Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

The election is over and the results are pretty much as expected.
NOW is the time to keep the pressure on to ensure Trudeau keeps his promise to get Open Net Pen Atlantic Fish Farms OUT OF BC WATERS.
Vancouver Island going mostly NDP certainly will not help!
Unless the FN wish to be involved.
Good Article. A healthy wild salmon population will exceed the job creation that farmed industry can provide-too DFO hasn't made that a priority in the past.. Failure from DFO to protect natural habitats and react to issues concerning wild stocks is hard to ignore. I laugh that DFO studies suggest the impact of salmon farming is minimal when other scientific communities suggest there is a real risk from parasites to deadly pathogens.

You have to ask the question, why we risk our local wild fish so multinational corporations and a small group of Canadians can profit while freeloading off our natural resources.

The fact that we allow farms in BC waters makes me want to vomit. It's like pouring gasoline on a burning house. DFO has a conflict of interest endorsing open net-pen salmon farming while apparently taking the responsibility of "managing" the wild stocks.

Lots of lucrative aquiculture alternatives for FN and remote communities that create a net benefit for the biosphere in the ocean such as oyster farming, muscles and kelp/seaweed. End of the day, with this government the choice will be up to the FN.
The problems with dies-offs, lack of honesty and transparency, and the inappropriateness of the open net-cage technology are across the board. I very much doubt it was low DO, but rather ISAv. This is the 2nd time around this has happened where they initially claimed low DO levels, but later it was found out to be ISAv:



Perhaps the salmon closure was a method to get more people eating mushy farm fish, a push for the farms to win over folks that want salmon.
Farm fish or nothing.
Slimy just like those salmon.
My brother worked for a farm and the amount of antibiotics is measured in tons and the dye to make them colored.
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I'm hearing rumours that MOWI wants to put 12 salmon farms in Smiths Inlet now - and since those negotiations were underway after the farm removals from Discovery Islands for opportunity elsewhere for MOWI before the election - and the federal Liberals got re-elected - its back on. I predict this will not be an easy sell job if true - and may lead to court injunctions. Stay tuned...
I'm hearing rumours that MOWI wants to put 12 salmon farms in Smiths Inlet now - and since those negotiations were underway after the farm removals from Discovery Islands for opportunity elsewhere for MOWI before the election - and the federal Liberals got re-elected - its back on. I predict this will not be an easy sell job if true - and may lead to court injunctions. Stay tuned...

I can’t imagine anything going though that does not have First Nations approval and revenue sharing agreements.
agreed, WMY. And assuming this is true and it gets thru both band and hereditary approval - there is a much larger issue not addressed yet.
This is not a chicken farm: fish swim and water flows

What potential impacts will there be on adjacent FN aquatic resources? the Pandora's box that DFO and the industry do not wish to see opened. This application may do just that.
Not to publicly humiliate another FN no - true - but disagreements are common. And this is actually a potential impact/infringement to adjacent FN aquatic resources.

So, I would expect this will lead to a court injunction.

Like I said - this is not a chicken farm.
Not to publicly humiliate another FN no - true - but disagreements are common. And this is actually a potential impact/infringement to adjacent FN aquatic resources.

So, I would expect this will lead to a court injunction.

Like I said - this is not a chicken farm.

there is nothing i would like to see more then one first nation get a court injunction on another. I welcome the day.