Crew Member
Lol…Yea, thanks for your feedback it is totally helpful. I was worried maybe it was thinner and more flexible. I don’t have a rear rail so will be mounted in Scotty bases or flush mount rod holders. Having the risk of it pivoting back and items going overboard would be terrible.
I agree on the wasted space with the Nauti, I suppose the ability to store a bunch of extra gear would be nice for some applications but honestly I have better places to store rigging than hanging it off the side. Knife, olfa scissors and pliers is all I need up there … if I really wanted to hang some rigs or spoons I could top drill a few holes in the vertical edge I’m sure.
Shoot me a Pm if you find a sale price anywhere! Thanks
SeaDog 30" Gimbal Mount Fillet Table C$200
Large, 30" wide by 12-5/8" deep, includes hose holder and towel bar.Bei Facebook anmelden
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