Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

oh my
all this evidence about Fish Farms effecting our precious wild salmon.
I expect we will soon receive some evidence from those representing the interests of the Fish Farm owners to the contrary?
The word "disingenuous" used internally & honestly by certain DFO employees over the media lines is too polite and hardly does justice to the copious lies, dishonesty, disrespect and unprofessionalism inherent and promoted between the mandarins of the Aquaculture & Communications Branches of DFO, IMHO. Their actions & collusion dishonour the Crown, IMHOdisengenous.png


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They do - but some chunks of DFO seem to be worse than others.

I've always found that stock assessment are a pretty open and honest bunch within DFO; and sometimes C&P - esp. the older ones with experience that might even be able to tell salmon apart - not typically the newbies out of Regina. Most field-based staff everywhere in DFO know at least their jobs & those tasks/subjects within that context.

But I have never met what I consider to be such an untrustworthy and disrespectful bunch of actors in my life than the Aquaculture Branch - esp. that bunch of Mandarins a few steps down from Tim (gone now, phew!) the Deputy Minister down to the Directors of various Aquaculture Departments and all the associated communications people. I am certainly not the only one with this unfortunate long experience.

These actors spend many well-paid hours of taxpayer-paid time wordsmithing - trying to find just the right words so they don't quite lie - but definitely and purposely misrepresent the truth while avoid talking about any red-flagged topics like impacts, honestly. Deny, deny, deny. My experience has been that sometimes they actually do intentionally lie if they think the person they are lying to won't know any better; and if the recipient of the lies knows better - are unlikely to be successful in complaining. Anyone critical of the poor and inadequate science or lies is subsequently labelled an "activist" - so they can be summarily dismissed along with their very real needs and critiques.

And their "skill set" in external communications is only matched by their internal communications in carefully whitewashing meeting minutes to avoid admitting any inconvenient comments and their supported facts, IMHO.

All they time totally missing the point or where their legal, legislated loyalty actually lies - with the people of Canada and the wild fish they are supposed to protect rather than their industry chums. Willful blindness permeates & is institutionalized throughout that branch - and is maintained by a few key actors within. The last couple of fisheries Ministers had an impossible job of trying to clean this behemoth of dysfunction up - and that role has recently become the hot potato for cabinet appointments.

We have all seen many pages of these examples of their inexcusable collusion and lying on this thread, now. And by their actions - it's like we are all stuck in a bad George Orwell novel:
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