Tofino and Ucluelet Outlook and Reports 2011

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Quick update from the Tofino area.
Portland pt area still very consistent with over 20 Chinook encounters yesterday. Most were in the 66-96 ft range, all on artificials. Best were the Turd and #232 Diamond Lance Spoon early. When the sun came out, the 5 inch Blue Moon Titan spoon was rockin steady action. Spoons on 5 foot leaders behind purple gold and black gold oki flashers. Nice tub of fish into the mid twenties and smaller average Halibut.

Today (Friday) was thick fog and weedy in the Portland area to start, with fewer boats than we have seen in a couple weeks. Sounds like some couldn't get it going there yesterday so they moved out to new grounds today. Not a bite for the first 40 minutes, then it slowly increased until it went steady for doubles by 10:30 AM with sun pushing through the fog. Same gear as yesterday, with a stacked 7" spoon up high for a few nice fish as well. Best was the titan with Black gold flasher combo for sure. We trolled towards Halibut area for an hour, trying to find a few coho in higher water only to release three more springs in the high twenties and low thirties. Got some great video over and underwater on a couple of the large...
Halibut....Slab day for sure. We released 7 Halis in the 12-30 lb range, and headed back to the barn with a 65, 55 and 40. More video on the Halibut as well. Sweet weather overall and great fishing.
Ready for the Tofino Legion derby starting tomorrow A.M. Busy bust weekend ahead. Huge new selection of 6-7 inch Tomics in the shop ready for August.

More later.
Go gettum's pouring rain here in Bella Coola and the river is gonna be blown. Nice.

Here's to drinking the rain away in Bella Coola
Go gettum's pouring rain here in Bella Coola and the river is gonna be blown. Nice.

Here's to drinking the rain away in Bella Coola

Sometimes you just have to "adapt" to the weather conditions Josh!!:p Cocktails it is!! :D Hahahha. :D
Just returned from Ukee after two days w/Iron Noggin Spirit Bear Charters and three other Sporfishing BC types.

Smooth seas/fine company/lotsa fish/charasmatic megafauna galore.

Pics to follow.
Back from a week in Tofino. The usual. Lots of fish around the day before off Portland but then slowed down a little plus to bouncy for me and crew to head out. Picked up a few around Wilf an Coho around Mosher. Next day nice day so off to Portland and Nog's Pilchard plug limits out. Rough day next day so stay close and pick a few more up. Last day back to Portland and limit out quickly with two Tyee. The next big run has arrived.

Best part was playing a 25lb + on the fly. I put a fly off the downrigger at Portland looking to play with some Coho and the pig hits it. Spooled twice but caught up to it. After 20+ minutes get it to the boat once for a quick look and goes again. Play another 10+minutes head shake and quick release. It was a blast to play. That is sport fishing. I'll try and get it next year.
Ospray 2 's crew yesterday with the biggest haul of bottomfish to hit Tofino's docks in 20 yrs. Congrats to Sean Hart


Topped with a 50 lb Lingcod

Holy crap man, nice haul if fish! I think I hear the link for those beer batter recipes being clicked. Nice job
Wow ,
Gotta like those big Ling. Amazing catch! It looks like a couple Tiger Rockfish I see there in the mix too!
Well we finally made it fishing out of Tofino yesterday. This was our first fishing trip this year!!! (what a late start). My good friend RP took Jake, his buddy Chad, and myself out.

What a great day on the water. It was all about getting these two young fella's into some fish. They had a blast. I drove and Rob worked the gear.

Heading out.

Our gracious host getting the lines down.

Jakes buddy Chad on the ride out said he was "bad luck". Well he was the first to hook into a fish and caught his first salmon.



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My son Jake with one.


Double header!!!!


Chad with his first halibut ever. First one hooked up again.


Jake with a halibut.

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We all had a great day. We ended up with a real mixed bag of springs, coho, lings, and halibut. My son is a fairly avid fisherman and can hold his own deck handing etc but this was his buddies first serious fishing trip and he did great. IMO he is "good luck" and told him he can come out with us anytime:cool:.

Was good to fish with my buddy RP again and he was an awesome and entertaining host as always:D.

