All Things COVID-19

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I agree as well. Many of us smaller business couldn't get any of these programs, and were rejected. Was a great slap in face. BC government is trying to get a balance on how to help. The CEBA loan was completely unfair on how it was handed out, and lots of businesses that were given it didn't need at all. Same goes with CEWS and rent subsidies. If you think CERB is bad you just wait and see what CRA finds out from businesses that took advantage when they start digging in deeper.

With this BC relief it will benefit local business, so it is a win. Should have been done federally same way.

Yep, I am pretty dissappointed in some businesses that basically legally lined their pockets. Have seen it at work sadly. Construction is naturally cyclical each year on timing of revenue for projects. Have seen a few clients that actually made more money than prior year and still received the CEWS.
Yep, I am pretty dissappointed in some businesses that basically legally lined their pockets. Have seen it at work sadly. Construction is naturally cyclical each year on timing of revenue for projects. Have seen a few clients that actually made more money than prior year and still received the CEWS.

Yeah its also somewhat complicated too so you could apply for for the wage subsidy if you revenues were down i think more than 30% year or over year for i think march and april if i'm remembering correctly. So a lot of business were easily down 50% over that time frame but also a lot of it was there own doing as they deferred projects to later in the year. So they still got their money from their project and got the CEWS in a slow period.

This abuse i'm somewhat okay with as i know many business usually lay off their employees during there normal slow periods actually kept them on the payroll. I know my friend with a small business without the subsidy would of laid off about half his staff. So while the business ended up coming ahead in the end the employees also never got laid off.
Yep, I am pretty dissappointed in some businesses that basically legally lined their pockets. Have seen it at work sadly. Construction is naturally cyclical each year on timing of revenue for projects. Have seen a few clients that actually made more money than prior year and still received the CEWS.
I'm in construction and our revenues are down about 30-40% from last year but margins are higher so making about the same profit. That's how easy it is for construction numbers to get completely skewed. Technically we qualified for everything we applied for but we didn't necessarily need it. I would have hired anyone that walked through the door. We weren't laying anyone off that's for sure. We put all the wage subsidy money into a separate account and will wait for the tax man to take it back.
Yeah its also somewhat complicated too so you could apply for for the wage subsidy if you revenues were down i think more than 30% year or over year for i think march and april if i'm remembering correctly. So a lot of business were easily down 50% over that time frame but also a lot of it was there own doing as they deferred projects to later in the year. So they still got their money from their project and got the CEWS in a slow period.

This abuse i'm somewhat okay with as i know many business usually lay off their employees during there normal slow periods actually kept them on the payroll. I know my friend with a small business without the subsidy would of laid off about half his staff. So while the business ended up coming ahead in the end the employees also never got laid off.

Its a tough one really, as at the time they didn't know the full impact and took the money as it probably was the smart thing to do as the whole thing could have just been shutdown completely at anytime. However, in the end for many projects just dipped a bit and they continued working. Also, some companies could have just had a great 2019 and were actually just going to have a normal 2020 and end up qualifying just because of reduced revenue but not really because of Covid at all. i don't blame them for taking it, just unfortunate that some will make bank whereas other industries such as tourism just a blood bath.
I'm in construction and our revenues are down about 30-40% from last year but margins are higher so making about the same profit. That's how easy it is for construction numbers to get completely skewed. Technically we qualified for everything we applied for but we didn't necessarily need it. I would have hired anyone that walked through the door. We weren't laying anyone off that's for sure. We put all the wage subsidy money into a separate account and will wait for the tax man to take it back.

I think the CEBA loan bugs me the most. A loan that was given not on credit score, or revenue. A loan that was given out without checking these things, and also given out to larger business and not the smaller ones. Even start up high tech with no revenues at all got this. No credit/revenue history at all? Anyways it won't change it's done just don't agree with it. To add more insult the federal government goes out and hands another 20k out to same people, and leaves the others behind. It is hard daily to hear the PM standing up saying he is helping small business. He helped big businesses. Not small ones.
I was playing through many scenarios when the schools shut down.
Absolutely dead for two days.
Was finding alternate work arrangements for staff, planned to shorten the work week and days in order to keep everyone else on some sort of payroll.
Then things started slowly happening, called the receptionist back in, still a cluster trying to figure out what to do with the kids, both me and my wife work at the same office. Child care was very difficult to find and then very expensive.
Damn straight I took the loan for company, but only for the operating company. I did not apply for my holdcos.
After a few months, we were getting very busy and I tried to send the money back. It was weird how the bank made up a VISA account and put in $40,0000.00. I paid it back and then it showed back up in a couple of days. WTF?
Back to work and October was insane. Can't hire more people due to my smaller office.
Made a deal with the neighour to take over some of their now fallow space. Have three new people starting January 4.
Hopefully we stay busy.
We are a service industry, so being too busy sucks because your level of service drops.
I have not taken on a 'new' client since the pandemic started, it is just that all our clients needed all sorts of help.

Every situation is unique and I really hope that everyone is able to survive 2020 and thrive in 2021.
From BC news conference Dec 23, 2020



We are getting dummied by other first world countries. Wow. GLG...hows your boy trudeau doing....
Merry Christmas David. This is the time of year when one should remember the advice from an old sage.
If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. - Thumper
Merry Christmas David. This is the time of year when one should remember the advice from an old sage.
If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. - Thumper

Criticism to a federal government that is well behind other equivalent countries should take that advice? GLG...come on man. Get your $#!t together....honestly. Look at your numbers and what is being done in the UK and USA...totally fair equivalents. If you won't even admit Canada is well behind the curve is distribution and actual vaccinations then you better take back your self pronounced scientific and data guy title on the forum. Even per capita it's a joke. Wish media would actually fairly scrutinize as well.

This is a place to discuss. Your last post clearly deflected and tried to use niceties to ignore from actual numbers.Merry Christmas to you, but let's look at the data and discuss. Consistently in this thread you have ignored data that doesn't fit your left wing narrative.
I for one think our Governments, both Federal and Provincial are doing the best they can with vaccines and Covid precautions.
They get a 4 out of 5 star rating from me.
Would help if we could get more support from the Covid "I don't give a damn" people.
Easy to criticize, nothing is or will ever be perfect!
Criticism to a federal government that is well behind other equivalent countries should take that advice? GLG...come on man. Get your $#!t together....honestly. Look at your numbers and what is being done in the UK and USA...totally fair equivalents. If you won't even admit Canada is well behind the curve is distribution and actual vaccinations then you better take back your self pronounced scientific and data guy title on the forum. Even per capita it's a joke. Wish media would actually fairly scrutinize as well.

This is a place to discuss. Your last post clearly deflected and tried to use niceties to ignore from actual numbers.Merry Christmas to you, but let's look at the data and discuss. Consistently in this thread you have ignored data that doesn't fit your left wing narrative.

Personally i think its just too early to be out for their throats. Lots of criticism due for the Liberals for sure. However, i still think the vaccine rollout and availability has a ton of nuance. Canada is unable to produce the vaccine in country, naturally they will be slower to roll out than countries that have the ability to produce in country.

The vaccines have really just started rolling out globally. If we are absurdly behind at the end of say January I think we have something to be really upset about. However, I do think some of these things are simply out of our control and it is just the beginning of the vaccination process.

It really doesn't appear like there are much for stats out on which countries are doing well vaccinated per capita.
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