Victoria 2013 Reports

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I have seen some brutal scenes of blatant poaching disregard for regs at the cattle point boat launch.

usually guys in small boats or kayaks who feel that because they are not in a rigged up 20+ft boat that the rules dont apply to them. hard to watch them clean 15 undersize lings/rockfish without wanting to throw them in the water.

...Or they plain old don't give a **** about the regs. I think that's more likely. I get real peeved when I see that, and I've phoned DFO when I've seen it in the past and will again.

Sorry guys, Ignore that post. I had been trying to post for several days and i was getting a "fatal error" message. Seems fixed now. Tight lines for the weekend!
Heading to Constance in the morning. I can't wait. I just put my leg back on after a good servicing, and I also got a new top on the boat. So I haven't been out in a while. So stoked, can't wait....
Hopefully I'll have some good reports tomorrow. Maybe even a live update?
Fished Albert Head today. Shyte loads of bait in the water, no salmon. We were jigging.

Picked up some decent dungees though which is nice.
Finally got a halibut on my own boat, it was definitely a chicken, but it was still a halibut. After combing through all the threads on this site (thanks again for all the great info) and three trips carefully watching the tides and drifting and losing gear and not seeing a single fish, go figure that I trolled up a little halibut fifteen minutes after dropping the salmon gear to the bottom at Constance. Army truck squirt also picked up a nice hatchery spring about 11 pounds and lost another that felt about the same all in about 110 feet of water. Unfortunately ended the day in a long battle with a seal that now has an army truck squirt in its mouth and is trailing a green glow flasher.
Tons of bait out there. I was impressed by just how much the salmon had been eating, and not just needlefish.
June 1 salmon stomach.jpg
Went out with my family for a beauty fishing day on Friday. First fishing trip for our Izzy! Gotta love having a cuddy with cushions for junior to play in while the wife hauls up the fish and I stand by with gaff in hand.

Out today off Pedder from 8:00am - 1:00pm. Probably the most crowded I've ever seen it in the area! Don't even wanna think about what Constance was like. Managed just one small guy near the end of the day, and only a couple of doggies. Definitely saw some fish back at the dock though!

Also, hats off to the beauty who let his boat drift out unmanned (and untied) in the middle of a packed Esquimalt Anglers...
3 small buts on board by 10:30 am yesterday.
Lots of big dog fish around.
Right calm. Fair amount of crap in the water. Some big chunks of wood floating around out there.

Beauty day on the water!

tried OB on fri eve and sat afternoon. currents were tough to fish in and there weren't many boats around.

didn't get anything trolling either day and tried all the gear
I was out drifting Haro off the back side of Chatham down towards zero. lost one setup to dogs. complaints of dogs by other's I passed on my drift. No hali bites, but I got a nice tan while watching the biplane and fighter plane airshow by willows beach.
Went out with my family for a beauty fishing day on Friday. First fishing trip for our Izzy! Gotta love having a cuddy with cushions for junior to play in while the wife hauls up the fish and I stand by with gaff in hand.


Nice work team S...:cool: btw what's a good time/day too come over for the but burgers ;)
Fished constance yesterday. 2-5ish. tons of bait everywhere. I have no idea what it was but the whole surface of the water rolling with bait. even the downriggers were moving while going through the bait balls. Bait was both up high, suspended and low in the water column. Soundsd lots of fish on the shallow flats. Alas ,no salmon as they were probably full. just a bonus hali that we trolled up on a baitrix chov. which probably a good thing as a group of seals never left our stern. going to try in closer today. either ob flats or albert head.

Nice report JL. Are the long liners still working the area hard out there? Saw 4-5 on Sunday fishing the waterfront and out all the way to the border. Hope they don't stick around too long although the rec catch still looked healthy.

We got out a little late and managed a 24 #. Also caught a sneaky octopus who grabbed the boat and crawled right under it as we were trying to get the hooks out. Ended up pulling the hooks trying to get it off so I guess we both won - he escaped and we got him off the line.

It was a little creepy back at the dock though. Is that octopus still hanging onto the bottom of the boat? Nah... Couldn't be... But what if it is?
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