I would be willing to pay for a 20 dollar stamp if the funds were guaranteed to go into accurate data collection of sport caught halibut.
Why a stamp? To do what? If there is no reason given, then why have one?
Why do you want to be taxed more?
Does everyone have to much money and just want to give it away?
Access Fees: Commercial fishing licence fees and recreational fishing licence fees identified in the table on user fees under Fisheries Management are not reflected in the table above, on the policy on service standards for external fees, since they reflect the value of the privilege/benefit of access to a valuable natural resource owned by all Canadians. DFO's Fisheries Renewal initiative and Commercial Fishing Licence Fee Review could inform what future role and links should be made between access fees and service standards. The Pacific Salmon Conservation Stamp also has an access element, but it is primarily designed to support salmon restoration and enhancement initiatives. The Sport Fishing Advisory Board of BC supports the licence and salmon stamp fees. Additional details on the Pacific Salmon Conservation Stamp can be found online.
[h=3]3. Recreational harvesters have responsibility for shared stewardship for resource conservation and enhancement.[/h] Governments and resource users must share responsibility for conservation and for ensuring that fisheries resources are managed so that they benefit all Canadians. The rights of future generations to similar or improved benefit are also a responsibility of both government and resource users. To achieve these aims, recreational harvesters and the sport fishing industry, which benefit directly from a healthy resource, will be encouraged to partner with government and to participate in the decision-making process to manage and protect the resource and its habitat. Contributions to the cost associated with ensuring such benefits are also necessary. These may take the form of access fees.
The opportunity also exists for the public to share responsibility for the conservation, restoration and enhancement of the resource and its habitat through community-based volunteer organizations involved in various stewardship initiatives. These are organized at the national, provincial and local community levels.
would tags somehow be an option ?? like hunting perhaps ?? im not a hunter lol , ?? does it not work for them ??
Lets get some input here guys , this one is pretty important ta everyone I think..