Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

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and this is how DFO Aquaculture lies to you behind the scenes:
seawest snooze.png


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if you read the fine print in my post above (#922) that's the PR lines that DFO communications quoted as going with.

Instead of good governance and oversight on behalf of the job of DFO (protection of WILD salmon) - DFO uses sea west snooze PR firms lies and half-truths to creatively lie to constituents and the people in Canada. That's how messed-up it is in DFO.

It's so messed-up that some DFO employees think it is "normal" and "small straws" because that's the inhouse mentality in some branches of DFO: Institutionalized, detached, and I would say corrupt.
Corrupt is a strong word to use. Don't anti/ activists of any type have more incentive to be corrupt as they directly benefit from donations from people that believe in their story. DFO people do not receive money/ donations....... unless you are saying that DFO people are taking bribes under the table which would be a pretty serious accusation.
Corruption (and collusion) is what it is, IMHO. It doesn't necessarily mean that people in DFO Aquaculture making biased decisions have to profit financially and personally - but professionally they obviously do.

DFO scientists and department leads benefit from partnering with industry to take advantage of additional funding sources outside of their departments (like ACRDP). So, there is obviously a financial gain here. With extra finances come extra capacity to do studies and publish those results.

AND even if a proposal makes it past the industry gatekeepers and blockers on the technical review/funding committees - and the industry occasionally accidently involves itself in any studies that return unexpected and damaging data - the industry gets a veto (officially or unofficially) - which we have seen DFO use to block inconvenient & damaging results:

Does anyone reading this post actually think that industry would agree to partner again with ay DFO researcher that published inconvenient or embarrassing results of the industry? Does anyone actually think those smart DFO Aquaculture scientists don't realize this?

And most scientists gauge their productivity and academic credibility by publishing. In DFO publishing is commonly done inhouse using CSAS verses other outside peer-reviewed journals that would invite scientists working with aquaculture and disease agents from Norway and independent researchers from elsewhere to participate. CSAS only invites friendly reviewers and/or only notices & takes action on comments/suggested changes from industry-friendly participants because they need to keep partnering with industry on future application processes.

And who came-up with the perquisites for getting outside funding? Who were involved in that decision?

In the Conditions of Licence (CoLs) for commercial fishing which the CoLs for aquaculture are supposed to be based on - the commercial boat doesn't get a veto on enforcement actions or monitoring requirements or collection of scientific data. Only in the Aquaculture department does this happen. Why?
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But runs are also up where there are fish farms ........ go figure. Maybe ocean conditions have more to do with it then fish farms. Sort of like the record runs that happened when all the fish farms were operating.
There is no doubt Fish Farms have improved somewhat from the killing machines they were originally, but there is also no doubt that Fish Farms are still killing our wild salmon and our salmon stalks would benefit from fewer or better yet no Fish Farms!!
Farms have impacts as do all human activities. But the false claims that runs improved because of farm removal does not hold water. The biggest run on record in the Broughton and Fraser happened with farms in operation
Farms have impacts as do all human activities. But the false claims that runs improved because of farm removal does not hold water. The biggest run on record in the Broughton and Fraser happened with farms in operation
So your logic is other things kill our wild salmon so why can't we.
But you do seem to agree Fish Farms sea lice and disease do kill some wild salmon.
Farms have impacts as do all human activities. But the false claims that runs improved because of farm removal does not hold water. The biggest run on record in the Broughton and Fraser happened with farms in operation
Funny how your last sentence is so often conveniently forgotten.
Funny how your last sentence is so often conveniently forgotten.
what does this tell you....fact...
the pink salmon returning to the Fraser River this summer are the first runs that migrated past the closed Discovery Islands farms from the river where they were born to the Pacific Ocean and now back to the Fraser to spawn.
“Those pinks that went out, they didn't have fish farms in their path,”
What about the other runs of salmon on the coast that are doing well ? Some have farms some don't and all are doing well. Even AA can admit that. ELMO won't but look at the numbers.
What about the other runs of salmon on the coast that are doing well ? Some have farms some don't and all are doing well. Even AA can admit that. ELMO won't but look at the numbers.
What if they all do well next year and the year after too? Will that be just a coincidence?
What if they all do well next year and the year after too? Will that be just a coincidence?

Should see the next few year be decent based on the cooler ocean conditions we had over the last 3 year.

but ultimately over next 30-50 years will probably see salmon stocks continue to decline like Those south of us

And it’s not like we should not see some improvement, there is pretty much no commercial fishing any more, the south coast Rec is pretty much shut down till July 15.. coho and chinook on the inside have been increasing but that trend started a few years ago while fish farms were all still in play.

I think fish farms can effect the magnitude of the change but I don’t think there the reason why Russia had a record harvest of pinks this year.

I do find it funny tho how I said a few years ago that salmon stocks were not all doom and gloom and some have been steadily
Improving showed evidence o was a lier.

But elmo shows a graph this year and it’s taken as gospel and all a sudden all the antis are like salmon stocks are
Improving it must be because they removed the fish farms

If all the farms were still here Elmo would be saying how bad all the returns are show you graphs of the ones that declined this yeahand you would all be believe it.

It’s nice to see tho people stop pushing the sky is falling when it comes to salmon populations
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