Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

You may yet live long enuff to see that in action, WMY - assuming the rumours are true. I think that's where this may end-up.
The location of any particular FF site may be located on a 2D map within any FN territory - but that terrestrial mapping component with 1 or 2km siting boundaries in no way simulates the effects and impacts from FF operations.

Wild fish swim many hundreds if not thousands of km to begin with; but have very species-specific and dependable ocean rearing areas as juvies that should be protected and that DFO refuses to acknowledge. Tidal excursions are most often in the 5km range, while estuarine surface flow is often in the tens or dozens of km. The same flow that washes sea lice and disease vectors between wild and cultured stocks is a reality caused by using the very open and porous nature of the open net-cage technology. The only reason the industry refuses to be budged on these effects is because then they would have to purchase real estate, take care of their waste, and pump water using CC. They make way more money offloading those externalities onto the environment and onto adjacent wild stocks.

Like I said - this is no chicken farm, and should instead be looked at within and environmental assessment that uses scoping (determining geographic boundaries of likely impacts) using agent-based modelling @ the minimum - which DFO has developed and purposely not used.

Time to change all that.
I think we are largely in agreement, WMY. We still have a federal Liberal government with it's own political agenda and timeline. That really hasn't substantially changed. And the Cabinet - including any Fisheries Minister - has to kowtow to Justin and his henchmen in the Privy Council or risk being ejected from both the cabinet and even the party - like Jody Wilson Raybould.

But like it or not - the current government is still bound by law - unless they successfully change those laws to suit themselves - which is possible, but highly unlikely with both s.35 of the Constitution Act as well as UNDRIP.

They can continue to delay the implementation of UNDRIP, at some cost politically - but it has already been ratified. And s.35 keeps on rolling along, and they won't change that, neither.

So.. whether the drama teacher likes it or not, FN rights on co-management will continue to evolve. That will also continue within the aquaculture file.

And I think we can all agree that DFO was in charge on the East Coast when the cod stocks crashed, and while we are in the middle of repeating history on this Coast. I think a change in governance is really the only way to make a change in the current regulatory apparatus, as well. And that is happening - slowly - whether or not whatever party or crooks in charge like it or not - including the open net-pen multinationals.
Our Day in Court.
The fish farm companies argued the decision was unfair, unreasonable and that they had no notice.
They first heard about the possibility in 2012 from the Cohen Inquiry!
Now we have to sit and wait for the judge to make a decision. It could take months. The judge can’t reverse the Discovery Islands decision, but her ruling could suggest the minister’s decision to remove the farms was unfair and unreasonable and should be reviewed.
keep your promise - Defend our Salmon (
Our new Minister of Fisheries is none other than Joyce Murray, B.C. Member of Parliament for Vancouver-Quadra.

Of all the M.P.s in British Columbia, she’s definitely one of the most knowledgeable about wild salmon and the threat of factory fish farms. This is good news. This is an excerpt from an email Joyce Murray sent out to her supporters last year:

“Prime Minister Trudeau gets it, and in the 2019 federal election he promised to end open-net pen salmon aquaculture by 2025. I will keep working toward the fulfillment of that promise.”
The environment minister, DFO minister and the resource Minister all Have pretty
Big ties to ENGOs. I would say it’s probably the dream team for some.

mid the goal is to end it by 2025, the. They would need to start fallowing the fields now.

the herring fishery coming up will be her first test
Fairly predictable and just the beginning of the "transition". Ever notice how government language dropped the phrase "transition to land" to just the term "transition". Agents post is evidence as to why. First nations that dont want salmon farms in there area's will not have them. Those who do, will.
NGO's have shot themselves in the foot using indigenous groups to fight salmon farms and every other cause that pays their bills. Wait and see what happens when other bands see the success of bands supporting industry.

Oh the times they are a changin.
... First nations that dont want salmon farms in there area's will not have them. ...

Oh the times they are a changin.
EXCEPT that is EXACTLY what Mowi, Cermaq and Grieg are arguing AGAINST in court:

Fairly predictable and just the beginning of the "transition". Ever notice how government language dropped the phrase "transition to land" to just the term "transition". Agents post is evidence as to why. First nations that dont want salmon farms in there area's will not have them. Those who do, will.
NGO's have shot themselves in the foot using indigenous groups to fight salmon farms and every other cause that pays their bills. Wait and see what happens when other bands see the success of bands supporting industry.

Oh the times they are a changin.

Exactly! 100%