Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Statement by the Tlowitsis Nation and Grieg Seafood BC​


On June 24, 2021 the Tlowitsis Nation and Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. together submitted an application to the regulators for an additional salmon farm in the Tlowitsis Nation’s traditional territory of Clio Channel. The partners have been engaged for several years in these discussions to grow existing salmon farming operations in the area and support the Nation's goal of economic self-determination.
To further that same vision the partners also recently entered into a net-washing agreement while supporting Grieg Seafood’s need for local service providers and more workers.
“We have built a solid relationship with Grieg Seafood over more than ten years of many meetings, visiting their farms and travelling to Ottawa, Vancouver and Victoria to speak to regulators about our views of aquaculture,” said Chief John Smith. “Our Guardians are on the water monitoring the farm activities as well as our members employed by Grieg. We have taken a lot of time to learn about the industry and our partner before we decided to become involved more directly and for us, adding more farms in our territory is the clear way forward. Our net-wash service company will also benefit from additional work for our members at a new farm.”
“Like so many other changes to our operations during our 20 years operating in BC, integrating Indigenous businesses into our core operations is a transition that reflects the work we have started doing around reconciliation, and how we create even more opportunity than before, with our First Nations partners,” said Rocky Boschman, Managing Director of Grieg Seafood.
“Chief Smith is a strong advocate for his community and has a first-hand understanding of our salmon farming operations,” added Boschman. “We appreciate his regular advice and input and are committed to meeting his expectations of a respected relationship.”

Chief John Smith
Tlowitsis Nation

Rocky Boschman
Grieg Seafood BC Ltd.

Statement by the Tlowitsis Nation and Grieg Seafood BC​


On June 24, 2021 the Tlowitsis Nation and Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. together submitted an application to the regulators for an additional salmon farm in the Tlowitsis Nation’s traditional territory of Clio Channel. The partners have been engaged for several years in these discussions to grow existing salmon farming operations in the area and support the Nation's goal of economic self-determination.
To further that same vision the partners also recently entered into a net-washing agreement while supporting Grieg Seafood’s need for local service providers and more workers.
“We have built a solid relationship with Grieg Seafood over more than ten years of many meetings, visiting their farms and travelling to Ottawa, Vancouver and Victoria to speak to regulators about our views of aquaculture,” said Chief John Smith. “Our Guardians are on the water monitoring the farm activities as well as our members employed by Grieg. We have taken a lot of time to learn about the industry and our partner before we decided to become involved more directly and for us, adding more farms in our territory is the clear way forward. Our net-wash service company will also benefit from additional work for our members at a new farm.”
“Like so many other changes to our operations during our 20 years operating in BC, integrating Indigenous businesses into our core operations is a transition that reflects the work we have started doing around reconciliation, and how we create even more opportunity than before, with our First Nations partners,” said Rocky Boschman, Managing Director of Grieg Seafood.
“Chief Smith is a strong advocate for his community and has a first-hand understanding of our salmon farming operations,” added Boschman. “We appreciate his regular advice and input and are committed to meeting his expectations of a respected relationship.”

Chief John Smith
Tlowitsis Nation

Rocky Boschman
Grieg Seafood BC Ltd.
Still an opportunity for the public to comment on the new application.
Still an opportunity for the public to comment on the new application.

Applicant(s): Tlowitsis Nation

i don't feel comfortable trying to assert my western colonialism opinion, they have the right to self governance.

Not that it matters look at the name of the applicant not greg seafoods is it

its little shocking that we have not hear anything about the from echo bay most famous resident. Given its in her backyard....

Statement by the Tlowitsis Nation and Grieg Seafood BC​


On June 24, 2021 the Tlowitsis Nation and Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. together submitted an application to the regulators for an additional salmon farm in the Tlowitsis Nation’s traditional territory of Clio Channel. The partners have been engaged for several years in these discussions to grow existing salmon farming operations in the area and support the Nation's goal of economic self-determination.
To further that same vision the partners also recently entered into a net-washing agreement while supporting Grieg Seafood’s need for local service providers and more workers.
“We have built a solid relationship with Grieg Seafood over more than ten years of many meetings, visiting their farms and travelling to Ottawa, Vancouver and Victoria to speak to regulators about our views of aquaculture,” said Chief John Smith. “Our Guardians are on the water monitoring the farm activities as well as our members employed by Grieg. We have taken a lot of time to learn about the industry and our partner before we decided to become involved more directly and for us, adding more farms in our territory is the clear way forward. Our net-wash service company will also benefit from additional work for our members at a new farm.”
“Like so many other changes to our operations during our 20 years operating in BC, integrating Indigenous businesses into our core operations is a transition that reflects the work we have started doing around reconciliation, and how we create even more opportunity than before, with our First Nations partners,” said Rocky Boschman, Managing Director of Grieg Seafood.
“Chief Smith is a strong advocate for his community and has a first-hand understanding of our salmon farming operations,” added Boschman. “We appreciate his regular advice and input and are committed to meeting his expectations of a respected relationship.”

