Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

The PR firms and lobbyists can and do pump-out misleading nonsense using doubt as a commodity to also be sold - but that all goes away when looking @ the fish in the real World.
Everyone that does not believe Fish Farms are wiping out our Wild Salmon needs to watch this little clip.
it’s disgusting that the DFO and the Federal Government allows the open net cage slaughter of Wild Smolts to continue.
is it just a coincidence that the salmon stocks that migrate thru Juan de Fuca where they do not come into contact with Open Net Pen Atlantic Fish Farms are doing so well?
is it just a coincidence that the salmon stocks that migrate thru Juan de Fuca where they do not come into contact with Open Net Pen Atlantic Fish Farms are doing so well?

I thought they were doing bad because there’s no herring around Atlest we past that now lol and stocks are back to doing well
I thought they were doing bad because there’s no herring around Atlest we past that now lol and stocks are back to doing well
So you are of the opinion it is just a coincidence that the salmon stocks that migrate thru Juan de Fuca where they do not come into contact with Open Net Pen Atlantic Fish Farms are doing so well.
From your posts clearly you are a Fish Farm and Herring fishery supporter and none believer that their sea lice kill wild salmon and there is no need to rebuild our Herring stocks, so I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.
Why would Nordic Aqua Partners make a major investment in Dry Land Atlantic Salmon Fish Farms when growing them in the ocean is so much cheaper and these Open Net Pen Farms do no harm to wild salmon or the environment?

Life for Richard Harry, a member of the Homalco First Nation on Vancouver Island, has always been linked to the waters of British Columbia.

“The water is what I know,” said the former chief of the Homalco, known as the ‘People of Turbulent Waters’.

“For myself and my family, we have always worked on the water,” he said.

“We’ve always been a commercial fishing family and the children pretty much grew up on our boats, so it’s been a lifetime of experience.”

This week, Harry’s bond with the seas of his traditional territory, resulted in another gain for his family and his people.

His company – R Harry Fishing Ltd. – signed a net-washing contract with Grieg Seafood BC to service five salmon farms in BC’s Nootka Sound.

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Wow a lot of loose "facts" in that video. No sensational claims there. Groups loose their credibility when they play fast and loose with reality.
- those farms have FN agreements in that area and benefit agreements
- DFO did not promise a transition to land by 2025
- fish poop is not "sewage"
- one farms fish poop is not the equivalent to what a city of 150,000 people produce (TP, hormones, medication etc).
agreed that all advocates and pundits should base their claims on science and supported by data. Both sides. But generating data showing risks and consequences of the open net-cage technology has been purposely suppressed in so many ways. Fish health data such as location and time of fish health outbreaks is protected by our government regulators so that independent investigators cannot investigate in a timely manner. No environmental assessments are done so that areas of negative interactions (e.g. plumes from sea lice and disease vectors identified in agent-based models) are purposely unidentified and unresearched. Routine queries are refused, and ATIPs are copiously and purposely blanked-out. PR consultants and the communications branch purposely deny and shift the burden of proof. So how about we clean all this up for everyone's benefit?

Fish poop is sewerage, however. Fish are pokliotherms verses warm-blooded and so no E. Coli; but their effluent would have nutrients that may exasperate algal blooms and smothers the bottom.

and we already had a debate on how large that sewerage output would be and what to compare it to on this forum - and it appears that after we openly and collectively went thru the numbers that the 27 farms in the Broughton's ouput the equivalent human sewerage output as a city of 162,825 people:
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