Tofino and Ucluelet Outlook and Reports 2011

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Tofino Area action has shifted northwest to the Raphael Point area. It lit right up today with one rod only Chinook Salmon action until most turned to large Plugs....I'm digging out my box of Tomic Repaints and have another 4 dozen getting done right now so our fleet will be flying the hottest ones they make and some customs too.
I can see Tomic being smoking busy again this year with so many Mediums that we will try and avoid with 6 and 7 inch plugs and spoons.

Coho en-masse a short distance offshore and many moving in, so light tackle and Fly trips have started to nail it..

Sockeye encounters my last two trips offshore as well so they must be getting thick.

Inshore spots like Plover Reef and Blundan Island are now holding bigger slabs. Billy on the Relentless slid in there for a couple in the high twenties on his way back from the Raphael rage this A.M.

Halibut was OK today for Matt on Overtime, with three up to 40 lbs.

JT, I hope the Marlin and Tuna action is worth leaving to Mexico for...this is pretty easy to take. Safe Travels Amigo.

Don't forget the Saltwater Classic Derby in less than two weeks, see the banner ad above or for more info, call our shop if you want 250-725-2700
Sigh...well i'm sitting in the airport reading these reports and thinking to myself - "The fishing had BETTER be on FIRE in Mexico, or I'm going to kick myself in the arse for leaving such a hot bite in Tofino!!!"

Well you can't win if you don't play, right? I have marlin on the brain for the next week. Save a few for me Jay, i'll be back next week!!!

Good luck out there boys...lickemup!!!

Oh and BTW i'm importing a couple of "ringers" for the Morrison tournament, so look out this year boys. We're coming out shootin!
Sigh...well i'm sitting in the airport reading these reports and thinking to myself - "The fishing had BETTER be on FIRE in Mexico, or I'm going to kick myself in the arse for leaving such a hot bite in Tofino!!!"

Oh and BTW i'm importing a couple of "ringers" for the Morrison tournament, so look out this year boys. We're coming out shootin!

Quienes son,"El Mariachi"lmao...sammy
Tofino coastline areas like Blundan Island and Wilf Rock are producing as well as we have seen it for many years. Limits of Chinook in mid to high 20's and LOTS of Coho. Offshore at Rapael Pt. was non-stop again as well. Chinook Salmon everywhere and Coho are still primarily along the outer coastline. Some action inside near Burgess Isl and Catface.

Big Blow forecasted for later today, so we will see how the inside fishing really is this afternoon with all boats forced to stay in protected waters.

Halibut still Chomping for those that choose to leave the steady Salmon action.
Great reports tofinofish. Can't wait to get out there. Sounds like lots of fish around for the rest of the summer.
Great reports tofinofish. Can't wait to get out there. Sounds like lots of fish around for the rest of the summer.

Action has shifted back to Portland Point area for offshore, with coastline areas like Blundan and Wilf still going....Big Blow two days ago didnt seem to slow things down much at all. Heading out there right now, so will update soon.
Fished the Portland pt. - Three Humps area for the A.M. and pretty much stayed away from the Fleet when possible. Not too sure how it went for others but I'm thinking it must have been pretty hot overall for Salmon bite.

For 3 hours of Salmon Fishing we were into over 15 Chinook 5 Coho and 1 Pink. All were caught on Artificials. (Mini Turd) Best was in the 125-140 range

In the Box; Chinook 36, 35, 28, 26, 26, 23, 21, 18

After hundreds of Chinook, this was the First real solid Tyee Day of the season, so the big ones are just showing up to the party.. (Party should still be rocking by the time you get back from PV Josh)

Heading back out there now....
-Reminder about the Tofino Saltwater Classic Derby this Weekend, July 16th and 17th. Some Derby tickets left based at 100 maximum, with last minute sales going fast. More information on the SWC banner above, or call us at Tofino Fly & Tackle 250-725-2700

The Tyees have showed up just in time for the Derby....
Any reports? I am thinking of heading up to Tofino for the weekend or uci and curious how inshore is doing and offshore. Would appreciate a report if someone has any info to share.

Inshore doing rather well, and the outside of Barkley Sound (Meares/Cree/Austin) lighting up well. Good numbers of springs to mid-twenties with the odd bigger Slab tossed in to make it interesting.

