Victoria 2013 Reports

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Sweet catches GDW. It'll be hard to lose that smile for at least a few hours. There's definitely no place like home. The Shire has good fishing.
Gave it a go today. Left out of esq anglers. Boated a 13 pounder, and my friend lost a really good one. Rookie error, he thought the clip was still connected to the rigger. The fish popped the line off and was heading the opposite direction , my buddy pulls the rod out and pulls back hard and snaps the line. Oh well, win some you lose some, no big deal. We also lost another. That was pretty much it for us. We worked the area pretty hard, that's all we could get to bite.
Picked up an 8 pounder off MacAuley point this morning around 9:30. That was it, but still a nice morning.
wow nice job GDW! very jelly :p You are on fire :cool:

13 aint to shabby Rockdog! and now your buddy learned a valuable lesson. Sometimes I get a little heave heavy on the hookset too. My bf jokes im hook setting a shark. What pound test?
i use a 30 pound main line, and 40 pound for leaders.
My boy landed that one again. A pattern is developing.....if i want fish in the boat, give the rod to the 7 year old. He doesnt lose many
AndrewP:- in that pic of the two fish there is an Army Truck spoon.

I notice that the head end of it is bare metal.

Did you do that deliberately....or is it just wear and tear that got it to look like that?

Also.....why do you other guys "set" the hook on a fish that has taken the lure and popped the clip? It should be hooked pretty good already when it overcame the clip resistance.
I've never had to set hooks on an already hooked fish.........
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Seafever, I don't set after the clip has popped. My friend, 1st time out in 20 years or so, did that to release the clip. He didn't realize the fish had already released the clip. I knew what was happening. That's how he snapped the line. I was yelling 'nooooooo'. No biggie. He did learn a good lesson.
hmm well since people are talking about it I was going to start a new thread this morning.. ya I lost a fish that popped the clip the other day. It had been so long since that had happened to me my procedure was all messed up. My brain was saying you dont need to reel down and pop off downrigger but I was thinking I still needed to set the hook and trying to not reel down but set the hook which I usually do in one motion. I gave one little tug but my rod was almost straight up and down so prob didnt do much. Gave a good pull then gone felt very decent. Now I switched to a single treble after my stinger single was catching fish in the eye etc when there was wild coho around. I didnt think a single single would work so went with a small-meduim treble. Ill have to look to see size. I think im finding the hook set is different with trebles then singles...? With singles they are hooked with trebles there more just fuked and spiked. After that I did try and set a treble pin popper and seemed to work but mabey I shouldnt?
AndrewP:- in that pic of the two fish there is an Army Truck spoon.

I notice that the head end of it is bare metal.

Did you do that deliberately....or is it just wear and tear that got it to look like that?

Also.....why do you other guys "set" the hook on a fish that has taken the lure and popped the clip? It should be hooked pretty good already when it overcame the clip resistance.
I've never had to set hooks on an already hooked fish.........

Hey, the paint is chopped off that spoon just from wear and tear. I reckon it adds a bit of sparkle that can't hurt. It sure has caught a lot of fish. Ap
Thanks AndrewP.....:cool:

You gave me an idea.....I have boxloads of spoons down in the I took a few and created that metal-head effect on them.....I think they'll work

if they do.....thanks in advance.....

Thanks.....I just very very carefully scraped off the paint with a box-cutter knife......trying to minimize scratches......and then once I stuck the eye on, topcoated the end with some Spar-Varnish so it doesn't rust.
Thanks AndrewP.....:cool:

You gave me an idea.....I have boxloads of spoons down in the I took a few and created that metal-head effect on them.....I think they'll work

if they do.....thanks in advance.....

Those look deadly!! The spoons have been killing it around Victoria for me this year. Went out in the slop on the flats last night.....lasted about 30 minutes because it was pretty nasty, but did get a nice 12# wild red chinook on the same beat up watermellon army truck 3.5" coyote. She looked fat....very healthy looking eggs and a stomach full of needle fish....FULL: 60+ as a quick count.
It's crazy how much these fish are eating. How long can it last? The fish from last week that hit my boat were deffinetly looking darker then two weeks before. Yet there are still loads of springs coming our way.

Usually come August or at least mid August springs develope lock jaw and you really need to work for a reaction strike. Clearly they are not at that point yet as I also had fish stuffed full of needles like it was their last supper. Ironically I guess it was.

I hope these fish keep eating through August since July 15th its been how many will we catch today - not I hope we can get a strike. Just awesome fishing
Picked up a 17 pound Spring and 3 pinks this morning. Right off Esquimalt.

Some good bait balls showing on the sounder here and there.

Match the hatch.
Taking my son out fishing tomorrow, any advice where to go? OB, waterfront, constance? Sounds like there is fish everywhere!
Thx for any input!
There were plenty of Pinks around the breakwater area this morning. I don't think you can go wrong taking a kid there for some action. I'm taking my younger daughter out there tomorrow to get her into some Pinks. Should be fun.
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