Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Only thing that has changed is the operators in B.C. were able to get a variance to the standards that are applied everywhere else. Neat how they can do that eh? “A variance can be sought by the certifying body if there is a real-life situation that differs from the Standard,” said Morrison.
Id like to see some specific examples of this just to put into context.
Weird cause hydro slicers weren't around back then.....
That's puts the 2018 report in the trash. Things have changed since then.


Why did they fail the first time then? If its just so simple to apply for a variance? Doesnt make sense
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As we keep saying, aquaculture is indeed improving ... climate change, over fishing, habitat loss, not so much.
Deleted all the posts regarding the "not real news" "fake science" "your scientists are not worthy" content. That movie has been replayed far too many times already in these threads.
download.jpg sea lice.jpg
So before anyone comes on and debunks this because the author is Fabian Dawson ... show me where he's wrong.
Your science and their science.
On and on it goes and while you fight the issue to justify open net pen Atlantic salmon farms our wild salmon are dying!!
Not even the Fish Farm guys deny that fact. They prefer to debate how many are dying due to Open Net Pen Atlantic Fish Farms.
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