Offshore also Right Good! Some larger fish on the Southbank and Lighthouse, so no real need to wander too far. Decent number of chicken halibut in these same areas.

Pilchards starting to show well both on the sounder and in the bellies ;)

Good Luck & Have FUN! ;)

Hey guys. can any one tell me the must haves for fishing tofino. have tons of gear but is there any thing you wouldnt fish without in tofino, the turd hootchie or a specific plug perhaps
Any reports? I am thinking of heading up to Tofino for the weekend or uci and curious how inshore is doing and offshore. Would appreciate a report if someone has any info to share.

You will see Nog replied for Ukee, which is similar to Tofino right now, Chinook inshore and offshore....Very Good to Excellent offshore for Chinook. Inshore Coho good.... If you do roll into Tofino, we are always glad to help with updated info and spots on the chart in our Fly & Tackle Shop.
The Turd is one that is a standby, but in short supply right now. We have a full stock of the Mini Turds that produced some slabs for me over the weekend.
U.V. Teasers for large Chovies or Green Herring.
#500 Plug with Pilchard Spots.
6 inch Tomic or Oki spoons in Cop Car, Kelly Pilchard, Watermelon or 50/50

Good GPS Map system for offshore contours

Call us or stop in for more help.
Tofino B.C. Fishing Report update July 12th, 2011

Tofino B.C. Offshore Fishing Report So far, the month of July has provided outstanding offshore fishing conditions, with light to moderate winds and swell conditions for most days. One major NW blow left us tied to the dock for an afternoon, but the next day the ocean provided great conditions once again. Chinook Salmon numbers have been very strong, with average sizes increasing to the 18-26 lb range. The past three days have provided a new “wave” of Chinook Salmon feeding hard along Tofino’s coast, with a number of these “King” Salmon breaking the Tyee class. Saturday July 9th provided the Rivard party from Colorado with a memorable double header of Trophy sized Chinook, that were near identical Twins at 35 and 36 lbs. After fishing in Tofino for the past 14 years, Dave Rivard said that the Salmon action was the best he had ever seen...The most consistant action has still been within 5-6 miles of Tofino’s outer coastline near areas known as Portland Pt and Three Humps. Tofino’s northern boundary area known as Raphael Point has also provided exceptional action this week. Clayoquot Ventures guides have been averaging between 15-20 Chinook Salmon per day, along with numerous Coho and Pinks, so there has been lots of action and many beautiful Salmon photographed and released.
Halibut Fishing has been excellent in these same areas as well, with the average size of Halibut noticeably increased over the last year as forecasted. Many Halibut have been weighing in the 25-45 lb range, with a few this past week tipping the scales at 60-90 lbs, providing plenty of battle and exceptional table fare for the seafood lovers....North from Tofino outside of Hot Springs Cove area has also provided very good fishing Halibut and Bottomfish species such as Ling Cod and Yellow Eye Rockfish. The travel time is a little longer but the fishing and scenery make it a worthwhile venture. Coho Salmon and Pink Salmon have arrived in very strong numbers offshore this past week, with huge numbers anticipated to arrive just ahead of the major Sockeye salmon runs that should be upon us by the third week of July. Overall rating and forecast for Tofino’s Offshore Fishing; Excellent – Really doesn’t get much better!!!

Tofino B.C. Inshore Fishing Report July is the month when Tofino’s inshore action really turns on. Coho Salmon numbers have been sporadically good throughout the last month, with preliminary signs of the strong numbers forecasted for this popular Salmon species. Much of the Coho fishing action is focused on anglers using very light tackle or Fly patterns trolled or “Bucktailed” on the surface. Not many of the Coho Salmon to date have been exceeding 8 lbs, but they will often double in size by the end of the season so as the Coho get more plentiful, they will also get far bigger. Fishing for Chinook Salmon on the inside waters has also been excellent in most common areas, but has seen less angling effort overall due to favourable offshore conditions and very strong numbers. Productive spots for Coho and Chinook Salmon have been near Monk Rock and Burgess Island, as well as Catface area. This week, Blundan Island also produced Salmon Fishing action that we have not seen in years. As July progresses, the inshore action will continue to be in prime time, with the mentioned areas around Blundan, Bartlett and Tibbs Islands a good focus for success. Overall rating for Tofino’s inshore fishing; Very Good and forecasted to be excellent.

