Active Member
After a killer day last Saturday landing 2 extra fatty chinos we decided to repeat the experience yesterday. Went straight to the trap shack at 7am and worked it until noon with nothing but shakers when finally we picked up a 45cm nook and kept it. We went another 30 minutes past our curfew of noon because my wife wouldn't let me leave with just one. She pulled up one of the lines at 12:30pm and said "I'm just going to leave the other one down while I clean up the boat a bit to get ready to go. Then with the biggest fattest puppy dog eyes she said "I guess we should go now". Then WHAM! We battled this chunk of meat we were sure was over sized for way too long, under the boat almost in the motor then finally 80cm on the nose and I'm off to nap time. 35 ' on the dr and rig in the photo.