All Things COVID-19

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Trudeau has recently made it clear he won't force an election but is ready should the Cons overplay their hand.
I don’t think it’s a matter of the Cons over playing their hand but more a matter of idiot child wanting to over play his in which he can’t with a minority government. The Libtards are going to make a huge move on something soon and will need a majority to do it. All the socialist dictatorships world wide want to take advantage of this government imposed pandemic to implement their great reset plan while they can. Idiot child was on the inter web yesterday asking for potential candidates to run with him in the next election. They are getting ready to pounce here any time. We will be ready with full coffers and they will be surprised.
I don’t think it’s a matter of the Cons over playing their hand but more a matter of idiot child wanting to over play his in which he can’t with a minority government. The Libtards are going to make a huge move on something soon and will need a majority to do it. All the socialist dictatorships world wide want to take advantage of this government imposed pandemic to implement their great reset plan while they can. Idiot child was on the inter web yesterday asking for potential candidates to run with him in the next election. They are getting ready to pounce here any time. We will be ready with full coffers and they will be surprised.
I think Trudeaus liberals have been studying Horgans success and want to replicate it. The sad part is it will most likely work. All Trudeaus greed and spending is being lost in the craziness of the pandemic and it’s become taboo for the opposition to criticize. Unfortunately it’s going to take having a taste of ‘the great reset’ before the majority of Canadians come to their senses again and start to get back to true Canadian values.
I think Trudeaus liberals have been studying Horgans success and want to replicate it. The sad part is it will most likely work. All Trudeaus greed and spending is being lost in the craziness of the pandemic and it’s become taboo for the opposition to criticize. Unfortunately it’s going to take having a taste of ‘the great reset’ before the majority of Canadians come to their senses again and start to get back to true Canadian values.
Money for nothing and your chicks for free.
Yup just wait for the $170 carbon tax & then the cost for the "clean fuel standard".

It will be the Greatest wealth transfer in canadian history. Also the biggest withdrawal of private investment seen in generations..

Tye price of energy, food and all other necessities will go through the roof.
Dec 24, 2020
And the next vaccine comes to Canada.

Moderna Vaccine is here.JPG

A look at what provinces and territories have said about COVID-19 vaccine plans​

DECEMBER 24, 2020

The largest mass immunization effort in Canadian history began Dec. 14 in Ontario and Quebec after the country received its first COVID-19 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine shipment. It's being distributed in different cities across Canada.

The Canadian military is assisting a massive effort to distribute 249,000 doses developed by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and German partner BioNTech.

Health Canada approved a second COVID-19 vaccine Wednesday, paving the way for the shots from U.S. biotech firm Moderna to start arriving in the country.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomed the move during a news conference in which he also announced that Canada will receive more doses next month of the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine than previously expected, after it was approved by Health Canada on Dec. 9.

Between the early doses already in the country, and the shipments now scheduled, Canada should have at least 1.2 million doses from Pfizer and Moderna delivered by Jan. 31, Trudeau said.

The rollout of the Moderna vaccine is expected to begin within days, with Health Canada saying it expects up to 168,000 doses to be delivered by the end of December.

Eventually in 2021, enough doses will arrive from the two companies to vaccinate 30 million people, or almost the entire adult population in Canada.

Maj.-Gen. Dany Fortin, the military officer charged with overseeing the logistical challenge of distributing vaccine doses across Canada, said the first Moderna doses will be delivered to the three territories on Monday.

He also said officials are preparing to ramp up next week from 14 vaccine delivery sites to 100 to handle the expanded influx of vaccine doses from Moderna and Pfizer.

Canada’s deputy public health officer Dr. Howard Njoo said the plan remains to have all Canadians vaccinated by next September.

Here's a look at what the various provinces have said about their rollout plans:

Newfoundland and Labrador

A public health nurse in St. John's, N.L., received the province's first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at Memorial University on Dec. 16.

Newfoundland and Labrador's chief medical officer of health, Dr. Janice Fitzgerald, administered the symbolic first vaccine.

