Tides for halibut at Albert Head


Active Member
I can't find any data on current speeds in the vicinity of Albert Head which I can rely on for halibut fishing. I have been advised that 2 knots is the maximum current speed for safe anchoring to a scotsman float. My question is whether the current at Albert Head is always less than two knots? How can I find out?
Race Passage, British Columbia Current
Units are knots, initial timezone is PDT

-4.81 0000 10-13
-4.25 0100
-3.24 0200
-1.85 0300
-0.03 0400
1.97 0500
3.50 0600
4.21 0700
4.14 0800
3.29 0900
1.74 1000
-0.04 1100
-1.53 1200
-2.54 1300
-3.10 1400
-3.25 1500
-2.85 1600
-1.92 1700
-0.97 1800
-0.53 1900
-0.63 2000
-1.16 2100
-2.13 2200
-3.23 2300

you can get this from big wave dave
I would get Murrays tables.
Shows more specifics. It will show you the areas that have shelter from the current.
I use these along with the current tables.

2 knots is about the most current you want to be in. Depending on the size of your boat. I am in a 16 fter and max out at about 1.8 knots.

Race passage wont give you accurate currents for Albert head. The tide will "Race" though Race Passage even when there is low flow.
Mongoose--that's the theory! I see the commercial guy setting his longline there for several weeks in the spring from my deck. I tried there once or twice at about 180 ft in April to no avail.
The next decent Hali tides for that Area that you could Anchor more than 3 hours are not starting until the 22 of October. Albert head is generaly only good in the Spring as it has a muddy bottom and the Gorge Herring move in close. Ya never know though? I fished East and West Con a few weeks back and can tell you a 1.4 was ripping! Maybe the Dogfish moved out by now?

Good Luck![8D]
if yo are really eager to go out for halis try drifting with the kicker idleing in reverse to slow you down a bit. Try to find a strech of 200 ish feet of flat bottom.
I have tried several times to drift for halibut between Race Rocks and Albert Head, always with the same results, namely, no fish and a lot of hang ups on the bottom usually with lost tackle. I have tried various depths ranging from the 250 foot line out to 305 feet but the same problems occur each time. You can avoid the hang ups by fishing 20 feet off the bottom but not if you are trying to keep within 8 feet of the bottom. I have given ukp drifting and will concentrate on anchoring.
You can get electronic Murray's tables from www.dive.bc.ca. The program is called TideView 2050. They are the cat's a*s! Install 'em, set time to now, and once you get the hang of moving the little ship around, they are great. I use 'em when I guide on Swiftsure for those days when the drift is just going crazy. You can even print a few of them off to take with you. Two thumbs up from me.