Tuna tackle

Before you go too far with a 100 birds - here is a place that is selling singles for not much more ( I bought 8 myself ) - https://www.fishingtackleoutlet.net/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=brdbl

I'm willing to pu in Blaine for you if you want to ship there?

Good eye!!!! Looks like he only has 3 colors on sale but sure is a good price and he has white and purple. I emailed them for more info. I find the brokerage fees through ebay to me minimal so I prefer to do it through that. All to often paying upt 75 buck to get stuff here. OUch, and it unpredictable. But if you will pick them up that helps.
and anyone else running outriggers chimes in.

Whatever you do John, don't cheap out on the release clips. Order up some aftco roller trollers or blacks (I'd recommend the rollers for braid main line) and be done with it. Ask Get Bent about a day fishing with a release clip that wouldn't stay closed last season. Was no fun.

I made all my rigging from good quality sailing pieces I picked up from trotac. Next year I will be re-rigging with Heavy mono for halyard. The cord just has too much stretch and starts to loosen up throughout the day.


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Whatever you do John, don't cheap out on the release clips. Order up some aftco roller trollers or blacks (I'd recommend the rollers for braid main line) and be done with it. Ask Get Bent about a day fishing with a release clip that wouldn't stay closed last season. Was no fun.

I made all my rigging from good quality sailing pieces I picked up from trotac. Next year I will be re-rigging with Heavy mono for halyard. The cord just has too much stretch and starts to loosen up throughout the day.


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Thanks for the info Andrew. I figure they came with the boat so I may as well try them out. We were using the Aftco ones in Mexico last year and they seemed to work well. I will get in touch with you early summer to go over the rigging. Thanks again.
So the idea is to have a decent hook set of before the clip releases ya?

Whatever you do John, don't cheap out on the release clips. Order up some aftco roller trollers or blacks (I'd recommend the rollers for braid main line) and be done with it. Ask Get Bent about a day fishing with a release clip that wouldn't stay closed last season. Was no fun.

I made all my rigging from good quality sailing pieces I picked up from trotac. Next year I will be re-rigging with Heavy mono for halyard. The cord just has too much stretch and starts to loosen up throughout the day.


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So the idea is to have a decent hook set of before the clip releases ya?

I took the advice of a SoCal friend of mine who suggested a 4lb release for albies if trolling between 5-8 Kts. I set my reels around 14lb so the fish are setting the hook and popping them off the clip on strike. I still have some tuning to do but for the most part I don't lose many fish with that setup even running barbless hooks. That is when the clips are working properly!
I took the advice of a SoCal friend of mine who suggested a 4lb release for albies if trolling between 5-8 Kts. I set my reels around 14lb so the fish are setting the hook and popping them off the clip on strike. I still have some tuning to do but for the most part I don't lose many fish with that setup even running barbless hooks. That is when the clips are working properly!

OK, but what if there is 30 feet to the clip out to the side and then50 feet to the lure. Is the 4 lbs enough to set the hook because what I found, on the few times I tried, is that i was loosing fish on the rigs that were out on the planner board so imagine my release tension was to light and the fish spit while the slack in the 90 was being taken up.
OK, but what if there is 30 feet to the clip out to the side and then50 feet to the lure. Is the 4 lbs enough to set the hook because what I found, on the few times I tried, is that i was loosing fish on the rigs that were out on the planner board so imagine my release tension was to light and the fish spit while the slack in the 90 was being taken up.

With outriggers it'll be 15 feet to the clip but maybe a lot longer to the lure-if it's an issue you can use tag lines-there's tonnes of info on these on the net.


EDIT-I think tag lines are a PITA and totally unnecessary but they're perfect for people who like to make things as complicated as possible.The fact is that a Tuna grabs a lure going away and hooks itself keep your hooks sharp drag heavy & Be Happy.
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OK, but what if there is 30 feet to the clip out to the side and then50 feet to the lure. Is the 4 lbs enough to set the hook because what I found, on the few times I tried, is that i was loosing fish on the rigs that were out on the planner board so imagine my release tension was to light and the fish spit while the slack in the 90 was being taken up.

seemed to work with the 15ft outriggers, the tuna hit hard enough at 7 kts to take up the slack and set the hook when the line comes taught on the rod. I haven't lost enough fish with that setup to really know if I need to change it.

Watch at 45 seconds on this video. You can see the fish out back smash the clone then the clip releases all in about 1/10 of a second. Best vid of a hookup I have seen out here.
Before you go too far with a 100 birds - here is a place that is selling singles for not much more ( I bought 8 myself ) - https://www.fishingtackleoutlet.net/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=brdbl

I'm willing to pu in Blaine for you if you want to ship there?

Thanks for the heads up. I picked up 10 purple and 10 white ones yesterday. Now I just have to figure out how and when to use them. Never tried them before, don't really know exactly what they do but based on Birdnest's talk about them, I figured I had to buy them. Crazy huh?:D
I picked up 10 purple and 10 white ones yesterday. Now I just have to figure out how and when to use them. Never tried them before, don't really know exactly what they do....
They splash in front of your lure rig them in a Daisy Chain with a large snap swivel in the last one 4 or 6 is lots not too far apart best on calm days.

Can't understand much of what this guy is saying and the birds are too far apart but you get the idea.

[_c3zv1yDVWo] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c3zv1yDVWo
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A buddy of mine fishes bird chains and I have fished them and they fish VERY well. I don' think his birds are too far apart in the video. Make a daisy chain using 200lbs leader crimps and beads. They splash very well all together but each bird flutters from side to side quite quickly. I think the fluttering is very attractive to the tunes. I fished 4 of these at the end of the season last year. They fished well but they were home made so the splashing was gushy and fluttering was not as rapid as store bought ones. Space them 12 to 24 inches apart. I would try them first and see what kind of coverage you get by the splashing and space accordingly to maximize the area of splashing.
This setup costs far less than any commercial splasher.
Yeah those birds really shake it and that's why I think that colour isn't that important paint falls off/wears out disappears no matter what.
My understanding about the whole splash thing is to imitate a bait school and the whole white water splash from the attractor is key. I understand that color doesn't matter as the whole white water splash should replace the actual color of the attractor used. This said, I would guess that the reason the Yozuri attractors are orange is for the fishers to see them not the fish?
Just one 5" bird?
It works!

Thanks guys. Now I just have to:
1) Wait for the birds to arrive
2) Wait for July to arrive
3) Give it a try.

Given the length of the daisy chain, I assume most guys are running these from hand lines OR hand line in the last 10 or so feet if you run them on a pole.
It works!

This bird will splash but unlike the other splash birds with the longer wings it will not have the side to side fluttering motion. This fluttering i am going on and on about is comparable to the vibration on a spinner blade and as we all know that pulse track left behind a spinner blade make some fish crazy. I liked the spin and glow idea posted earlier but I wonder if you would get a stronger vibration from a blade mounted in front of a clone. Would likely only work on gear that was not near the surface. Maybe tho.
Am I spilling potential derby winning tactics. lol. probably not. dare to dream but it might make the difference to the fish when they are picky.
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