Premier Andrew Furey said he anticipated receiving 1,950 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine at the St. John's receiving site last week.

Furey also said the province expects another shipment of the vaccine later in the month.

Prince Edward Island

In Charlottetown, a physician, a resident-care worker and a registered nurse were among the first people vaccinated on Prince Edward Island on Dec. 16.

Dr. Heather Morrison, the province's chief medical officer of health, said a few hundred people would be vaccinated each day until Dec. 19.

P.E.I. received 1,950 doses of the vaccine in its first shipment.

The owner of a bluefin tuna exporting company in the eastern part of P.E.I. has offered up two freezers to the provincial government to aid in the effort to store the vaccine.

New Brunswick

The province held its first COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Miramichi Regional Hospital on Saturday (Dec. 19).

Pauline Gauvin, an 84-year-old resident of Shannex Losier Hall in Miramichi, was the province's first recipient of the vaccine.

New Brunswick's health minister had said a shipment of 1,950 doses of the Pfizer vaccine would be used to inoculate long-term care residents and staff, staff from rapid COVID-19 response teams, ambulance workers, health-care workers involved in COVID units, seniors 85 and older and First Nations nurses.

Dorothy Shephard said the vaccine plan was being carried out by the provincial Emergency Measures Organization.

The first round of vaccinations were being done at the Miramichi Regional Hospital, starting on Dec. 19 and continuing the following day. The hospital has an ultralow-temperature freezer to store the vaccine.

Nova Scotia

A nurse who works in a COVID unit at the Halifax Infirmary, was the first recipient in her province of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Dec. 16.

The province's chief medical officer of health said 1,950 doses of Pfizer's vaccine were received on Dec. 15.

Dr. Robert Strang said the first shots in Nova Scotia were destined for 350 front-line health workers in Halifax and would be administered at a clinic close to the Dalhousie University campus, where the province's first shipment of the vaccine is being stored.

Strang said because the vaccine has specific handling requirements, Pfizer has stipulated that the initial round of immunizations take place near where the doses are stored.

Nova Scotia has one ultralow-temperature freezer to store the vaccine at the tertiary care teaching complex at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre.

Strang said the province is getting another freezer through Ottawa that will operate out of a central depot for vaccines at the public health office in Halifax. The province is also looking at securing freezers from the private sector.


The first doses of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine were administered in the province on Dec. 14.

Residents of long-term care homes and health-care workers are being given first priority.

The groups next in line are people living in private seniors residences, followed by residents of isolated communities and then anyone aged 80 and over.

Authorities said that as of Dec. 20 a total of 4,716 inoculations had been administered.


Ontario received 6,000 doses of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine last weekend and began giving them out on Dec. 14.

Retired gen. Rick Hiller, who is leading Ontario's vaccine task force, said half the shots would be administered last week, and the other half would be intentionally held back to give the same workers a required second dose 21 days later.

"Given the sort of information flow of what we know about the supply, which is very little at this time ... we decided it was better to err on the side of caution," he said.

An additional 90,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine are expected to arrive later this month and are to be provided to 14 hospitals in COVID-19 hot spots.

Hillier has said the province also expects to receive between 30,000 and 85,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine by the new year, pending its approval by Health Canada.

Ontario's Solicitor General Sylvia Jones said hospitals receiving the first shots have made security arrangements to ensure the vaccine is safe from theft.


A doctor who works in an intensive care unit became the first person in Manitoba to get the COVID-19 vaccine on Dec 16.

Premier Brian Pallister said some 900 health-care workers in critical care units would be the first to receive the vaccine.

As more shipments come in, priority will be given to other health-care workers, seniors and Indigenous people.

The province plans to vaccinate more than 100,000 people by March -- that's roughly seven per cent of Manitoba's population.

Officials say they've been setting up a large-scale "supersite" to deliver the vaccine. The first freezer able to store the Pfizer vaccine at low temperatures has been delivered and installed, with another four on the way.

