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Any one have A good place that they would share, to Prawn fish in the Victoria area[?].. Thank You I have fished off Middle Bank and had some great sucess on both sides of the US Canadian line but would like to find a few other places in my travels
saanch inlet by sindey. lots of prawns there and the season opens tonight at 12am
Thanks Moongoose I might be heading up there tomorrow, Ill let you know.... and again thanks , out of 200 people who read this you are the only reply:)
I am not knocking your post. All postings are interesting.
Everyone likes to read the posts, especially the ones with "cryptic" topics such as yours. By posting a simple "prawns" as the topic, people check to see are you talking about your catch?:D Are you looking to buy?[?] Are you looking to cook?[:p] Have you got a great recipe?[:p] Are you looking how to catch?[?] Or are you looking where to go?;);)
I must confess I have read the posts twice and I live at the northern end of Georgia Strait. I can offer insite on prawning areas up here, but not in the area you are fishing.
Not to mention I don't know a lot of Candians that are going to give an American the location to their Prawn spot.

Nothing personal and I don't have anything against American fishermen, but I'm also not going to give away years of local knowledge.
Well Pappa fair enough thanks for the remarks, I will take them in stride, and I do understand you not wanting to give out your spots, but some people do... I guess Ive never thought of it as a American Canadian :)thing just another fisherman to share information... If you ever need any Information on this side of the border or any of the many Canadian spots I do fish.. Im happy to share it all
Don't forget to renew your Canadian fishing license, it expired at the end of march. And be sure to check in at customs. [:p];)
well for a localized fishery like prawns and one that is not in great shape, I'd hate to see people posting locations on the internet.

If you're American, do come and enjoy our sportfishing, but don't come here looking to fill your freezer with our prawns.

I'd be happy to give you some suggestions if I knew that area but the Desolation Sound area is my neck of the woods. Just let me know if you ever decide to come for a cruise up here. G R E A T prawning, crabbing, clamming and oystering, pretty good salmon fishing but alas the only halibut we get are very lost :)

Hope you have a good trip!!!
Poppa , Im sorry my intent was not to fill my freezer, with (Your) Prawns:( just to get a few while boating across the pond, I have had lisence for over 20 years and my deceased wife was Canadian, and my children have dual citizenship, but we fish mostly west coast, and love going across to visit family in Victoria and taking them out in the boat, and a little mixed bag is nice. our family in Victoria are older and can only go out in the calmer waters I am sorry I posted this I didnt mean to ruffle any feathers... But again if any fisherman choose to boat in the San Jauns please write me and Ill tell you everything I can David and family:)
Must be a different breed of fishers and boaters in the Victoria area. I've even taken the time to show visiting boaters on charts and while out on the water, both Canadian and American visitors points of interest, hidden hazards, where to drop pots and where to fish and with what.
Do not judge all of us by just a few.
Im not sure how to delete this post but if you know how please do so...I never had any intentions to offend anyone, I am new to this and it shows. I aplogise....for any bad feelings.:(... Kisinana,:) thanks for your comments.... David
As Mongoose has stated, Saanich Inlet is probably the best bet. The inlet has many areas to prawn with many traps on both sides (Mill Bay side or Pat Bay side). The traps are not hard to find. Google Island Outfitters or Trotac Marine, Victoria tackle shops, and if you call them they can give you more details.
Dave you have mail
Whoa! Put the kicker in reverse and drift a bit! All in jest and good fun with our neighbors across the border. Lots of Americans use this forum and all should be welcome, as you are. We'll see you in the Inlet.:D

quote:Originally posted by davidw

Im not sure how to delete this post but if you know how please do so...I never had any intentions to offend anyone, I am new to this and it shows. I aplogise....for any bad feelings.:(... Kisinana,:) thanks for your comments.... David
Saying there is a prawn fishery in Saanich Inlet is hardly a secret. I assume davidw may not have been knowledgeable about this so pointing him in the right direction was only answering his question.

As for "locations", there are many hot spots and guess what, they are no secret either because they have trap floats on the surface above them!!!!
I have to say one thing. Giving out hot numbers that took years to find can get over exploited in a hurry. I found a spot the year before that was hot for halibut outside of Port Angeles in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. I gave out these numbers for halibut last year to 4 or 5 people. I told them not to tell anyone else of this spot. (That was probably the downfall)

I was fishing out there with poor results and kept studing my charts while out there. I saw some structure that I thought I would try and it was a great spot. Opening morning I ran from Everett out by boat. 50 miles one way. There were 38 boats on my spot!

This is why no one is jumping forward to give you their spots. It takes years to find some of these areas. Prawning areas are the same way. Just an FYI