Tyee Tales....2011.....Live And In Color....

Dave H

Well-Known Member
This morning RD Berger rowed Paul McDonald to the first registered Tyee of the season. It weighed 30 lbs although I'm starting a movement claiming it was only 29 lbs. 15 7/8 ounces until Bing put in on the scale whereupon the gravel still attached to the fish took it over the top.
Call it petty jealousy.

Anyway, the season has started and I'll be keeping you updated on the success or lack of same experienced by your faithful scribe and his intrepid band of rookie rodholders.................could possibly be good for some comedic moments.........one never knows.

Until next time.....

Take care.
Awesome news Dave. My jealousy continues to grow. Congrats to Mr Berger and McDonald.
Awesome!! My second cousin (Dad's first cousin) is very active in the club up there though she is from Washinton state. She has trouble walking too well....but she get's right out there and into the action; I think she is headed up for a week in the area in the first week of September.

It is definitely on my "bucket list" to try sometime.

Thanks for the report!!
Great news Dave. This will be your year too. Good luck!
Well, Dave rowed me to two trophy dogfish tonight!

Thanks for taking me out Dave, I can't wait to go again. What a great way to fish.
Holmes, that pic through the grass sort of looks like you're spying on me! If I'd known you were down there I'd have come back to the clubhouse and said hi. And Holmes, this really is a great way to fish, quiet, everyone out there seems courteous, just a lure and a small slip weight. I can't wait to go again. Definitely try it.
That's us in the wooden boat in the third pic down of your first set. Also in the fourth down.
Last nite I used all my skills, knowledge, secret tricks and tips from RK himself but all my rookie rodholder could manage were a couple of Doggies.
I'm blaming it all on him.
I don't think he was trying hard enough.
Damn young guys anyways.

Nice Doggies though. LOL

Take care.
Holmes, that pic through the grass sort of looks like you're spying on me! .

He's kinda creepy that way :p......when he was at Critter last summer he'd always be peering out windows to see how we were coming along in our attempts/figuring out how to remove the Blackhawks flag.

I had said to IFL....."you feel like someone is watching you......I just had a chill come over me". :eek:
So an old surfer pal of mine showed up last nite with the result I didn't get out. He doesn't fish.
Doug Rippingale did though and registered the second Tyee of the season, a nice 35 pounder.
With the name Rippingale it's no surprise he caught a Tyee, although the guide deserves credit too. (Phil Griffith)
It can only get better as each day passes and I'm looking forward to much more rowing as the numbers of fish increases.

Hang in there faithful rodholders. LOL

Take care.
I know this is not quite the same thing, but another tough way to catch big salmon is buzz bombing or stingsilda fishing from shore. I remember seeing guys jigging off the old Argonaut Wharf back in the 80’s, when I was new to Canada. Saw a guy catch a 35 lb’der from there. Not only do you need a huge amount of line on your reel to handle runs you cannot follow, then you have to play the fish right out so it won’t run round the wharf pilings, then finally you have to lower a drop net on a rope and get the fish into it and onto the dock. Talk about giving the fish a fighting chance!!
This was in the days before the fancy new dock just south of the old wharf and before the fishing pier. Don’t know if anybody fishes like that any longer these days or if the big fish still run past the old wharf, with all the changes in that area.
I hooked a Spring off the old Argonaut Wharf in 1963 and it ran into the pilings and broke me off eventually.
No fishing allowed there anymore.
Been a few caught off Discovery Pier recently too.

Here's the link to the Tyee Club website for those of you who'd like to stay up to date on things without depending on my sporadic reports.


I've been off the water for a couple days with my old friend spasmed lower back, but it's easing off a bit now.
Should be good to go tomorrow so will be lining up rodholders again.
Stay thirsty my friends.

Take care.
Monday nite and there's blood in my new rowboat.

Sadly, and once again, the blood is from a fish weighing less than 30 lbs, 10 lbs less to be exact.

But, it's the first good strike I've had this year, it fought like a hot damn and my rower was my neighbour who had never rowed before. Ironic in that it was kind of a spontaneous decision to go out as my back is still a bit sore, but when Mike said he'd row I was good to go. Got it on a shovelnose plug I was given a few years back that hadn't produced before. I'm going to swim it a bit more now.
We steaked the fish out and shared the meat so we both have a good supply for the near future.
There was a nice little bite tonite with at least one Tyee registered and several other fish boated and weighed too.
I didn't get an accurate count of boats but at least 30 were out tonite.
Things are picking up.

Good times.

Take care.
Thanks for the kind wishes. Back much better now.

So last nite, Tuesday, I finally got HeavyC out for a rowabout in the pool.
Despite our best efforts we caught nothing but we did witness a quick little bite just at dark, much like the nite before.
One funny little episode last night happened when we passed near to Paul Curtis, a very good rower and one who has tried a few times to get me into the club, and I said to him: "If you get that kid with you into the club I'm going to hunt you down and kill you." It was said jokingly as Paul was rowing a father and son combo, the son being perhaps seven or eight years old, and the joke is that some years back I gave up a seat in Paul's boat so a pal could bring his eight year old son along for the trip. That kid is in the Tyee Club, despite having never been in a rowboat before or fished for Tyee before as a result of that incident, so I kid Paul about it now and then.
Imagine my surprise then when Paul yelled "FISH ON!!" last nite and I saw young Hugh on the rod.
Paul rowed them out of the pool and we could hear him instructing the very young angler during the battle.
The ebb carried them away as we kept on fishing, hoping for a strike ourselves, but subsequently I've learned they boated the fish and it was 26 lbs. While not quite a Tyee it's a wonderful first fish for a young visitor and one he'll remember all his life.
Paul's just glad it wasn't 30 lbs. so I won't be hunting him down. LOL

Slow looking tide tonite but we'll be out there again trying for the elusive Tyee.

Take care.
Man oh man, I never realized just how hard it would be to find a good rodholder.
Tonite had two distinct little bites with about six fish hooked, although I don't think any were Tyee size.
Naturally, despite my magnificent rowing abilities, the very nice boat we were in, a proven plug and some newly acquired knowledge, all the hookups took place just south of us the first time and just north of us the second.
I'm placing the blame squarely where it belongs, on the shoulders of the rod holder.
Apparently he has lousy luck......or so he claims.
I just might make him row next time so I can show him how to hold the rod so a fish will bite.
Sheesh, it's not rocket surgery. LOL

Take care.