Tofino and Ucluelet Outlook and Reports 2011

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Will do Casper. It sounds like some of the closer to Ukee banks are good, don't know about Big Bank. Have fun. I'm crewing on an Aluminum boat with a white cabin. Zodiac on the top.
I was out yesterday, inner South Bank was good. I tried a bit further out initially (not quite outer South Bank) but once I moved in I got into some good fish steady. Plugs were good for me (better than spoons). Plus or minus 100ft was working for me plus this depth was good on my previous trip (~1 week ago). I tried a bit shallower (70-80ft), a few fish but not steady. Two of our four fish were loaded with pilchards. Bigger fish now, one over 30 and quite a few over 20. Arm actually felt sore on the way home...........nice.
Fished the Friday Saturday Sunday. All very close. Fished Wilf Rock, Moser, Blunden (Sp?).
Lots of Coho & a few springs. No Derby contenders.

Took Monday off to go kayaking, biking, sightseeing around Tofino in the Sunshine.

Fished Tuesday 3 hours in AM and 2 hours in PM at Wilf Rock, and the fish had moved in.
Played over 30 fish on Tuesday, all on Anchovie. Most springs 10-20#. In the afternoon I took my kids out, both had multiple fish on, they only landed 1 each but were pretty excited. Both returned as my daugther won't let us bonk one.
Wednesday morning the Coho had moved in as well. Played more than 15 fish in 2 hours. Again at Wilf all on Anchovie.
Had bought a new Catch & release net on Monday, it got a workout on Tues/Weds. Nice.

Last fish was an 11# hatchery coho that took my last Anchovied off the surface before it went into the downrigger clip. Happened a lot on this trip.

My fist time fishing out of Tofino.
Had some problems with directions to begin with. Note to self - spend more time researching before hitting the water in a new area. Lots of shallow water around.
Stayed at a very nice hotel. Family loved it. All the restaurants we ate at were excellent.

Be back next year for sure.
May be back later this summer instead of heading to Bamfield...
Going up Sunday for the week. Looks promising inside. Try using anything besides chovies? Guess I'll need to stock up on them if need be.
Try using anything besides chovies?

Did you just mention Bait and the Offshore in the same sentence? LOL!

Absolutely UNNECESSARY! Big Spoons, Big Plugs and Hang ON! ;)

Fishing out of Ukee is INSANE right now. I cannot possibly imagine trying to keep bait down there! Your gear would be out of the water far too often!

Dummy flashers with the spoons, plugs all alone, 80 to 120 feet, damn near anywhere!

Have FUN! :cool:
Did you just mention Bait and the Offshore in the same sentence? LOL!

Absolutely UNNECESSARY! Big Spoons, Big Plugs and Hang ON! ;)

Fishing out of Ukee is INSANE right now. I cannot possibly imagine trying to keep bait down there! Your gear would be out of the water far too often!

Dummy flashers with the spoons, plugs all alone, 80 to 120 feet, damn near anywhere!

Have FUN! :cool:

Looking foward to fishing with you next week Nog ! .... some of us forum members aboard so that should be interesting ( hope there is time for some BS'ing inbetween all this fish action :D)
I guess the pilchard spoons and plugs? I was going to Trotac tomorrow to get some gear. Anything special I should pick up?
For plugs I was going to 6 inch 602, 232 and 158.

I really don't want to fuzz with bait but it always seems to work anywhere.
Guess I'll head offshore as soon as I arrive. If fishing is that good should have limits and may drive down to Ukee from Tofino and say thanks in person.
Since only having a boat able to fish the inside, what would be the best bet, fish close to the open water like Effingham/Sail/Cree? or just head to Swale or Pill and hope for the best? I've fished both areas lots but with a somewhat rookie crew and a smaller boat this go around just wondering where my best chances are for some action would be this time as I understand is Crazy hot right now......and the inside "was" pretty hot not too long ago...........???? any help would be greatly appreciated.....................


Myself, LuckyLing and Dad are heading out early tomorrow from Nanaimo, Staying at islands west but only for one night so hopefully we can plant our selves over some fish. Weather permitting we'll definetly be on the banks, the closer ones that is. Its gonna be great.

Zur Tro BIG spoon with dots, Cop Car Wonder with the same.
Almost any plug you put dots on too.

Hang ON! :D


I've never fished the big Wonders but I've picked up a couple and plan on using them soon. Can they be trolled side by side with plugs at higher speeds or are they more suitable being trolled at slower speeds?
I've never fished the big Wonders but I've picked up a couple and plan on using them soon. Can they be trolled side by side with plugs at higher speeds or are they more suitable being trolled at slower speeds?

HiYa Slabby,

I don't mix the two up. I run dummy flashers below the spoons and drag them at ~ 2.7 knots. Faster than that and the flashers turn into airplane propellers! ;)
Plugs I run alone, anywhere from 3 to 4 knots.

Cheers & Good Luck!
First week of august we will be kayaking north clayquot around Flores, Maquinna, maybe up to Hesquiat.

Can we expect much in the way of coho action in those parts? (I've yet to hit a spring from the kayak)

Any spot suggestions would be appreciated! typically we've dragged spoons with mooching weights.


Zur Tro BIG spoon with dots, Cop Car Wonder with the same.
Almost any plug you put dots on too.

Can you put the little stickers on or use a Sharpie in a pinch or is that too bush league? Went to Harbour Chandler to pick up the 3.45 pilchard pattern and you guessed it, sold out! Not surprising.