Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

and Scotland is going ahead and doing what I have been insisting needs done for years in Canada:

"Create a sea lice modelling and farm connectivity action plan, identifying required resources and responsible parties. The plan should explore the use of hydrodynamic and other modelling types to manage sea lice infection pressure over larger areas and be complimentary to other environmental models used to support optimal site identification."

Water movements can disperse sea lice copepodids more than 30km from the farms where they originate. Observations at sea and hydrodynamic modelling confirm that tidal, temperature and salinity features in the sea can concentrate copepodids from multiple farms at high densities, far from their source. The proposed wild salmon protection zones should be reviewed in the light of hydrodynamic modelling of virtual lice particles, to predict where the lice will accumulate.”
The Fish Farm industry have no interest in protecting wild salmon. Their mandate is to maximize profit at any cost!
Fish Farm salmon price-fixing scheme prompts $5.2M Canadian settlement
The companies are alleged to have “participated in an unlawful conspiracy to fix, maintain, increase or control the price of farmed Atlantic salmon"
You busy ATIP'ing the Department AA ? The one document suggests that farms in the DI are more likely to be a threat for passing on mouth rot ........ I wonder why that would be (I'm just wondering) when those same fish pass more farms. Is this relayed to the age/ size of the migrating fish ?
You busy ATIP'ing the Department AA ? The one document suggests that farms in the DI are more likely to be a threat for passing on mouth rot ........ I wonder why that would be (I'm just wondering) when those same fish pass more farms. Is this relayed to the age/ size of the migrating fish ?
Ya, it's an email ATIP - so no supporting data was provided.

It's a good question HG - taking a guess - there's 4 factors (at least) that would play into disease transfer risk:

1/ Inherent local tidal and estuarine currents that could recirculate disease vectors or transport them longer distances,
2/ Viability of those same infective particles over time which is likely affected by things like temps & salinity & sunlight,
3/ The number of farmed fish that are infected in any area that could transfer and increase densities (or loading) of infective particles, and
3/ Where and how long to juvies hold/rear in in what proximity to active ONP sites and those plumes of infective particles. They typically have to reach a certain size before they take off and the earlier sites reached in migration (e.g. DI verses the Broughtons) might be expected to hold juvies longer - all other issues equal.
A judge has ruled that the U.S. state of Washington's ban on all net-pen aquaculture, instituted in November 2022, “has no legal effect.” The original ban was instituted via an executive order issued by the Washington Department of Natural Resources on 18 November, 2022.2 hours ago
Does the industry need state tenures to operate? A moratorium doesn't have to be part of legislation. Just wondering if this actually changes anything.
I've been saying this exact thing for ~20 years. And DFO Aquaculture still REFUSES to openly admit this reality because it opens Pandoras box on them. Just think about it - the federal reps in DFO Aquaculture REFUSE to admit that water flows, fish swim, and there are places where critical nearshore juvie rearing areas are disrupted by ONP sites exporting elevated numbers of infective pathogens due to water that flows through the ONP fish farms. Bizarre, inexcusable and irresponsible responses.
kristi sea lice5.png