Tyee Tales....2011.....Live And In Color....

Well, last night (Monday) saw a beautiful moonrise coupled with a gorgeous sunset leaving a multi-hued sky for everyone to enjoy.
Sadly, once again, no Tyee were caught and we heard but one cry of: "FISH ON!" just at dark.
If boated it was undersized I presume.
Given there are roughly 50 boats out nightly with perhaps a 1 1/2 lines per boat on average and lord knows how many years of experience towing many proven plugs and still nada being caught it's patently obvious that the numbers are way down for this particular year with one whole year class virtually missing, those being the five ocean fish.
The reasons are known and are not reflective of future returns so as anglers we remain optimistic that we'll get them next year.
There are still a couple of guys I didn't get out with this year but we'll get out next year, so hang in there Gil and Brian..........Holmes too.
You didn't miss much this year in the catching department, that's for sure.

Take care
It's not called catching, it's called fishing! Thanks for the opportunity Dave, look forward to trying again next year!
Why generalize? A lot of commercial guys are also sport fisherman. Give your head a shake.

I have no beef with anyone who treats the fish with respect due, be it commercial who recognize the need for sustainability, or sportsmen. Where I have the issues is mismanagement, and careless abuse of a resource. It wasn't directed at commercials, only those who carelessly fling the bycatch with no thought of tomorrow. Sorry if you misread that.
Apologies to all for lateness in final update but it's been a hectic couple of days.
Wednesday noon I received a call from the Tyee Clubhouse asking if I'd consider rowing a film crew from New York in the pool as the host of some show was being rowed by Randy Killoran in an attempt to catch a Tyee.
Originally it was to be a two part shoot with a break between but as it ended up I rowed a cameraman and a soundman for 3 1/2 hours straight non-stop and at a couple of times literally rowing circles around RK as he fished and conversed with the host, whose name was Ben.
The Director was in another boat and with everyone wired with mics he could instruct the host as to what to ask Randy as well as telling the cameraman what angle to get, me being responsible for achieving that as best I could.
Naturally, the rest of the fleet carried on fishing as per normal so I had to dodge them while trying to hold station just off Randy's boat on the west side. Some fun.
The topper came when Paul Curtis and his lady rodholder hooked up way south of us then rowed out to fight the fish and the Director asked if I would row over to them so the cameraman could film the fight. Did I mention it was an ebb tide??
Well I gave it a manly effort but about halfway there I saw Paul net the fish, which turned out to be a low 20's dark one.
Eventually I got next to him and we did the holding up the fish and commenting on the fight routine for the crew.
I was very happy when they decided we had enough footage as I was both starving for food and eager to pee..........really really eager.
I dropped them off on the beach at the clubhouse and quickly motored away to discretely relieve myself in the bailing can once in the rivermouth.
I forgot to mention that I'd broken my starting cord when I started my little outboard to take the crew out so I had to take off the cover and start it off the flywheel when I was finished rowing, just a small pain in the butt to end the nite.

So, the 15th found me lacking much enthusiasm to row for two main reasons, one....I was rowed out from the day before and...two....I wasn't eager to catch any of the few fish arriving back this year knowing now how small the numbers are.
After a rather tumultuous day weather-wise it finally settled down and last night saw a good number of decorated boats with a few nice light shows happening and the usual crew put on a bit of a fireworks display which coincided with the passing of a large cruise ship who may have thought they were under attack for a moment or two there. LOL
Final tally saw 23 Tyee registered, which is not the worst year ever but not a good one for sure.
I learned quite a bit from some pretty experienced anglers, caught one salmon myself and rowed a pal to one too so it's all good as far as I'm concerned. In addition I met a few nice people with the promise of meeting a few more next year.

So, no Tyee for me or my rodholders this year but next year we're going to slay them.

Until then.......

Take care.
Thanks Dave for sharing your story with us. I looked forward to each update with fingers crossed. Until next year. Take care! CR
Thanks for the experience and all the reports Dave. Great Job.