Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Agreed that inclusion into the mandate letter raises the seriousness of the intent, WMY. Guess we'll see what this minority government accomplishes and how long it lasts.

Unfortunately PH & the North Island employment options and history of the open net-pen industry eerily echos the history of the industry wherever it gets set-up: Western Scotland, SW NB, & the latest in Southern NFLD.

After the industry has been set-up in a place (and it's not the sole reason for declining wild stocks) - there is a reluctance to terminate an industry even when the impacts are undeniable since other employment options have been reduced at least in part due to the influence of the open net-pen industry.

As an example:

The Inner Bay of Fundy post-smolt stocks generally overwinter in the Lower/Outer Bay of Fundy – near where the open net-cage industry is based.

In 1999, ISAv was first detected for the first time in wild Atlantic salmon in New Brunswick, in the Magaguadavic River where escaped farmed salmon were found with ISAv.

The Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon stocks are now listed (in 2001 by COSEWIC) as “Endangered” by both COSEWIC AND SARA.

No easy choices when we get to this reality...
I suspect in the coming days it will be clarified as engos send in mass letters. Does it me create a plant by 2025 or does it mean remove them by 2025.
I had someone in DFO once confidentially confide to me that the credo in government is: "The key to flexibility is vagueness". I think the corollary to that maxim is: "Use divisive issues to divide and conquer".

I'll echo the comments of other posters on other threads about this by saying: "We'll see."

If they decide to send it to a committee to study it and give recommendations - they are instead waiting for the next election to make-up their mind about whether they should touch this w a 10ft pole - or ignore it.
Why post that they need to remove fish farms day after day if u have no faith it will ever happen.
Been around long enough to see a fair bit of politics & corruption, WMY - like many other posters on here - thanks for asking. Doesn't mean I'm going to give-up, tho.
Been around long enough to see a fair bit of politics & corruption, WMY - like many other posters on here - thanks for asking. Doesn't mean I'm going to give-up, tho.

I would agree with you if they included the east coast but they did not. The only issue now I see is how they plan to compensate First Nations that have FF as a revenue stream.

IMO it’s will be hard politically now to back out of this
here's another land-based recirc facility planned in France for the Norway:

Preliminary design of the planned plant in France. ILLUSTRATION: Smart Salmon It began with smolt plans. Now, brothers trio produce fish on land in Norway and France News by Stian Olsen - December 18, 2019 Petter and Stig Ole Bakke in Smart Salmon Group will realize billion plans. Ilaks has repeatedly discussed plans for Smart Salmon Group, who first wanted to build a post-smolt plant in Smørhamn in Sogn og Fjordane. The company has been granted a license for an annual output of 2,500 tons. Unresolved Mortgage Then came wanted from investors to also build a land-based fish farms in the same area. Here it is applied for a concession for the production of 5,000 tonnes of food fish. Post Smolt plant. ILLUSTRATION Multiconsult - In Norway, we will arrange for a complete unit in Smørhamn with both large smolt and farming. Investment in smolt part is around 350 million, while the fish portion is approximately 600 million. Plan is to first build hatcheries and then fish, but with the possible combinations and adjustments based on the market / sales at large smolt, writes CEO Ole Bakke in an e-mail Ilaks. Currently lacking the dog on financing. - Funding is not in place, but we have some interesting shareholders already and are working towards a major capital raising of up to 300 million in the new year, writes Bakke. France But it's not just in Norway that brothers trio looking at the possibility of land-based salmon farming. According to the homepage of the company it signed a purchase agreement for 100 acres in Brittany in France Bakke confirms to Ilaks that they are working on a project in France simultaneously with Butter Harbor plans. - At the plant, we have made a preliminary design, and working together with our French backers to accommodate all licenses and building permits for 10,000 tonnes of food fish. The plant is designed to produce fish from egg to fish in a complete system, with its own cleaning unit whose sole emitted will be clean water, explains Bakke Ilaks and adds: -In the plans is also a biogas plant, possibly in combination with waste other activities in the area and the use of CO2 and nutrients from waste in production in a greenhouse. France plans have also been discussed by Firdaposten. The newspaper said chairman and brother Petter Bakke that the company would first look at the opportunity to build in Norway. Failing that, the company will move the focus to Europe

The year 2019 is ending on a high note: the federal Liberals have promised to remove salmon farms from BC waters by 2025.
That timeline might not be fast enough for wild salmon—but it is so much better than a timeline of ’never’, which was the status quo until 3 months ago. Clayoquot Action will continue working hard to prevent viruses and sea lice from harming wild salmon in the interim.
Tofino’s MP Gord Johns (NDP Fisheries critic) pushed the government to include their promise in the Mandate Letter for the new Fisheries Minister Bernadette Jordan. Gord has met with her and other Liberal and Opposition MPs to demand immediate legislation, so this Liberal promise is kept.
tick tock, tick tock. only a matter of time...
VANCOUVER—Sitting in the living room of his oceanfront home in West Vancouver, Tony Allard can see the late fall sky fade from blue to hues of pink and yellow over the mouth of the Burrard Inlet.

The couch, positioned between the baby grand and a stone fireplace, is shared by Allard and Earl, his two-year-old Newfoundland dog. When they’re both sitting, Earl — an affectionate giant — may be just a little taller.

In classic West Coast style, Allard is wearing jeans and a blue Arcteryx zip up, but it’s his red trucker hat that really stands out. It says Wild First.

Allard is the president of Hearthstone Investments, a private investment firm he runs out of a small house-turned-office a block from the beach. He’s also the chairman of Wild Salmon Forever, a group of influential business-types who’ve taken a particular interest in the future of salmon farming.

continued at link below:
tick tock, tick tock. only a matter of time...
VANCOUVER—Sitting in the living room of his oceanfront home in West Vancouver, Tony Allard can see the late fall sky fade from blue to hues of pink and yellow over the mouth of the Burrard Inlet.

The couch, positioned between the baby grand and a stone fireplace, is shared by Allard and Earl, his two-year-old Newfoundland dog. When they’re both sitting, Earl — an affectionate giant — may be just a little taller.

In classic West Coast style, Allard is wearing jeans and a blue Arcteryx zip up, but it’s his red trucker hat that really stands out. It says Wild First.

Allard is the president of Hearthstone Investments, a private investment firm he runs out of a small house-turned-office a block from the beach. He’s also the chairman of Wild Salmon Forever, a group of influential business-types who’ve taken a particular interest in the future of salmon farming.

continued at link below:
I like their determined attitude as to the urgency of removing the Open Net Cage Fish Farms out of the Ocean without delay.