Chief John Smith
Tlowitsis Nation

Rocky Boschman
Grieg Seafood BC Ltd.
One Chief looking at the shiney penny. Not the Hereditary Chief but the one elected under the Indian act to assist the Feds when needed. How are they dealing with PRV and SeaLice? Follow the science and move onto land.
"One Chief looking at the shiney penny. Not the Hereditary Chief but the one elected under the Indian act to assist the Feds when needed. How are they dealing with PRV and SeaLice? Follow the science and move onto land."

Actually I believe he is a Hereditary Chief and was appointed Chief in 1982 under a "modified" system of governance. The Tlowitsis do not hold elections like most of the Bands do, in fact there are several Nations that use a system like that. You should give Chief Smith a call as he is happy to talk about fish farms and their Nations position on it. I'm sure he would value your insight.
... Actually I believe he is a Hereditary Chief and was appointed Chief in 1982 under a "modified" system of governance. The Tlowitsis do not hold elections like most of the Bands do, in fact there are several Nations that use a system like that. You should give Chief Smith a call as he is happy to talk about fish farms and their Nations position on it. I'm sure he would value your insight.
I think you just proved the point Terrin was making about the confusion and sometimes deliberate confusion sewn by people confusing the heredity and Indian Act governance systems.

Tlowitsis Nation is currently a Indian Act band government of the _awit'sis (Tlowitsis) tribe of the Kwakwaka'wakw peoples and has a Custom Electoral System (i.e. community election code) to govern its' 450+ registered members:

and is also in Stage 5 of Treaty Negotiations:

under s.42 of the federal governments First Nations Elections Act (a recent companion Act to the Indian Act) is where that authority for the community election code is generated:

NOT under any hereditary system.

Chief John Smith may or may not also be a hereditary chief - but that hereditary position is not "elected", if he is. And Hereditary Chiefs are usually bound by their hereditary system that requires them to declare whom (what house or Hawiith) they are speaking on behalf of - unlike some elected Chief Councillors whom don't differentiate how the title "Chief" fits their authority. It seems the latter only to me.
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I think you just proved the point Terrin was making about the confusing and sometimes deliberate confusion sewn by people confusing the heredity and Indian Act systems.

Tlowitsis Nation is currently a Indian Act band government of the _awit'sis (Tlowitsis) tribe of the Kwakwaka'wakw peoples and has a Custom Electoral System (i.e. community election code) to govern its' 450+ registered members:

and is also in Stage 5 of Treaty Negotiations:

under s.42 of the federal governments First Nations Elections Act (a recent companion Act to the Indian Act) is where that authority for the community election code is generated:

NOT under any hereditary system.

Chief John Smith may or may not also be a hereditary chief - but that hereditary position is not "elected", if he is. And Hereditary Chiefs are usually bound by their hereditary system that requires them to declare whom (what house or Hawiith) they are speaking on behalf of - unlike some elected Chief Councillors whom don't differentiate how the title "Chief" fits their authority. It seems the latter only to me.

tou do support then tho correct and their application
tou do support then tho correct and their application
I think that question brings us full circle to the discussion we had previously on page 89:

and just look @ the proposed location, as well:
But since salmon only swim 1.0km - as far as DFO is concerned - all is well:stream.jpg

I mean it's not like DFO has any other information that they can use to mitigate risk or anything: (see Figs 18 & 19, & 21 pgs 32, 35 & 38)
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But since salmon only swim 1.0km - as far as DFO is concerned - all is well:View attachment 69206

I mean it's not like DFO has any other information that they can use to mitigate risk or anything: (see Figs 18 & 19, & 21 pgs 32, 35 & 38)

Are you implying that the goverment needs to regulate First Nations?
and Greig insures it's fish - ISAv or PRv positive or not - so no worries, neither:
Are you implying that the goverment needs to regulate First Nations?
DFO needs to regulate itself and clear itself from the conflicts of interest and collusion, and instead stick to its primary legislated job protecting wild fish including identifying and mitigating risk rather than promoting the open net-pen industry by giving them a free pass on their lack of environmental assessments.
Well I felt comfortable sending in my comment. I think the application should be on hold until after the transition plan is in place. Otherwise there will be no improvement.
interesting to note in the application, the agent/representative for the Tlowitsis is Bernie Taekema. He used to work for DFO Aquaculture Management Branch in Nanaimo not too long ago. Pretty cozy…
Well I felt comfortable sending in my comment. I think the application should be on hold until after the transition plan is in place. Otherwise there will be no improvement.
interesting to note in the application, the agent/representative for the Tlowitsis is Bernie Taekema. He used to work for DFO Aquaculture Management Branch in Nanaimo not too long ago. Pretty cozy…
Are you implying that the goverment needs to regulate First Nations?
DFO needs to regulate itself and clear itself from the conflicts of interest and collusion, and instead stick to its primary legislated job protecting wild fish including identifying and mitigating risk rather than promoting the open net-pen industry by giving them a free pass on their lack of environmental assessments.

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agent, you're confusing your fans who thought you were in favor of FN situating salmon farms in areas where they were wanted by FN. Have you changed your opinion?