The province says the vaccine will become more widely available at a larger number of sites, similar to a conventional vaccination campaign, such as the annual flu shot.



Saskatchewan began its vaccination program on Dec. 15 as two health-care workers got the first shots.

Premier Scott Moe says the province received 1,950 doses of Pfizer’s vaccine.

The first official stage of Saskatchewan’s vaccination program will be in late December when the province receives more doses.

It will target more health-care workers, staff and residents in long-term care, seniors over 80 and people in remote areas who are at least 50.

Some 202,052 doses of the Pfizer vaccine are expected to arrive within the first quarter of next year, and there are to be 10,725 weekly allocations.

Moe says vaccinations for the general population is expected to begin in April.



The first vaccinations in Calgary and Edmonton were given Dec. 15 to health-care workers.

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney announced in a video released on Dec. 14 and recorded next to a cargo plane at Calgary International Airport that the province's first 3,900 vaccine doses had arrived.

Alberta Health Minister Tyler Shandro said another 25,000 Pfizer doses would be coming this week and would be given to health workers.

Doses of the Moderna vaccine are expected by the end of the month.

The province says it eventually plans to roll out the vaccine from 30 different locations.

British Columbia

The first COVID-19 vaccination was administered on Dec. 15 in British Columbia. Those working in long-term care facilities and intensive care units were the first people to take part in the province's immunization program.

Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said more than 5,600 people have been immunized so far with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Workers in long-term care facilities are at the top of the list to get the vaccine.

The province is expecting to receive 792,000 doses of both vaccines between January and March, said Henry, allowing about 549,000 people to receive their first dose and another 240,000 to receive their second.

Henry expects about 400,000 people to be vaccinated by March.

The province said it is developing a system so people can register to get the vaccine and receive a formal record of immunization.


Nunavut's premier says the territory will get the vaccine made by Moderna in the first quarter of 2021.

Joe Savikataaq says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has told him Nunavut will get enough doses to vaccinate 75 per cent of the population.

Chief public health officer Dr. Michael Patterson says Nunavut will prioritize elders and health-care workers first for the vaccine.

Savikataaq says his government is still working on its plan to roll out the vaccine once it arrives in the territory.


Northwest Territories

The Northwest Territories says it will receive 7,200 doses of the Moderna vaccine by the end of this month.

That is enough for 3,600 residents to receive the required two doses of the vaccine.

Elders and health-care workers will be prioritized for the vaccine.

Health Minister Julie Green says the territory will roll out its vaccine distribution plan in early 2021.


Yukon's minister of health says now that Health Canada has approved Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine, immunization clinics will begin in the territory in the first week of January.

Pauline Frost says approval is the "exciting news Yukoners have been waiting for."

She says delivery of 7,200 doses, expected by the end of this month, will be enough to allow 3,600 residents of the territory to receive the two doses needed to provide immunity against the virus.

Long-term care residents and staff will get the jab first and Frost says further shipments of vaccine will arrive next month, with 75 per cent of Yukon's eligible adult population expected to be vaccinated by early 2021.
My Aunt's son (my cousin) died of Covid just before Xmas. He was not that old 36 but was disabled, and lived in care home. The care worker got it and passed it on too him.

My hopes are the vaccines get distributed to vulnerable groups as soon as possible, and that people stop navel gazing and follow the restrictions in short term. I am supportive of BC's approach vs other provinces. Keep economy going. Think the Ontario one goes a bit far.

From what I saw on island duriing Xmas rush people are wearing masks, social distancing, and most I talked to reduced Xmas plans. People still had people over but not the large gatherings like normal.
My Aunt's son (my cousin) died of Covid just before Xmas. He was not that old 36 but was disabled, and lived in care home. The care worker got it and passed it on too him.

My hopes are the vaccines get distributed to vulnerable groups as soon as possible, and that people stop navel gazing and follow the restrictions in short term. I am supportive of BC's approach vs other provinces. Keep economy going. Think the Ontario one goes a bit far.

