You guys it’s none of my business and I mean this with the best intentions in mind but I see people on here that live on the lower mainland or southern island complain about not having fishing opportunity when only a couple hundred miles from many of you even less for some there are openings all year and lots of opportunities for you with in a very short distance. There’s those of us that think nothing of driving 1400 miles for the opportunity to fish the salt, sometimes more. 2 days just to get there, spend thousands of dollars at it. Take a chance at taking a couple weeks off work and the fish might not even be there. With lots of work and money spent it’s not uncommon for it to run us over $10,000 a trip just for the chance. Please don’t feel your that put out if you can’t get them off your front step. Even at home here it’s not uncommon for us to drive 2 or 3 hours to fish different species of fish, that’s just life. Just be happy and enjoy the days you have.