trailer hook for anchovie???

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I use a trebble hook for anchovie but I was wondering if a single hook trailing the trebble would help? thanks for any advice.
I always add a trailer. I've just had too many strikes without the fish even getting hooked up. A lot of the time they will bite the back half of the anchovie clean off right up to the trebble. Since adding the trailer I seem to get more fish in the boat.
thanx for the info. thats what I thought. how far back should the trailer hook be in relation to the anchovie?
At the tail or just past the tail. I find that tying the hooks about 2 inches a part does the trick for most size anchovies.
3/0 or smaller work great as trailers. I've used both the black as well as the red and think the red give off just a little better flash on the bait.