OFFICIAL 2016 Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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I'm guessing you got the chum on the purple haze teaser heads. They seem to go for the bait with a purple teaser. Good job getting 2 Chum. They are awesome smokers. Smoked one a couple days ago, and the GF loved it.
Nope, No banana flasher and Bloody nose teaser head. The purple was catching the cohoes... After my post we lost a couple more and released an undersized hatchery spring.

I lost a nice one, pretty quickly after the initial hit. The line snapped and I brought up my flasher only. I'm wondering if the two chums weekend my line.
There was a few boats at the cap today. Didn't get a hit there in the latter am. Went to the bell Bouy, nothing till the end of the day at the mile markers. Undersized feeder spring about 4 pounds. It hit like freight train, and I thought it was a big spring. Couldn't believe it when it got to the boat that it was just a small feeder. Army truck hoochie at 70 feet.
There was a few boats at the cap today. Didn't get a hit there in the latter am. Went to the bell Bouy, nothing till the end of the day at the mile markers. Undersized feeder spring about 4 pounds. It hit like freight train, and I thought it was a big spring. Couldn't believe it when it got to the boat that it was just a small feeder. Army truck hoochie at 70 feet.

Yeah notta helluva lotta action but the day did have it's rewards





It sure was nice out ... no hits today , seen three jumpers and a school of coho porpoising out in 300' of water at point atkinson on my way to the cap .
No scotchman Hookinup
Thanks Reeltime!
Geez, the color of them! Caught in the chuck and they are already turning. Is that normal??

We caught one about a month ago off the North Arm that you could just barely start seeing the bars on it.

They've been coming thru for a while.....who knows how long they sit out there.
I smoked up the first chum I caught off the Fraser many years ago that was super ugly. 18.5 lbs of but ugly. one of the best fights, and best smoked fish I've ever caught.
Nice Ho !
We fished the S arm from 900 to 1600 and couldn't keep the shakers off the line long enough to get a real fish (How is it that a guy hooks 10-15 shakers and 10 of them get hooked threw the head and not in the mouth ????) .
The water as the best its been all year but it was really slow out there.
Turned out the lights ......... CLICK !
anyone out there today? Heard it was going to be like glass out there :eek: - perfect day for crab traps too!

Should be fishable between the gusts, plus it's blowing from a favourable direction.

I am going to look at the solunar tables and make a decision right shortly here.
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