Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Old news, but big story in todays Times Colonist.
New aquaculture vessel to remove sea lice from farmed salmon at 22 coastal sites
Dean Tretheway of Grieg Seafood says
"A new 70 metre vessel equipped with technology to remove sea live from farmed salmon has arrived in B.C. from Norway."
"It is our responsibility to make sure we do not allow sea lice to harbour on farm sites"
"Because when smolts are ready to go back out to the ocean in March, April, May and June we need to make sure our sea lice numbers are very low"
"includes ultraviolet light to disinfect the water and kill viruses, a major concern"

The Fish Farm owners have known for years that they are killing Wild Salmon.
Fish Farm viruses and Sea Lice have been killing wild salmon for years and they have been denying it! SHAME ON THEM!
Traditional methods of killing Sea Lice and viruses have failed and now, only about 10% of the Fish Farms will be treated and the killing will continue.
But then some Fish Farm guys will say "show me the dead fish"
Remember those posts??
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super disheartening the back peddle. The fish don't stand a chance anymore. 300 Chinook returning to Clayoquot this past year is a disaster. The farms have annihilated those runs, and nothing anyone can do. Very sad state of affairs.
‘Last Year 300 Chinook returned to Clayoquot Sound’. So I would say total of all stocks. Pretty scary really, considering that area historically had good returns. The sound is now chalked with farms and they have been having massive sea lice issues. Upwards of 33 sea lice per fish have been reported. Absolutely disgusting.
‘Last Year 300 Chinook returned to Clayoquot Sound’. So I would say total of all stocks. Pretty scary really, considering that area historically had good returns. The sound is now chalked with farms and they have been having massive sea lice issues. Upwards of 33 sea lice per fish have been reported. Absolutely disgusting.

Where does the enumeration of 300 Chinook come from? Are there any formal counts done and on which streams?
I have asked this question before ... no answer, but it should be easy to find if someone really wanted to show ff are the cause of these chinook stocks declining.
30 sea lice per wild salmon..... crazy.....

My brother fishes out of salmon beach and they only ever have 2-4 lice per fish. They also do quite well catching fish
Rico, 30 per farm fish, during the out migration 2 years in a row now. Coming up to a 3rd year now. They can’t control the lice issue there.
I have asked this question before ... no answer, but it should be easy to find if someone really wanted to show ff are the cause of these chinook stocks declining.

Read the article Dave. That’s why I gave that statement in quotation marks.

farms are likely not the only cause, but there are certainly high on that list.
Last year, the B.C. government negotiated an agreement last year with First Nations in the Broughton Archipelago — where open net pen farms are located along a wild salmon migration route — to close 17 open net pen farms over a four-year period.

Four farms will be out of the water this spring, Glambeck noted. Ninety-five fish farm tenures will expire in 2022 and the companies that run them do not currently have protocol agreements with First Nations, as required by the new agreement, she said.

“Without that protocol agreement those tenures will not be renewed. So those farms will be coming out. And by 2023 we could see up to 102 fish farms removed from B.C. waters.”

Government foot-dragging will only have a negative impact on salmon farming workers and coastal communities, Glambeck said.
Old news, but big story in todays Times Colonist.
New aquaculture vessel to remove sea lice from farmed salmon at 22 coastal sites
Dean Tretheway of Grieg Seafood says
"A new 70 metre vessel equipped with technology to remove sea live from farmed salmon has arrived in B.C. from Norway."
"It is our responsibility to make sure we do not allow sea lice to harbour on farm sites"
"Because when smolts are ready to go back out to the ocean in March, April, May and June we need to make sure our sea lice numbers are very low"
"includes ultraviolet light to disinfect the water and kill viruses, a major concern"

The Fish Farm owners have known for years that they are killing Wild Salmon.
Fish Farm viruses and Sea Lice have been killing wild salmon for years and they have been denying it! SHAME ON THEM!
Traditional methods of killing Sea Lice and viruses have failed and now, only about 10% of the Fish Farms will be treated and the killing will continue.
But then some Fish Farm guys will say "show me the dead fish"
Remember those posts??
Let’s hope it works better than the new one Mowi West brought in last year. It’s been parked at the Vancouver Drydock for the last two months. Between April and the end of 2019, it treated fish at a total of five farms.

“Wild salmon are on the brink of extinction in the Clayoquot”
“Wild salmon are on the brink of extinction in the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Region surrounding Tofino. Returns of Chinook in 2019 were some of the lowest ever recorded. The Megin River in Strathcona Park saw a mere eight Chinook return to spawn; the Moyeha — the adjacent valley — saw only 20."
Fish Farms clearly are having a major impact on these alarming returns!
And some wonder why this is such an emotional issue with the Fish Farm guys in constant denial!!
Why is it such an emotional issue. fish farms feed people it’s not that hard to understand that why they are still here.