Today I managed to hobble my way down the docks to the shed after 3 weeks on the sidelines, take that Santa Cruz Bronson, you got nothing on me...anyway I've been meaning to rewire my downrigger plugs...for the past 5 years. So off to Martin Marine and of course, no simple red / black 12 gauge so its yellow for ground and green for juice. Easy enough on one side but the other plug would not vacate the gunnel, what a pita. The biggest win was using the cool new marine butyl tape to seal the screws and the fitting, mostly to see how that junk works.
Awesome, my next job will be to go around to every fitting I can find, counter sink, epoxy seal the core as needed and reinstall with that cool marine butyl tape. This junk works great, just use it all around the fixture and make your own gasket, same around the threads. With a counter sunk hole, you can just crank down the hardware as it stays put (I experimented at home haha) instead of having to wait for sikkaflex to set up before hand. Don't get me wrong, I will still enjoy getting Sikkaflex all over everything except what I'm trying to seal but I am fully converted to this butyl tape. I figure I should be done rebedding everything by Christmas.