Northern coho!


Active Member
Im Itching for the renny coho on the light gear! I have heard some sizable chromes have been showing offshore? We are shooting for a trip in a week or so, with the rains i would think they should be schooling up? Anyone fished Renfrew for the Hook Beeks? Wolf? Bags?
maddog when you bring over that flat of beer you owe me since may we will sit and drink it and ill tell you whats up LOL

I was talking to Bob Gallagher from Gallagher's cabins (booking a cabin for the Oct. 1 & 2 weekend) on Thursday night and he said the coho had not really showed up yet in tight to shore. He did say that they are STILL nailing springs from the point out to Logan! Unbelievable for the middle of September. Like you I've got all the gear ready for the big coho show.
There is no such thing as a 'Northern Coho'-that's 100% bunk.
All males Coho have a hooked nose and the later fish are bigger so they have bigger noses-BFD!!!
Some of you guys spend way to much time drinking each other's bathwater.

that's why there's a warranty!
RodBreaker, quit the beeking.. If you have any knowledge of the island and it's runs you would know that certain streams hold strains of above average size coho, hence the term "NORTHERNS". Stick to your m/l reports.. I believe that any andromonous species of fish that enter freshwater to spawn and are male have a kype..chill-dirty
Rodbreaker,quit your beeking,stick too your spaming of your guide friend over on the mainland,oh right theres no coho over 6 lbs where he fishes so maybe your a little jealous right!

Rodbreaker just a question for you what about a male chum,pink,sockeye,spring,coho why do you think they all have a a big kype on them?On salmon its called a kype not a nose.
quote:If you have any knowledge of the island and it's runs you would know that certain streams hold strains of above average size coho, hence the term "NORTHERNS".
If you'd ever been any place other than Lantzville in your entire tiny life you'd know that large Coho aren't found just on Vancouver Island.
The whole Coast from Oregon to Alaska holds large Coho especially BC's Central Coast.I caught a 19 pounder @ Milbanke in mid-August-have you fished Milbanke lately?
Since you travel so little you have no idea-which we see here in your confused and illiterate excuses for posts.

quote:Rodbreaker just a question for you what about a male chum,pink,sockeye,spring,coho why do you think they all have a a big kype on them?
It's for kicking other buck Salmon's asses on the redds.

quote:On salmon its called a kype not a nose.
I know that and have known it since before most of the posters on here were born.

that's why there's a warranty!
Hey rodbreaker a coho of 19 poiunds is a daily thing during the reny
coho season which will start now after the big rains .
coho are now open in the bay for wild or hatch

There's One!!!!!!!!!
Too reply to your question, yes I have fished the central coast(5 years) and caught numerous coho over the 20 lb. class.. Quit diggin your own redd and stick to your m/l style.dirty
Still didnt answer why they have a kype rodbreaker???????
At a boy Rodbreaker! Give yourself a pat on that grey hair covered carcus of yours. Once again you have turned a interesting and enjoyable topic into a bitchup!!! A" YUP GO PACK IT. LOOK AT ME, LOOK WHERE IVE BEEN!!! Grow up KNOB-BREAKER.
Still didnt answer why they have a kype rodbreaker???????

Rodbreaker just a question for you what about a male chum,pink,sockeye,spring,coho why do you think they all have a a big kype on them?

It's for kicking other buck Salmon's asses on the redds.

that's why there's a warranty!
At a boy Rodbreaker! Give yourself a pat on that grey hair covered carcus of yours. Once again you have turned a interesting and enjoyable topic into a bitchup!!! A" YUP GO PACK IT. LOOK AT ME, LOOK WHERE IVE BEEN!!! Grow up KNOB-BREAKER.

Did you have you 11 year old kids type that for you??
And just what is a 'carcus' anyway Granpa?

that's why there's a warranty!
From what I undertand, a kype is called a "secondary sexual characteristic" which is basically a visual way that salmon (and other animals & fish)differentiate males from females. Kind of like antlers on ungulates. Thats why males are the only ones to get them. I really don't think it has anything at all to do with fighting for, or defending redds, it just keeps the males from screwing up and beating the crap out of the girls they're supposed to be mating with! Kind of like being in a bar in Port. The chicks all have pink Macks on!<img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

Can't wait for the Renfrew Northerns either. Got one of Bob's cabins booked for the last weekend in Sept. Hope it isn't too early...