Tofino B.C. Freshwater Fishing Report As the annual downstream Salmon fry migration occurs in local streams and Rivers, July is still an active time for Sea Run Cutthroat Trout to focus on these small fry in lower rivers and estuaries, varying their diet slightly from Stickleback and Euphasids. The Trout fishing can be exceptional during this time, with small streamer style Flies or small spoons and spinners that mimic the Salmon fry. Areas like Grice Bay and streams that feed into Kennedy lake are popular. Some streams also see small runs of late spring and early Summer run Steelhead that are not easy to catch, providing great challenge for Fly fishermen who venture into the remote rivers of the area. Anglers are reminded that all Trout and Steelhead in the ocean and local streams are 100 percent Catch and Release, so please release them carefully. Overall rating for Tofino’s local Freshwater Fishing; Good

Tofino B.C. Fly & Tackle Gear Tips With the peak of the Saltwater Season upon us, and our two main Salmon species arriving in strong numbers, here are a few suggestions to consider for your next fishing trip in the Tofino area. Chinook Salmon fishing offshore has been going as strong as we could expect, with larger fish arriving with each tide. Many of these larger Salmon have been consuming Pacific Pilchards (Sardines) in the 5-8 inch range, so anglers are advised to match the bait size with 6-7 inch Spoons and 5-7 inch Tomic Plugs. When trolling baits, larger Herring are recommended as well, to avoid the numerous Pink Salmon and smaller Coho that are often hard to avoid with needlefish size gear. Halibut options are not often varied from the reliable White Power Grubs or Salmon bellies fished on a spreader bar, bouncing the bottom in 140-150 feet. If Octopus is available, this is highly recommended as well. Coho Salmon focus should include 5-6 inch Polar Bear Bucktails in Pink or Orange, trolled within 15 feet of your motor. Terminal gear for Coho should include chartreuse Clayoquot Candlefish Spoons trolled on a 40 inch leader behind a mini flasher. Don’t hesitate to troll the largest Bucktail flies you have offshore, as the Coho and Chinook have been pushing the Sardines and Herring to the surface this week, and numerous big Salmon have been caught on the Fly out there.

For more information on how we can help you get out and enjoy the great fishing action this season, call us Toll Free 1-888-534-7422 or see us online at


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Thanks for the info and the reminder to pack the rods holmes.
I will be dropping by the store there for gear tofinofish, probably more than once
If I am not there, my staff are dialed in to help with all details. Remind them of your SFBC member discount....

Heading over from Van on Thursday for the Derby this weekend.
Was thinking of heading to Ucluelet maybe Monday-Weds.
I've never been to either town, is there much of a difference fishing out of either?
Much for the wife & kids to do while I'm out fishing?

Good luck in the derby everyone. Our boats are fishing in it as well. There are lots of activities for your family including walking the many beaches, cruising the skate park as well as the Market at the main park @ Campbell (main drag ) and 3rd st. Of course there is unplanned bear watching right in Tofino sometimes, lol
Heading over from Van on Thursday for the Derby this weekend.
Was thinking of heading to Ucluelet maybe Monday-Weds.
I've never been to either town, is there much of a difference fishing out of either?
Much for the wife & kids to do while I'm out fishing?


Hey Global,

As mentioned by Fishtofino there are a number of things to do for the Wife and kids. The Chamber info center would be worth stopping in for a few minutes when you arrive, and we are also glad to help with more details. We are one of two check-in spots for the Derby on Friday P.M. so if you stop in to our Fly & Tackle I will be glad to help.

Hey J-Global...

As other guys have said....there is plenty for the family to do around both towns.

In Ukie....I took my niece here last spring and she loved it.

Lots of beaches to explore....places to wander around in town.....I think there is another museum or "interpretive marine center" of some kind in Tofino but I am yet to go there. May be one of the "tofinos" can confirm.

My young niece (5 at the time) from Winnipeg had an absolute blast taking a surf lesson with Surf Sister. She has been talking about it for for the past 15 months. I was worried about her being cold (in May) despite the websuit and everything but she thought it was absolutely awesome; the instructors were great too.

How old are your kids?
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