Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Great story TinCan!!!
My wife and friend in the room could not hold back the laughter, followed by disgust when I read to them this from this from Fish Farm guys.
BC Salmon Farmers Association "the organization says “fish farming plays a critical role in protecting wild stocks”
Lets face it, Fish Farmers don't give a damn about feeding the world or saving wild salmon. The only thing they are interested in is making money.
Making as much money as fast as they can and be damned about what the effect might be on the environment or wild salmon.
Aquaculture; improving????
To sum it up...
Aquaculture has NOT improved this year in Canada!!
Same old problems.
Escapement, Sea Lice, Virus, and general pollution of the surrounding areas!
Wild Salmon are still dying as a result of Atlantic Salmon Open Net Pens!
My New Years wish is to see some meaningful improvement in 2020
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A man is dead after an incident at a fish farm near Tofino on B.C.'s Vancouver Island. Cermaq Canada confirmed Monday that an employee had died, but would not say at which facility or when the death occurred “out of respect to the family.”
lead by example and the slowest member.sad this fellow a couple weeks before was taken from his enviroment and training .best wishes go to the familys that meet the youth and I never met the man personaly he touched with his heart and many friends.greenhorns heed comfort not bosses.and others around the grenhorn need a hr officer that has communication with everyone envolved thats not in bed with another member.****** feeling for the ones that broke him in.i"m crieing inside for my friend.
pretty sad, Fish Camp. Very sorry for your loss and the loss for the family of this man. Thank you for sharing.
Cleaned up the last number of pages of drivel that has been spewed here over and over again. This has been stated here many times before...IF you have something new to add to the debate by all means post it. IF you are only interested in throwing sand at each other in the playground go somewhere else to do it.