Hey !
I'm from QC, we just crossed Canada to Prince Rupert! I had this dream of freediving for crabs
. It's not easy to just find a spot to get into the water in the area... I found this small rest area West of the 16 in Wainwright Bay. There's definitely crabs there, I grabbed one by hand! I immediately took my Tidal license. Unfortunately after some research, this area (West of 16) seems to be closed for crabbing... Do you know another place where I could go get some crabs from shore ? Is It OK if I just go on the East side of the 16 in Miller Bay ? Do you have any other spots you think I should look at, everything seems to be own by CN or is private Land. I'm just here for a couple of days I would really appreciate any suggestion ! Thanks a lot for your help !
I'm from QC, we just crossed Canada to Prince Rupert! I had this dream of freediving for crabs