What Did You Do To Your Boat This Week?

Re doing my bonding system, took the batteries out and put them on a charger, pulled the heavy guage positive wires from the batteries to the master switch as the Yamaha is cranking slower than normal and the starter checked out ok. Cut open the plastic sheath and found green under there so pretty sure I found the culprit. The boat is 3o years old and this will be the 3rd set of wires...so 15 years on each of the previous isn't bad around salt. Anyone else get annoyed by throwing never using all of a tube of Sika because the nozzle end goes hard after its opened? I usually cut the tube open the next time and get one more use from it...I thought why not put the open tube into the chamber sealer and suck the air out and see it this prevents the rest setting up. It worked so now when I open the sealed bag I cut it just inside the sealed strip and reuse the bag again. Looks like I will actually use most of the tube now instead of buying more and wasting most each spring.
Re doing my bonding system, took the batteries out and put them on a charger, pulled the heavy guage positive wires from the batteries to the master switch as the Yamaha is cranking slower than normal and the starter checked out ok. Cut open the plastic sheath and found green under there so pretty sure I found the culprit. The boat is 3o years old and this will be the 3rd set of wires...so 15 years on each of the previous isn't bad around salt. Anyone else get annoyed by throwing never using all of a tube of Sika because the nozzle end goes hard after its opened? I usually cut the tube open the next time and get one more use from it...I thought why not put the open tube into the chamber sealer and suck the air out and see it this prevents the rest setting up. It worked so now when I open the sealed bag I cut it just inside the sealed strip and reuse the bag again. Looks like I will actually use most of the tube now instead of buying more and wasting most each spring.
That’s a good idea. I usually just tape up the end of the sika and dig out the cured end and pump out a bit of fresh sealant. You can also put a screw into the fresh sealant so that it’s easier to pull out the cured sealant and get to the fresh stuff
I took the old positive side wiring cables down to Battery Direct just a couple blocks from my house at 10am yesterday and by noon my new heavier replacements (2 ott) were ready to be picked up. A great service they provide as they have the proper tools for crimping larger wire ends properly and have good quality large diameter heat shrink for the ends. They made up 3 lengths for me at a cost of $73.00. Had it all back in the boat and the motors started later in the afternoon. The Yamis crank over as they should again and start up way quicker. Also finished replacing all the bonding wires on the boat with new.
Today I dug out my dusty old boat plans and showed them a picture of a salmon......
wept a bit and then put everything away again to collect more dust.
Well after a last minute starter last thursday, made the 30 min run up to the cabin boat ran like a champ, got to the dock and my buddy was still unloading his boat so while waiting for him to open the breakwater “ maybe 5 mins”, sudden knocking and oil pressure drop off shut her down got inside to the dock lifted the doghouse to find all her oil in the bilge ??? WTF????, checked all the likely suspects to no avail so towed home on monday , pulled the leg and doghouse yesterday today the wiring and plumbing tomorrow the engine comes out photos and update to follow... on the bright side our little dingo pup”blue heeler” is nearly as good a swimmer as our lab, thank goodness the travel bans are lifting as its likely going to be a camping ,tin boat kinda year.FML
Put a new Scotty plug on my prawn trap puller today. Is this the best way to do it? Seems like a weak link to me?
Put a new Scotty plug on my prawn trap puller today. Is this the best way to do it? Seems like a weak link to me?
I give up on them Scotty plugs over a decade ago. Marettes and electrical tape for me. Change out every spring. Cheap and simple. That’s for riggers though. Pot puller has alligator clips., get about 4 seasons out em...
New tiller assembly on kicker, and fluids swapped
Crankcase oil/filter on main, leg oil was a tad milky seal was weeping from a pile of mono piled up behind prop. Leg off to a real mechanic this week, bearing carrier on there some good. Zincs were wore out after one season, new ones in. Getting close...


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Got my pedestal mounted, made my tie bar steering rod setup and hooked up my remote throttle control now it’s time for its first splash since I started this swap.


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Put some tunes in, can’t boat without tunes. Nothing wild I’m not in to playing music for everyone just a little background music. May go with some exterior speakers in the future but for now this is more than sufficient. AM, FM, Bluetooth and Ext if wanted.



Half way through the trailer brake system rebuild as all the parts arrived from etrailer.com. One of the adjusters was rolling around in the box so that took some messing around to set up, then I managed to get one side done. I still can't get over how trashed this stuff was after dipping maybe a dozen times a year, for 5 years. I always rinsed this thing as best I can too. Anyway even though all signs indicate my stainless bearing buddies should work as they are 2.441" in the new hub, mine are too small yippee.. I'm glad this happened, aside from all the damage from corrosion, the forward brake line had no fluid at all.

Round 2 tomorrow afternoon, go PB Blaster!

Yes I am a neglectful trailer owner and proud of it.
So late report got the engine out of my boat as it turns out two failures simultaneously first the bottom of the brand new 8 years ago,oilpan sprung a nailhead size leak, and secondly the port side riser failed and dumped fresh water into 2 holes i didnt hydraulic her as i pulled the plugs and found the problem ill be sending the engine out for a rebuild as its out now. Would like to thank the gentleman from nanaimo who so graciously sold and delivered 2 brand new oem risers and manifolds for a thousand bucks part of the puzzle solved already!! Off to the cabin in my buddies boat today with my daughters for our annual daughter/father trip. Ill get some pics eventually and will keep you posted on progress
All dressed up ready to drop back in the old tub, will do that tomorrow.
will remove exhaust system and heat exchanger 1st to make it a bit easier with other hard to reach **** in engine bay, wanted to do a complete mockup to check every thing 1st,
Now its time for a few wobbly popsView attachment 65720View attachment 65721View attachment 65722View attachment 65724View attachment 65725
I hope you didn't scratch my 58 corvette that you want to sell me one day