Tuna tackle

Salmon Beach Tuna

Can't wait to head offshore out of Salmon beach this Summer !!! Did a charter out of Depoe bay with Tackle Buster Charters in Oregon to get some experiance & am Hooked for LIFE !!!
What a day Caught 9 Tuna myself & passed off 2. Caught 69 total between 12 fishermen. What a experiance !!! Check there web site. We fished sept 4.
Im stalking up on Tuna gear & hoping to get out at least twice for tuna from Salmon beach this year. Have ice toat behind my boat waiting to be filled !!
Hi Sculpin,

I am sitting here on my couch surfing the net! Its crazy, Blue clues is on, my kid wont go to bed, and I need a beer! I just came back from vegas a few days ago for the first time. What a **** show!
I see some of the Yozuri diving boards in the "tackle pile" that you guys have. (that's not a critique, I'm just jealous!)

Have they produced? what has your experience been? I am probably just looking for an excuse to buy some, but I cam only go on a trip or two every year, and don't want to waste the minimmal time I get out there.

I see some of the Yozuri diving boards in the "tackle pile" that you guys have. (that's not a critique, I'm just jealous!)

Have they produced? what has your experience been? I am probably just looking for an excuse to buy some, but I cam only go on a trip or two every year, and don't want to waste the minimmal time I get out there.


Yozuri K9 dive boards described in two words..............kick azz!
Im doing 20' behind the diver but I hear others getting them with 10'
Sounds like its a case by case situation. I run the 20 feet because I want them back under my closest splasher/handlines/clones. Im starting to think it doesn't matter or is a case by case thing. the one other issue for me is the longer the leader I am using the more spring/stretch/forgiveness in the line hoping to reduce to a minimum the amount of fish that get away damaged. I am using a leader line that is limp and stretchy.
We've been running our boards under and just off to the side of the prop wash on about 35' of chord, I must admit that more than half the fish we boated this year came off the boards, we are running 150 pd mono leader, and the boards seem to stay out of the rest of the gear when we have a fish on. Being our first year there has been a lot of trial and error, first trip we did we had the boards on rods since we didn't know any better and we seemed to be able to get them down deep without the drag from the chord and we got 8 fish on them, but what a b;tc$ trying to get them up if you had too without a fish.
but what a b;tc$ trying to get them [dive boards] up if you had too without a fish.

Completely agree they are a tough piece of gear to bring in with no fish. Worse than that, it scares the crap out of me when the board starts getting squirrley 5-7 feet back from the boat. It always seems like the diveboard is trying to tie up in the prop. It has yet to happen but we have damaged many boards when they get clipped by the prop. I could see a tragedy happening at some point. I am not a fan of dive boards for this reason, but they keep producing fish so its hard not to use them. BUT considering the many close calls that seem to happen with dive boards, I may omit them from my arsenal, especially on my own boat as my main engine is so far back from the deck I could see a dive board getting tangled up without question. I can only imagine what happens next if you cant immediately release the 200+ lb hand line. Missing fingers? an arm? pulled into the water and diced into chunk bait? Of course this is just my experience, maybe I am using the board wrong but it seems to always be frighteningly erratic once it gets close to the boat.
We leave them in the water now and don't even bother pulling them until we either stop for some reason or wait until the end of the day. I get Leary when a buddy is pulling them out and doesn't even think about it coming within inches of the prop you would hope that worse case is it gets cut loose bit we always have someone at the helm so if it does end up getting rapped we can go to neutral pretty quick. We have been trying to figure out a way to run one or two
More boards as they do so well but we maybe looking at a major cluster f);k if we get too carried away, but we will try next season and see where they could fit into the spread.
We leave them in the water now and don't even bother pulling them until we either stop for some reason or wait until the end of the day. I get Leary when a buddy is pulling them out and doesn't even think about it coming within inches of the prop you would hope that worse case is it gets cut loose bit we always have someone at the helm so if it does end up getting rapped we can go to neutral pretty quick. We have been trying to figure out a way to run one or two
More boards as they do so well but we maybe looking at a major cluster f);k if we get too carried away, but we will try next season and see where they could fit into the spread.

Maybe SophiaB found the answer watching Blues Clues the other night..............
You have to stop to get them out. Slowing down doesn't help.

The guys I went with trolled fast untill they had 2 or 3 three on. 7 at one point. Then slowed down so others could jig swim baits off front of boat which worked really well once we were on tuna.
Boat was fairly large . All the tuna went down when boat slowed down. Easy not to tangle. just bumped ahead abit if they went under boat.
Maybe SophiaB found the answer watching Blues Clues the other night..............


Well I don't have a ton of experience with them obviously, I don't remember then being a big deal. Our captain put them on hand lines tied off cleats on the corners of the stern. I found bringing them in with or without fish not to be a big deal and if you bring them in close and then let them out by letting go real quick(no tension) they would flip right up most times after a Cpl tries.

I would never put them on a rod.
I'd like to know what kind of outriggers some of the folks out there are running. My gal came with Taco Grand Slams but one of the cam lock type handles interior went sh*tters on me. I have to find some replacement parts and get it all fixed up. I plan on running them next year. I have the poles as well but no rigging. I know Mikep said he made his own rigging up in a thread last year. Anyways just wondering what folks are running and what kind of rigging your using, release clips, etc.?

Mike's work really well when I was on his boat this season... :)

I hope Mike, tunadon, and anyone else running outriggers chimes in. I want to put it all together over the winter and not have to do it during the summer months :). I need all the salmon practice I can get lol. I didn't catch a single halibut this year either :eek:. Those tuners are an obsession and get in the way of the other species lol. I'm hoping to be ready to roll for next year and get some more quality "other fish" time in. Not like this year :o.
we ran ten lines off dons boat... quite the spread,, six tuners on and slivo wanting a slow down.. don hits the auto pilot to come help out..awesome. two lines off each outrigger. hand line with a jaw left on it.lol