Victoria 2013 Reports

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Nice report JL. Are the long liners still working the area hard out there? Saw 4-5 on Sunday fishing the waterfront and out all the way to the border. Hope they don't stick around too long although the rec catch still looked healthy.

I am not sure if they were long lining or the prawners. But a lot a commercial presence whatever they were.

They were Prawners
One of the hali we caught on the weekend had a huge gut so had to cut it open to have a look. Packed with big prawns!
Should start a thread with pics of things found in hali guts. Found some crazy and big stuff in them.

All those boats are prawners you guys figure? Sure didn't look like prawn boats to me I've seen them off the waterfront last year but it was a much smaller boat and they used different floats. That's good if its prawns and not the halibut long liners I assumed they were. We must have some decent prawning out there when the currents allow a regular rec guy to fish.

We didn't get too close to the boats but I didn't see any prawn traps coming up or getting dropped during their sets.
Fortunately they are setting their gear in the deep water in the middle of the strait.
Must be 350-400 ' deep.
Their trap lines are clearly marked with bright orange floats
Yes it's pretty simple to pick out their trap lines.
They seem to favor the 240' contour off the waterfront
Back out today and covered some water. I started with the gravel pit and trolled to Albert head. I saw nothing that was worth staying there. Headed over to Constance and trolled a "Z" pattern over the flats where I was yesterday and once again didn't note anything on the sounder that was worth staying. Plus the current had started to move. While I was packing up I had moved into deeper water and noted the bait I was looking for started at around 130" down and deeper I then headed to OB flats and that was the best decision of the day. Just got both lines down when the first rod popped. Looked like a nice 7-10 lb fish when I got to see it hanging out of a seal's mouth. Gave the seal slack and got my hook back. Put the rods back down and got another right away. Landed a nice hatch 9lber on the scale. I noted the seal tried to take it with some fresh wounds on the side, but I won this fight. The bite was at one o'clock. Trolled for another hour and left.

Has anyone tried trailing prawn traps off there anchor while hali fishing?;
Also, starting to look for a good used motor. I've seen a couple 200 hp, yam and merc, but heard they're
real fuel hogs. Anyone w/experience on these?
Trolled back and forth between William Head and Race yesterday. A few bites between the CAN Buoy and Race around 12:30/1:00. Nothing in the boat though. They looked around the 8 lbs mark. Wind was up and it was pretty sloppy for a while though.
Flats were decent this morning 14,11,8 on small spoons just off the bottom.
they are on big needle fish about 5" long.
one fish had tape worms in the gut, pretty disgusting.
never seen that before:(
Flats were decent this morning 14,11,8 on small spoons just off the bottom.
they are on big needle fish about 5" long.
one fish had tape worms in the gut, pretty disgusting.
never seen that before:(

YUCK!! what was the condition of the fish like...Otherwise look healthy?
Flats were decent this morning 14,11,8 on small spoons just off the bottom.
they are on big needle fish about 5" long.
one fish had tape worms in the gut, pretty disgusting.
never seen that before:(

We caught several Chinook last year with tape worms in them in off Sooke. First noticed them wiggling on the cleaning bench. Grossed me out also and I posted about it. Apparently from the responses last year, it is not that uncommon, especially with Chinook. I don’t eat Chinook unless they are fully cooked or in the case of sushi deep frozen for a couple of months and if I see them in them; those ones are not fish for sushi. I also wash up well after cleaning.
My buddy and I got out to The flats Sunday morning from 6-10am. Our one and only hit came at 6:07am. Riding the ebb out of oak bay towards the flats. 80', 60' down. Anchovy in glow teaser head. This was the first good size fish that I've fealt on the line this year and when we saw the seal pop up...the race was on to get it in the boat before he got to it. We did a hard and fast turn on fish side and short cut the battle. I thought it was a goner when the seal went under 10' away. But that was it, we had it close by then and we got it in the net.

It was pretty snotty out with the waves/wind going opposite to the current flow on the flats. We fished with mostly coho killers, and needlefish hoochies on the bottom in the crowd on the flats for the rest of the time. I would be interested to hear how the other 15 boats did...there were plenty of wet nets all around....but we couldn't find anymore.

This well developed, thick and healthy hatchery marked female had a couple needle fish in its stomach. The eggs were pretty big. it had a real football nose. Perhaps a different origin than the regular oak bay winter residents?...

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Went out solo after work on the OB flats tonight based on the very good island outfitters report from the weekend. Nasty rip over brodie rock with the westerly and lumpy everywhere. Fished from about 6:30 till 8:30. One really solid fish on but lost it on the turn at the end of a long run, good head shakes. Purple Haze, on the bottom in 95 feet. Only boat on the water. Called it before dark because it was getting to rough for my little boat.
Just saw Craven's post there. I have definitely seen tape worms in Chinook often. I think they may be there more often than not if you cut into the lower digestive tract. Neither they nor round worms in the flesh are a health risk if frozen or cooked. Generally freeze my sashimi fish for 2 weeks but have heard it is fine as long as you give it long enough to freeze through (the freezing is what kills the kritters)
Left the dock at 515 and headed for the ob flats. Fished around for a couple without a sniff. No other boats. Decided to head to Constance where I found most of the charter boats playing the two step with each other. Stayed for another couple and only saw one caught. Me thinks perhaps,the bite was earlier on the bank.

Hmmmm. Where to on Sat?

You are onto something JL.....I heard that there was a very good early bite on the bank with most boats getting into something. Got a real time report from a buddy that 2 were in the boat before I was even in the truck heading to work.....must be nice!:rolleyes:
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