Tuna tackle

This bird will splash but unlike the other splash birds with the longer wings it will not have the side to side fluttering motion....
Right that bird is an old Yamashita from decades ago and acts more like a plow in the water leaving a good stream of bubbles behind it that's why I like it with those small Konaheads-it does splash some but as you say not much spray.
Right that bird is an old Yamashita from decades ago and acts more like a plow in the water leaving a good stream of bubbles behind it that's why I like it with those small Konaheads-it does splash some but as you say not much spray.

Its cool looking no doubt. I imagine it would splash allot like the commercial rabbit ears or the mouse thingy whatever its called.
Maybe by May. LoL Time to get thread rolling again !!! I can see Im going to be buying alot of gear after reviewing all the great pictures of tuna gear !!! Makes a big differance to see what everyone is using.
Also nice to see lure hanging from fish's mouth in some video's. Ya know it worked when the fish on it live in video. Q cove fishing tackle has great price on swim baits & jig heads on line if anyone intrested.
They worked great for tuna.
Daisy Chain of small ragged old Mold Craft birds note details of rigging.


will scotty's new king pin work well with tuna? hard enough set?
100. Split between 3 tuna junkies. This photo has 66.
Birdsnest - do you put any weight on those splash bird daisy chains? I bought 20 from the same place - 10 white and 10 purple. I need to be mine rigged up for the coming season.
Keep a single bird rigged on a 6' leader when running a diving plug that doesn't go too deep-snap the bird onto the same snap/swivel as the plug.

The bird will splash away almost on top of the diving plug drawing strikes-it's not something you use all the time but it's good to have in your set of tricks.
Birdsnest - do you put any weight on those splash bird daisy chains? I bought 20 from the same place - 10 white and 10 purple. I need to be mine rigged up for the coming season.
Nope. No weight added.

No. No weight. I am going to run some tomorrow to figure out the spacing.Keep a single bird rigged on a 6' leader when running a diving plug that doesn't go too deep-snap the bird onto the same snap/swivel as the plug.

The bird will splash away almost on top of the diving plug drawing strikes-it's not something you use all the time but it's good to have in your set of tricks.

An interesting and viable alternative to the popular Rapala X Rap is the Mirrolure 113MR trolls great, has some outstanding colour combos and is cheap on Bass Pro & Ebay.


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I think the Xraps wiggle to hard anyways. Sounds like a funny thing to say but its what I think.
I have found a place on the east coast with 760 yd spools of Yo-Zuri hybrid 200lb line ( co-polymer mono w fluoro coating ) I have been using this line in 30 and 40lb ratings for salmon fishing and I'm quite pleased with it.
Would anyone like to split a spool? several splits? I can't image using up 760 yds in my lifetime no matter how long I live. Whole spools are $46.95 US