the way, closure of the Fraser will also be discussed.
Hope you do not guide on the river as it looks really bleak for it.
If they close the Fraser it better be to all user groups. Can you imagine the rebound of such runs like the Thomson steelies? The coho might even stand a chance. And if the guides didn't see this coming they don't know their own fishery.
Yes thats the run they are trying to protect..... hhhmmm but correct me if I am wrong they are right now commercial fishing on the west coast as I speak nah they wont get any of those fish will they !!!!!!!!!more bullsh*t from the government!!!!!!!

quote:Originally posted by Brisco

If they close the Fraser it better be to all user groups. Can you imagine the rebound of such runs like the Thomson steelies? The coho might even stand a chance. And if the guides didn't see this coming they don't know their own fishery.

Remember the rules.
#1 after conservation is F&C.
quote:Originally posted by wolf

Yes thats the run they are trying to protect..... hhhmmm but correct me if I am wrong they are right now commercial fishing on the west coast as I speak nah they wont get any of those fish will they !!!!!!!!!more bullsh*t from the government!!!!!!!


It is where they are fishing and on what stocks.
They are at the north end of the island now.
Wolf, There is a bit of a difference between the ocean and a 40 foot wide channel 10 feet deep being flossed by a couple of thousand lines.At the height of spawning season.Or a net across being left there for a week. These poor fish don't stand a chance.
Old black dog and brisco we are talking area 19/20 and the upper tompson run correct!!!!
Have no problem with what they are doing BUT and this is a huge BUT!!!! In the ocean does DFO know where every run is (of course not) but we are going to loose area 19/20 for some good fishing for salmon for the next 3 months and commercials are allowed to carry on taking and taking but we cant how is that fair.
Thats what I am saying and coming from I can tell you from being out there we mostly get clipped hatchery fish and a very small % of maybe a upper T. fish!!!Have gotten a few nooksack fish but thompson highly doubt it.

Why yell "FIRE" when it really doesnt have to,we as sport fishing are always being sh8t on but commercial get to have there quota go ahead and defend them!!!!!!

quote:Originally posted by wolf

Old black dog and brisco we are talking area 19/20 and the upper tompson run correct!!!!
Have no problem with what they are doing BUT and this is a huge BUT!!!! In the ocean does DFO know where every run is (of course not) but we are going to loose area 19/20 for some good fishing for salmon for the next 3 months and commercials are allowed to carry on taking and taking but we cant how is that fair.
Thats what I am saying and coming from I can tell you from being out there we mostly get clipped hatchery fish and a very small % of maybe a upper T. fish!!!Have gotten a few nooksack fish but thompson highly doubt it.

Why yell "FIRE" when it really doesnt have to,we as sport fishing are always being sh8t on but commercial get to have there quota go ahead and defend them!!!!!!

No, the areas are 19,20,28,29 and the Fraser.
It is not just area 19 & 20.
A few boats for sale real quick i suspect,

this is getting out of control. Pretty soon tourists and locals alike, will look at other activities for there fix. There fishing options certainly being taken away from the Capital of B.C. Last i checked it was Victoria? Consevation is great, however as Wolf said March to May in area 19-20 yield 90% Hatchery fish that are migratory not resident to these area's. These idea's are not conservation based, the focus is else where.
Won't be renewing my Guide License for the Fraser this year.After 5 years I 've had enough,just glad the boat's paid for long ago..I'll be fishing for fun in the salt,,insurance costs are killing guide operations along with closures for sporties but open ended FN netting all season...Real nice....
Recovery of Fraser runs are doomed unless all user groups are closed,and I mean ALL GROUPS(no exceptions)..
Sorry to you OBD thought it was only 19/20. how come it isnt all the way up the west and east of the island????oh I get it just where they want it!!!

You would think with the olympics coming here soon you would want to market tourism more??????had a client from montana call me heard that fishing was closed altogether for us up here. and he wondered why I havent called him to give back his deposit.If it has gotten to him in a little town wonder what is doing in the bigger cities????

Way to go again to our system!!!!!!!!


F$&k im really begining to HATE our government
Wolf, I agree with you on the outside waters. As well, you know who, is catching our salmon thousands of miles out.I think we have reached the point where the Fraser needs a break for a while.Have you ever fished the Fraser during sockeye season? I say if people want to salmon fish, the time has come that they either go with a guide or buy a boat and get out on the chuck.The days of any clown with a snoopy rod and 15 foot leader killing fish are coming to an end.
quote:Originally posted by Brisco

Wolf, I agree with you on the outside waters. As well, you know who, is catching our salmon thousands of miles out.I think we have reached the point where the Fraser needs a break for a while.Have you ever fished the Fraser during sockeye season? I say if people want to salmon fish, the time has come that they either go with a guide or buy a boat and get out on the chuck.The days of any clown with a snoopy rod and 15 foot leader killing fish are coming to an end.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with sportsfishing in the Fraser.
This has nothing to do with the sockeye fishery.
Do your homework and you will find out the real reasons for the closures proposed.
They why not enlighten us obd!!!!!what I heard was a chinook closure for the next 3 months correct me if I am wrong PLEASE.
