Lime and caper prawns over spaghetti with chilli oil and pesto, dungees cooked in garlic salt water. Video to come. The firmest and sweetest crab I’ve had in a long time.
Finished up that smoked meat last weekend. To be honest I wasn't thrilled with it at first. The cure I used was too salt heavy and pulled too much moisture out of the meat. It was kind of cooked bacon texture. I took it to 200 on the smoker and let it rest to a carry-over of 203. Some of the fat didn't fully render and was a little chewy. So I vac-packed it and decided to science it up a little. Took a frozen piece today and threw it in the sous vide at 200⁰ for three hours. My god was that the right call. Everything tenderized and rendered nicely. The fat you see in the slices was supple and delicious. I still have a few packs in the freezer to go through but I'm looking forward to doing this again and nailing the cure.
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