I love his motor too.


Fishing out of Tofino is always fun and I can't wait to get back there.

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Sculpin it's nice to see the ladz enjoying the action..

I was part of that group that Tofinoguy posted the bottomfish pics of. Under strict orders from one of the wives to bring something other than salmon home the other three of us relented and had a blast hauling in those bottom dwellers.

Freezer full of chinook and ling...thanks to Shawn and Sean.
Awefully quite around here:rolleyes:. What's happening lately out of tuff city?:D

What do ya think, Buddy?? Been getting tired from hooking, hauling and cleaning all those fish - rest is more important than posting reports. It's business as usual and the catching is good. Plugs and big spoons to keep the vermin (pinks and small cohos) off and let the Springs bite.
What do ya think, Buddy?? Been getting tired from hooking, hauling and cleaning all those fish - rest is more important than posting reports. It's business as usual and the catching is good. Plugs and big spoons to keep the vermin (pinks and small cohos) off and let the Springs bite.

Right on Shawn! Thanks for the update:cool:.
Finally on the water and boat is working awesome. Heading out tomorrow morning. Think we will bomb up to the Hyson for an afternoon fish. Been hearing good things about offshore midway. Will be up all weekend as well. If the weather stays nice we will be fueling and icing in Ukee and bombing North all weekend me thinks. Damn I can't wait to fish out of my own boat again!!!!
Finally on the water and boat is working awesome. Heading out tomorrow morning. Think we will bomb up to the Hyson for an afternoon fish. Been hearing good things about offshore midway. Will be up all weekend as well. If the weather stays nice we will be fueling and icing in Ukee and bombing North all weekend me thinks. Damn I can't wait to fish out of my own boat again!!!!
It will be great to see the Sculpin in action again. Call me on 78A or my cel
With peak season business and extreme peak season Salmon action, it has been hard to get time to post an update here on BCSF. It definitley has not been due to a lack of fishing action to write about!

Without question, all cylinders are firing full speed ahead.....

Chinook Salmon offshore from Tofino and Ucluelet has been outstanding. Numbers have been amazing all season, with the big boyz now here in the last week. Every day there are fish into or pushing the 40's and I have been handing out Tyee hats to out guests like mad!
Large Spoons and Plugs have been the main gear choice for most, trolled in the top 80 feet of water. The open ocean has been like a lake for almost two weeks, so that has not hurt our fishing either. Did someone mention Tuna????

Coho Salmon offshore has been crazy as well, but the slab Chinook have been the focus for most. The best news about Coho has been the inshore Fly fishing action, which is likely the best we have seen in over 10 years. Our Fly boats have been seeing numbers in the 20's and 30's on a regular basis for the past three weeks with most Coho in the 6-12 lb range, with a few pushing 15...We have had a hard time staying caught up with stock in our Tackle Shop of our custom dyed and tied Saltwater Flies, so that is a great indication of the fishery that gets all sorts of smaller boats on the water in the protected areas of Clayoquot Sound.

Sockeye Salmon just opened for recreational fishing on the South Coast and is perfect timing as the main run is now just arriving. Though we don't catch huge numbers in the open ocean areas, they are always a welcome bonus. The 10 lb Sockeye that made it's way to my BBque two nights ago sure was awesome to say the least!

Halibut - No doubt the best overall average size of Halibut we have seen in years! We have always had a consistent Halibut fishery, with the last 4-5 years providing ample numbers of Chicken Halibut that averaged in the 20 lb range. Sure there are always some larger ones around, but we are now seeing more 40-60s on a regular basis, and many 60-90's if you put some time in. You don't need to travel far to get great Halibut action.

Salmon fishery near Heisen Bank, the Beak and the Mooseknuckle has been excellent, with Raphael pt also producing well. Some nice Chinook being released on the inside as well, but very little gear fishing pressure in these areas due to flat seas on the outside.

Lots of info, as well as many Spoons and Plugs in stock if you are arriving with your own boat. Many of the Tomic Spoon and plug re-paints with Pilchard spots have been phenominal. Gibbs #7 Wonder and Oki #6 Blue Moon have been great as well.
Charter dates available for those thinking about it..
