Pender Island Area Reports?

  • Thread starter Thread starter whackemnstackem
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I'm heading up that way on the 17th for a week of camping and fishing.Just wondering if anyone has any current reports.Usually we fish the bluffs area, but we may try over at east point on saturna.we will mostly be fishing for salmon but I'd love to hear any spots to try for halibut.Thanks,wackem
I was in both Active and Polier pass's on Saturday. Didn't see much happening up there. Thrasher has been reportedly spitting up a few.

That's about the best that I can do.
Don't know much about the halibut but it sure sounds interesting. I fished the bluffs for a few days last week and earlier in the month and there are a lot of pinks around. Got to find the bait fish and the salmon are at 60 to 80. You can just about count on hooking a fish when you get a lot of bait on the screen. Let me know if you hear of any halibut spots
Leaving tommorrw morning ,I'll give a report when I get back.thanks for the info, anyone else ? Also does anyone know a good web site for tide table? Thanks,Wackem