Area 19+20 SalmonClosure

quote:Originally posted by wolf

They why not enlighten us obd!!!!!what I heard was a chinook closure for the next 3 months correct me if I am wrong PLEASE.

You are right, the PROPOSED closure will be discussed on Tuesday.
DFO is in the position of having to do something, due to the returns.
This has been known for 4 yrs., now they are going to do something.

We are not sure what they will be proposing, however we will give them our recommendations and await the decision.
Do not expect it will be nice.
As for why not all the way up the west of the i said before in a previous post, I was talking to Ray Bentley, who works very closely with all the north island hatcherys and knows his stuff, said the return to the Marble and other north island west coast rivers this year and last were record setting. So that could be one of the reasons... (however, i realize that still wouldn't protect the Fraser and those river runs)
This must have come as quite a shock to DFO having just run the sports industry through the halibut wringer - they do plan some things well.

I know what's coming is going to hurt a lot of guys, and simply the idea of it creates cancellations. However, facts are facts and the facts are the stocks are in trouble. The government is mandated to make these decisions, it's too bad it comes so late.

Whether it's one run over another or area closures etc the government has to protect the stocks so that we have opportunities for the future. I also agree closure is a closure and it applies to all. Continued WC troll fishery is BS.

The mismanagement is top to bottom in the entire marine environment - are they still trawling millions of tonne of krill out of the straight of Georgia? Still sweeping the herring up by the massive tonnes? It all has to stop.
unbelievable - I don't even know what to say. How can they close area 20 but not areas north? I'm pretty sure most fish travel down the whole WC.

quote:said the return to the Marble and other north island west coast rivers this year and last were record setting

Aren't these fall run rivers?
yeah, the fish stocks are in trouble. I believe that DFO won't shut down commerical fishery on herring, krill, and salmon for months or years to come. It seems that DFO likes giving sportsfishermen a hard time. DFO pats and has soft heart on corporation businessmen who own commerical fleets to clean up the stocks. red tape!!!

It would be nice if David Anderson is a fisheries minister now. he was only one who halted coho fisheries for three sectors in one season. Cohoes number came back to historic levels.
Still scratching my head wondering how closing these areas for march,april,may is going to help sockeye when they are NOT even close to the area, they always close sockeyes all the time during the fishing season usually with one day notice then the next day open it to commercials.
Again great government

quote:Originally posted by wolf

Still scratching my head wondering how closing these areas for march,april,may is going to help sockeye when they are NOT even close to the area, they always close sockeyes all the time during the fishing season usually with one day notice then the next day open it to commercials.
Again great government


This one is about Chinook.

Sockeye come later and that is another story.
This is really bad news....:(
i can only accept it if the rules apply to all sector's.
no commercial or aboriginal fishing must also apply.
quote:Originally posted by C.S.

Dont know why this comes as a shock to you guys.The fraser(Largest salmon producer we have)has had the lowest runs of chinook EVER recorded the last few seasons.
You think this is a big deal...wait till next summer!

Oh ya,the troll fleet on the west side fishing all winter for 18 inch springs seems a little strange[?][?][?]
You will not have to wait till next summer, this one will be sad.

As to the troll fleet, yes they will have to change areas and times.
F/N still will have F & C, so they will be fishing.
You had better get over this as it will be the way it goes in the future.
I can't see how this would help V.I./Fraser stocks anyway[?]
most of the fish taken in the next 3 months are finclipped
hatchery fish released from WA.state hatchery's.
quote:Originally posted by r.s craven

I can't see how this would help V.I./Fraser stocks anyway[?]
most of the fish taken in the next 3 months are finclipped
hatchery fish released from WA.state hatchery's.

SO why couldn't there be a marked fish only restiction for that time frame? At least there would be opportunity.
I've heard that the reason they want to shut the sporties down is so they can shut the First Nations down. The First Nations say if it's open to us, it's open to them. Don't know if tis is true or not.

