Well-Known Member
You are very wise. I get that people want to help. BUT ...This is the post that people are reacting to, and I agree with it. The post isn't advocating driving past without offering help, but stating the truth: that towing can be dangerous if done incorrectly.
I have a smallish boat and no experience with towing. Unless there was real threat to occupant safety, I would not attempt to tow, but would stay with the other boat until qualified help arrived and offer whatever other help I could.
- are you experienced with sufficient skill for the conditions?
- do you have adequate equipment: a tow bit or a bridle and very strong cleats, an adequate length (200 plus feet of 5/8" or better tow line - Not nylon)?
- is there an adequate attachment for towing the boat in distress.
- what if there's an accident or injury? Are you insured to tow?
- what if there is damage to your boat through towing?
- are you able to communicate with the other boat?
Think about things before you rush in where angels will not go.