Renfrew finally turned on?

will do salty that the sh*ts that belt broke, i will work something out fo you,cant use my boat this weekend anyways. But from what ive heard the road is good.the price on those belts is 17.29 so i will eat part of that.Didnt mean to **** you off with the boat comment.:D[^]
Compared to last year, the road from Mesachie to Renny this year, is a super highway. 1.5 hours from Chemainus and that's taking it slow.

Will be there sometime next few days...waiting on friend to decide what days.

17 centre console Eaglecraft, Mental 6 or 68
hey bish do you know what days you are going to be up there? and are you going to stay up there for a few days? Im a cedar boy looking to get pointed in the right direction when i get up there on saturday. never fished renny before but want to learn.
make sure the first time out follow someone that knows the river and watch the low tides 3 ft or less can get tricky. and be aware of the two rocks up towards owen pt.
A report from a guide in Frew from the last few days: Sounds like your lucky to hit one or two a day with the odd Coho in the mix. He did see a guy hook into a hog off Logan when i spoke to him a few hours ago! Hope it improves as we are out Renny this weekend.
Sorry beav, don't know yet. I'm probably taking a neighbour and his son out and letting them decide if Sat or Sunday. Will just go for the day.

When I stay there, this time of year, cold nights, we stay at West Coast Trail motel. $100 a night for two, but that's with kitchenette, freezers, hot tub, bbq tent etc.

Tides are no problem for the next week. I can get out, very carefully, with 2'.

As tyee mentioned, be careful heading out, Kellett Rock, is a killer, some tides just a bulge in the water.

You should have GPS, preferably a chart plotter, to fish Renny. At some point most days, the air is just slightly thinner than the water.

My suggestion would be to round Owen Pt and head straight to Camper or Logan and cover it all, from 50' out to 100' depth...nothing there and you get bored, head towards the USA, nothing there, head near the kelp anywhere from Logan to Camper and load up on black as heck on the fly rod, non stop action with any jig, spoon or anything else you can get down...BB, assorted other rock fish including Canaries and Yelloweye, some big ling, Cabezone, Red Irish Lords...the works.

I stack the downriggers so we fish 4 depths until we find them and often drag a Deceiver or other streamer fly in the prop wash.
thanks for that bish hope to see you up there on saturday you will know who i am wheb you see the tides look good for the weekend?Iwill be careful anyways. what time should i leave cedar to make first light?
just got back from renny, fished sun and monday, sun at camper hit nothing, mon fished east point we hit 3, seems like first light and then the slack tide have been the only bites on those days, tons of springs trying to get up river though, if the natives would stop netting them:(, heavy fog out there right now
Just got the report from Renfrew today. My brother and company went out for coho and fished out to 600 from 6:30 am- 1pm. They got 4 keepers between 10 and 13 and released 3. They came back in and then went out to Owen at slack tide this evening for 1 36 lber.
Back from Renfrew , fished hard for 2 1/2 days 1 spring(27 lbs) and 3 coho , got the spring off of East Point in 110 ft of water fishing at 44 ft , red Hot Spot flasher and green chrome anchovie head.
Went out for coho on a line direct from East Point towards Cape Flattery and into the 500 plus ft of depth , hit hordes of shakers out there , finally chased some coho down near late afternoon and my guess 6 miles out .

And for the grand finale , snapped a gear in my power winch with the boat half on and a lineup waiting for the ramp , and then had a hell of a time finding the manual crank , you know you put it into a place where you will always remember where it is and then promptly forget.

Stopped at Otter Point this morning on the way home and fished until 1:00 pm off of Muir Creek and Sheringham , picked one spring of 14 lbs fished at 85 ft with Purple Haze flasher and glow white anchovie head and that was all she wrote.

Sounds like one of those trips, AC, sorry to hear that.I'll post on Monday and let you know how we did.
Fished Renny Saturday the 16th. Started at Logan for an hour, nothing. Headed out deep. Shakers started at the 400' mark, wild coho at 600-650' and they were deep, 90-120' on the downrigger.

3 wild released, one about 8 and two about 12.

One barely legal spring, again deep.

Anchovy, various flashers, green teasers.

Fished Camper to the Rockpile 3pm - 6:30pm. Got 11.5lb chum, 65' of water, Rockpile, took anchovy on a top rod at about 36'.

Nice day, calm, mostly sunny, no fog. Loaded the boat with big black bass in about 1/2 ling.
me and wetbeaver fished for are first time there launched on low tide that was fun leaving the marina.
droped are lines at logan first ten minutes released a scrapy 15-19lb wild coho at 35feet. lots of black bass. tolled out to the 600 mark we were only fishing 30-60feet had two that seemed pretty good but lost them both .went back and jigged .
seen a nice spring brought in at about 50 feet of water.marina said a 22.5 coho and 32lb spring,96lb halibut and a bunch of smaller coho were brought in. nice day out on the water.
It was a very nice day. We got in too late to check what was weighed in at the marina. A couple boats had just got back from the banks and had numerous hali's but didn't see them with any salmon.

The black bass and the various other rock fish are a bonus at Renny, especially if you have kids or people that rarely fish with you....bigger bonus if you like eating them as we do.
spent the weekend at renny. yesterday, 12 coho between 8 and 13.5 lbs out betwen 525 and 600 off Owen, beautiful weather. Today rain all day and lumpy out in the deep, 4 small coho. Should have stayed around the can buoy in the bay as people were starting to catch 18 lbers there. I guess the rain got them moving towards the river.