Thanks for the update!Looks like a lake out there . On the ferry from nanaimo heading to horshoe bay
Thanks for the update!Looks like a lake out there . On the ferry from nanaimo heading to horshoe bay
West Van shoreline....what is the likelihood of catching a spring there this time of year?
Apologies for newbie question
Any proof it will open other than Pacific Angler saying so? Approved IFMP does not have it (removed it) and no DFO notice with it opening.Looks like 28-6 tomorrow, August 1st, for single slot size chinook.
Did you check the Fisheries notice numbet that Pacific angler quoted? Would they remove an opening that was once announced?Any proof it will open other than Pacific Angler saying so? Approved IFMP does not have it (removed it) and no DFO notice with it opening.
OK, opening by process of elimination. Think they'll update the "Howe Sound and Burrard Inlet Chinook Closure 2022" map tomorrow on the Area 28 DFO pages? Was up at Kitty Coleman last weekend and lots of white / marbled chinook fattening up on 6-8" herring.Did you check the Fisheries notice numbet that Pacific angler quoted? Would they remove an opening that was once announced?
I will be checking the app tomorrow morning for the specific sub area of 28–6.
… Would they remove an opening that was once announced?
I've been loving the Betsy lately too. It had been a while since I ran one but it's been HOT. They managed to make my "only 5 flashers" list, so they must have worked at some point in my life.Did a few laps at Cowan 5-8 tonight. Two hits, two hatch coho in the boat. Tried for pinks after but couldn't find them. Saw a couple other boats hook up, not very much action overall. Very calm water, made a quick ride back to the North arm.
Was so nice out there tonight. True summer feel to it.Did a few laps at Cowan 5-8 tonight. Two hits, two hatch coho in the boat. Tried for pinks after but couldn't find them. Saw a couple other boats hook up, not very much action overall. Very calm water, made a quick ride back to the North arm.
For what it’s worth, I read FN0707 again and in my opinion 28-6 is now open for a slot size, that’s how I read it. And 28-9 on Aug 13 with no max.After reading FN0707 multiple times this is what I get out of it. No matter how many times I read it it’s not what I want it to be.
It starts by stating that currently there is non retention of chinook until July 31st in Areas 28 and 29.
Then it states that Area 28 and 29 are open for 1 slot chinook from August 1-31st and for 2 chinook (no slot mentioned) from September 1 to December 31st (wondering why December 31st and not until the end of the licence year…..) EXCEPT for the following sub areas.
They then open up Cap mouth (26-9) on the 13th of August with no slot limit stated for 1 chinook until September 1st where it is upped to 2.
Then they make you get a ruler and draw lines and take away the rest of the good spots in Area 28 and 29 until September 1st when those areas open for 2 (no slot mentioned).
After opening up all of 28 and 29 for 1 slot on August 1st and then minusing the sub areas stated your left with Area 28-6 open after August 1st. Still trying to figure out if you get Porteau and Defence as well since they are north of the line from Halkett to Lions Bay but they are also east of Gower to Shah point. Not trying really hard to figure that out as I don’t fish there often.
I doubt they make an announcement on 28-6 as they technically announced it already in FN0707.