This will kill a lot of derbies and fundraising for salmon enhancement on this end of the Island. The Port of Sidney Derby raises thousands and it would be the first to go.
SO why couldn't there be a marked fish only restiction for that time frame? At least there would be opportunity.

Agreed. i think that would be a fair option
The guides might not feel the pinch as much as the tackle stores do,
as long as it does not drag on longer than May.
Those guys that just opened the new store in Langford must be concerned.
quote:Originally posted by c.r.angler

quote:Originally posted by r.s craven

I can't see how this would help V.I./Fraser stocks anyway[?]
most of the fish taken in the next 3 months are finclipped
hatchery fish released from WA.state hatchery's.

SO why couldn't there be a marked fish only restiction for that time frame? At least there would be opportunity.

No reason there could not be as long as the U.S. does not care.
That is one of the options.
UUMMM yes we are feeling the pinch badly they already screwed us for a bit of hali season and now this ok how about you give me 4 months of wages to compensate me!!!!didnt think so!!!!kidding aside!!!

But thats ok I am fortunate enough to have a secondary trade as a chef but what about some other guys who are very close friends of mine where it is there only livelyhood.

Its just plain not fair we all work to make money you wouldnt like it if they said to you we are taking away some of your wages for a bit. We all have bills,morgages etc to pay we are canadian and all pay taxes, we all have different jobs the end result is work is work no matter what you do.

Who's having this meeting?
Is it open to public?

Closed to salmon for March, April, May? That'll put some pressure on the hali that they were concerned about last week. These recent decisions don't make sense.


quote:Originally posted by OldBlackDog

quote:Originally posted by wolf

Still scratching my head wondering how closing these areas for march,april,may is going to help sockeye when they are NOT even close to the area, they always close sockeyes all the time during the fishing season usually with one day notice then the next day open it to commercials.
Again great government


This one is about Chinook.

Sockeye come later and that is another story.

Ok, let me get this straight. The rumor here is DFO is going to shut down JDF fishing etc. for March-May to conserve Fraser chinook when a majority of the fish around at that time are imature Washington State hatch fish. So from June on when the majority of fish are mature wild Fraser brood, they are going to open it again for fishing? I said pardon!?!?

Either the DFO has set the bar to new heights in terms of their ineptness or this closure will have to be extended through the entire year to actually protect Fraser brood.

Not an opinion, but a scary observation.
quote:Originally posted by OldBlackDog

quote:Originally posted by c.r.angler

quote:Originally posted by r.s craven

I can't see how this would help V.I./Fraser stocks anyway[?]
most of the fish taken in the next 3 months are finclipped
hatchery fish released from WA.state hatchery's.

SO why couldn't there be a marked fish only restiction for that time frame? At least there would be opportunity.

No reason there could not be as long as the U.S. does not care.
That is one of the options.

Of course the US will care. IMO, until they control the slaughter of our salmon in Alaska(something like 80+% of their catch are Canadian stocks), stop steeling our halibut ect... we shouldn't make our managemnet decision based on weather or not they care. The pacific salmon treaty only seems to work in their favour. Also, the fact that DFO are considering closing us to keep first nations from gillnetting is crap. WE CAN be selective and harvest only marked fish, it's pretty hard to be selective with a gill net in the Fraser.
Ok, let me get this straight. The rumor here is DFO is going to shut down JDF fishing etc. for March-May to conserve Fraser chinook when a majority of the fish around at that time are imature Washington State hatch fish. So from June on when the majority of fish are mature wild Fraser brood, they are going to open it again for fishing? I said pardon!?!?

Either the DFO has set the bar to new heights in terms of their ineptness or this closure will have to be extended through the entire year to actually protect Fraser brood.

Not an opinion, but a scary observation

This is about the Fraser early run chinook.
This is not about any other Fraser runs as they are ok at this time.
By the way, thanks for all those hatchery chinook.