Prince Rupert Honey Holes!!!!!

Well in that case I better start the hunt for a good guide up in Rupert...any advice on who would be good???
Go fishing with no only a local, but a native local. You'll learn and find more fish than you ever thought possible. Heres a link to one of my relatives, he's good at fishing...He's a firemen by heart but cannot shake the fishing in his blood.
Hes probably one of the better guides in Prince Rupert. Don't believe me though, I'm certainly biased.
Hello Kris, one guide that I have used is MCA Charters. I have recommened him to many friends here in Alberta and they have been very happy with him Tel#250-624-3347 fax#250-627-1013.hope this helps
Thanks guys, 'bout some good salmon spots and crabbin spots out there??? I went to the mouth of the Skeena,...marked lots there, but didn't catch any...