Sooke reports - August 2006

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My father inlaw fished yesteday around Secretary and picked up 2 chum. He said they had a couple other hits that may have been chum also. He's out again today. I will get a report later.

I have fished Sooke for a lot of years and have never caught a chum. Then again I don't usually fish at this time of year. Anyone had much success with chum fishing in Sooke?

Sooke Salmon fishing remains PRETTY GOOD as the fish are still holding at the entrance of Sooke Harbour. There are still some nice ones in the 20's and 30's coming in with a 57lb caught by Al Crow (somewhere out there!) Awesome fish Al! Jack Ouellet caught 1 spring, 1 hatchery coho, 3 chum, released 3 wild coho (2 were approx. 8-10lbs. and 1 was approx. 17-19 lbs.), all in 3 hours fishing, running 70-80 ft on the downrigger in about 520-570ft of water, at the first tide line out from Secretary. Good fishing Jack! Remember to keep hatchery fish only. Also, there should be some big chums coming in so if you want to target them, use that good old pink squirt with a black hook. The best places to fish are the Trap Shack to Secretary. Don't forget to give Otter a try... you may only have one strike but it's usually a big one! Anchovy is still the most popular bait, using gold chrome, purple haze teaser heads. With plastic baits, go with the army truck, purple haze or darker squirts and hootchies for the chum. Don't forget the Oki gold flashers as well as the Hot Spots. HALIBUT - Halibut fishing has not been targeted so there are no reports this week.
Any word on the coho retention of wilds after or on Oct 1st. Any truth to this. If any one knows for sure let me know. Plese post the DFO report if you can.
i heard fishing 150' on the downrigger out in the shipping lanes was hot for coho and springs. try it out
Anybody else out targeting Coho in the straight ??
Otter had posted one earlier about little success[V]
not sure if it's worth the trip yet ?
I was out last weekend with 4 coho in the boat from out in the staight - all from around 120 feet deep on cop car and army truck apex's. Mostly around 4 pounds or so with one hook nosed 9lb.
Was out on Saturday with my dad and we managed an 11 pound keeper coho and a feeder spring for our efforts. It was slow for most out there when we were out.
Logged a few miles trolling aroung Constance. Lots of bait and birds but no fish. I was wondering how the halibut fishermen that I seen anchored up did? I've never seen it so flat and calm out there.
Fishing Otter point area today for a few hours for springs this morning before we towed the boat home. Not much on the sounder and was very slow except for one BIG hit on the deep line, rod Hammered over, pumping hard, Scotty rigger arm was pumping hard! Released its self off the berried deep clip, we felt him on for a few seconds, it was a BIG one! Gone.. :( We had a few other small hits and that was it.. wind picked up and we packed it in. On our way in there were many boat off of Secretary looked to be fishing Coho...
Fished in about 500 to 600 ft today off of secretary. Got a late start, around 9:00 pm. Fished deep from 100 to 140 feet and nailed two nice good sized coho, had two more snap the clip but didn't get them in and so many shakers it wasn't worth fishing any more. Had to check the line every 5 to 10 minutes to take the shakers off. Wow, what a day, sun was out, t-shirts on and water dead flat. Not bad for October.
Fishing Off Secretary about 500-600 ft first thing 7 am start, Didn't sit down for the first 40 minutes all the boats were off the reef at Secretary then they came out later we caught 3 hatchery coho 13-15 pounds and one chinook 10 pounds.

The Guests were happy.
Cheers Codfish.
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