Who's headed out opening day? Halibut


Well-Known Member
Winds are looking good for sunday, anybody else going out on sunday area 19/20? Boats ready to go and so is the crew! Maybe I can break my skunk streak for hali, maybe not.
I'm heading out on Sunday.... First time this year..... hope to land a halibut this year. Did not get one last year at all. (Everything else) Good luck to the rest of you fisher-man & fisher-women. :)
Last year was a bust for me too, 0/7. Had me questioning my spot choices gear and such. Starting the year with a new spot because I guess all my old ones dont hold halibut anymore?
Just curious if anyone cares to share, if you were going out would you be fishing that short early morning current window? Or the stronger afternoon tide, or both? Just looking at the current charts off Constance for Sunday, and the current is slow in the morning but a short window and longer in the afternoon but stronger currents!

Well I’ve not yet caught one but my guess would be 1 hr before & after that morning slack. I’ve read they swim clockwise around pinnacles so have your boat swing in that direction.(not even sure how to do that). Once none of that works hit thrifty’s on the way home so wife let’s you go again next weekend.


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Got 1 spot left on 2019's dance card.....hoping winds lay down this coming week one day. Glad to hear guys got into em.
please forgive my ignorance.... are there no size regulations for area 18 and 19? I thought hali fishing in bc was...complicated. The fishingbc app and dfo website make no mention of any restrictions? There is of course mention of limits of 1 and 6 and also a reference to fn0156 but when i search for that I get nothing, or an ancient reference to herring? My licence is in my boat so maybe that is where the info I need is? I'm not targeting hali but I'd love to know the limit if I scratch one up trolling. thanks