Fish farms, they play alot of games, poker, where bluffing is standard, chess, where figuring out the next move before the opponent, horse shoes, where getting the data close is good enough, blind mans bluff, putting a blind fold on the public, magic, where they can create information that suits them.
I read they will lose 3300 jobs if they close down, I wonder just how many are employed by these guys? Are they counting the folks that make the imported antibiotics? The imported fish feed, because some is, lobbyists, scientists hired to find nothing and even repute their own previous findings they paid for, or anyone that touches anything related to fish farms? Political contributions? Kick backs?
I read that they want to sue the government for not giving them more leases? When did a lease become an inherent right or obligation? This is a multi billion dollar industry so just how much of that goes into government coffers? To the 3300 employed? From what I can find the actual cost of the water leases is negligible, a few thousand dollars per farm.
Misinformation, they now state that countries like Norway embrace FF's, true, BUT in Norway they have to build massive machines, ships or mobile pens AND they still have to do more monitoring of sea lice, viruses and effluent than in BC.
A side not, I read a recent fisher caught a sockeye that was covered in seal ice, there is a good chance that sockeye was one that didn't go way off shore but hugged the coastline off east Vancouver Island where some FF's moved to, maybe, a chance. A chance because not many other fish are showing a large number of sea lice, I think the comment came from around Sooke/Port Renfrew.
First the decline of salmon was due to global warming and now suddenly a slightly lower water temperature but still higher than when these declines were happening is being credited to a resurgence of the first wave of returning fish since farms were moved. A fluke no doubt but FF have it both ways, decline due to warmer oceans and resurgence due to cooler but still warmer oceans than when they championed warm seas.

So much bad information too, the head BC vet who happened to work for the FF at the same time kept insisting there was no Norwegian virus even after it was found in rivers systems as genetically the same. He was able to resign quietly
They must spend a ton of money on politicians here is a link to a DFO study done in 2012 detailing decades of misinformation.
Read the science behind open net pen fish farms and how they put wild Pacific salmon at risk.
This study tracked PRV right back to the introduction of the FFs. A Norway study found that it kills off around 20% of all salmon, considering not ALL Chinook would be infected at once that 20% number is interesting, because if each year there is a 20% drop then in about 30 years well here we were 3 years ago. Desperate and drastic measures needed to rebuild wild stocks.
How can this industry be believed, they knew what they were doing and didn't care, some government employees' knew and either didn't care or were under threat of losing their jobs.
Now the FF are suing the government for not renewing these virus factories. The government mandates entire chicken farms be wiped out if there is a notion of disease just in case it transmits to humans or why not let the wild boars run rampant and ignore unscientific facts or better yet create false facts that say they a cuddly little things. What if PRV/ISA has been affecting Orca's health apart from less food in the water? It seems to me if that was the case it would be supressed as well and used for some political advantage, what I have no idea.
You know I could have swore the the NDP's Horgan said they wanted to end the FFs, but it seems they backtracked complaining about job losses which brings back the, just how many job losses. How many will lose their jobs if FF continue unregulated or at all? Maybe the Norway and other countries idea of mobile fully contained FF's is the way to go IF FFs want to stick around.
I always thought that if FFs were that certain of their claims they could have voluntarily shut down for a few years just to prove their claims but, billions of dollars. How much of those multimillions ended up in Canada, in BC?
I just wanted to add to this and the Orca decline. Morton has described salmon as having to be athletes and the sick ones often get eaten first so I was considering the virus loads the Black Fish (Orcas') must be consuming if they are getting the sickest fish all/most the time. Even the healthiest individual can contract a disease if exposed to high loads of a virus over a long time. Have there been any necropsy reports on dead whales been published, I don't mean the typical "they are not eating enough" or "we don't know" reports. Has here been any blood work done? Like how would PRV or ISA react in a mammal? Is the whale's system fighting off a virus so often that other internal systems start to fail or not work as good?
Orca numbers;
With the cessation of capture and shootings, the population slowly increased to a peak of 96-98 whales in the mid-1990s. However, in just five years from 1996 to 2001 the population rapidly declined by 20 percent to 78 whales.
In the early 1980s, farms were run largely as small-scale operations, with small businesses or even families running individual sites. For the first 15 years of the business the industry didn’t grow very much.
80's to around 94/95 then "growth"
87,000 tonnes 3x MORE since 1995
Just another thought. Sort of like, toe bone connected to the foot bone, connected to the ankle bone, connected to the ..... Not scientific at all, just odd coincidences