From what I saw on island duriing Xmas rush people are wearing masks, social distancing, and most I talked to reduced Xmas plans. People still had people over but not the large gatherings like normal.
Sorry to hear of this loss mate.

Just hang in there a couple more months folks, it's gonna get better.

B.C.’s first case of more contagious U.K. COVID-19 strain found in Island Health​

Not surprising. We aren't in lock down like other provinces so unless it shown to be more deadly it will be status quo. The only thing though that could be an issue if it travels faster and overloads hospitals. Something tells me this variant could have been here months ago.
So what happens to those of us who don’t want to take the vaccine ??
when they post the covid cases and deaths I want to see comparable numbers from years past of regular Influenzas to make my own judgment if it’s a pandemic
It’s sad when People die , people have been dying from the flu and complications from it for decades
apparently the regular flu has just gone away
I Do not trust Justin and his mob of liars
The PCR test is flawed , see this video from the guy who invented the test

by the way he mysteriously died not long after this video in a ”Accident “
Its always about money and control.
So what happens to those of us who don’t want to take the vaccine ??
when they post the covid cases and deaths I want to see comparable numbers from years past of regular Influenzas to make my own judgment if it’s a pandemic
It’s sad when People die , people have been dying from the flu and complications from it for decades
apparently the regular flu has just gone away
I Do not trust Justin and his mob of liars
The PCR test is flawed , see this video from the guy who invented the test

by the way he mysteriously died not long after this video in a ”Accident “
Its always about money and control.
Your post reads right out of an anti masker, anti vaxer conspiracy post you'd read on social media. The stats have already showed covid has killed more people than the last 10 years of flu deaths combined. But i guess you personally need to see everyone of those stats to approve? And you think the thousands of people getting tested for covid daily and testing negative are doing it for fun? Not like they have any symptoms of any cold or flu :rolleyes:
So what happens to those of us who don’t want to take the vaccine ??
when they post the covid cases and deaths I want to see comparable numbers from years past of regular Influenzas to make my own judgment if it’s a pandemic
It’s sad when People die , people have been dying from the flu and complications from it for decades
apparently the regular flu has just gone away
I Do not trust Justin and his mob of liars
The PCR test is flawed , see this video from the guy who invented the test

by the way he mysteriously died not long after this video in a ”Accident “
Its always about money and control.
I would hope that if you don't want to be vaccinated, that you won't have to be.

Personally I plan to be when it's available for low risk people like me but I work from home and am too annoying to have friends so I'm a pretty low priority. But I would guess that at most, there will be a phase when something like 25% of people have been vaccinated, when you can carry a vaccination card and get some reduced screening for flights or something.

But even that I expect to be brief because someone will come up with some arcane concept of how it's unfair to some identifiable group or other, and then it'll get scrapped before it even really gets rolling.

I also suspect that the government is nowhere near competent enough to actually enact any kind of discriminatory program quickly enough to get it rolling before the country hits a herd immunity level of vaccination. They'll still be paying some company in Quebec 75 million dollars to write a proposal on how to prioritize vaccinated people when the last dose gets injected into some farmer in rural Saskatchewan.
So what happens to those of us who don’t want to take the vaccine ??
You don't take it. Simple. This is Canada, we haven't made any other vaccine mandatory and we surely won't do it for a brand new super rush job like this one. Provincial health officers across the country have said repeatedly the COVID vaccine won't be mandatory. Don't listen to the dog whistles, they're for dogs.
Your post reads right out of an anti masker, anti vaxer conspiracy post you'd read on social media. The stats have already showed covid has killed more people than the last 10 years of flu deaths combined. But i guess you personally need to see everyone of those stats to approve? And you think the thousands of people getting tested for covid daily and testing negative are doing it for fun? Not like they have any symptoms of any cold or flu :rolleyes:
Mic drop! You can be assured that there will be some restrictions on your ability to travel, at the very least without proof of inoculation to prove that those that choose not to get the vaccine as being a potential covid carrier
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