Nootka Sound / Esperanza Reports - Spring and Summer 2011

Fished off-shore Nootka mon tues and Burdwood Wed. -Great weather -great trip. Wouldn't class it as "hot" but certainly if you put in the time you were well rewarded . We kept 8 springs over 2 mornings and released 3 in the 16-20 range. Our best was a 31 with a few more in the 22-26 range. Anchovy, double glow splatterback hootchy and a 6"tomic (639) pilchard spoon were the charm. Depth 39 to 52 ft were the favored depths. Booted a few. Nice to see Island Fish Lifter back on the water-must have got the Zuke fixed. Coho of the hatchery persuasion were scarce although we didn't go out of our way to target them. We did manage 2. You've heard of the story of the passing boat yelling -You have a fish on ! I'm embarresed to say it happened to us. We had just boated the 31-cleaning up , marking licenses, washing net etc. etc. ,Striper Sniper dropped the pilchard spoon down to 52 Ft-was helping get the deck sorted when a boat yells at us and sure enough his rod is going nuts. Guess we'll get mentioned In a few fish stories -26 lbs. IMG_0010.JPGIMG_0005.JPGIMG_0009.JPG
that piece of **** zuke is still limping along.. will replace this winter. I only have 6 days left.. please god of the sea, grant me the use of it until then. I dont care if it blows up on the last day, in fact I hope it does!
I stay on my boat Spring Fever-usually on the "hook" as close as I can to where I intend to fish. Yeah -have to admit they are nice bright fish-all caught at Bajo Reef-off-shore Nootka. None are from inside!!
I probably saw you out at Bajo the week of Aug 8th as I was out 3 times. I agree, nice bright fish and they fight like heck. It feels like you've got a 30 lb fish on, gets to the boat and its 20...
I tend to agree with you on the fight however the 31(weighed) was by far the toughest-took me into the backing and required a bit of boat work to get the edge on him. I was fishing Winter Harbour 6,7,8 aug so I wasn't there.
I was at Bajo today. Fishing was ok. there was a Seasport with twin yamahas, a man and a lady. They were slaying fish, i pulled along side of them and asked how deep are you getting your fish? The lady looks at me and says"dont ask me, ask him". Well, he just ignored me. It looked like Spring Fevers boat. If that was you Spring fever.. dont ever ask me for anything! Its not like I asked you for your fav. hali coordinates, just a depth. What a dickhead.
Absolutly not me IFL-I'm happy to share all info with anybody-except crab and prawn co-ords. I left Bajo on Wed. Morn with Striper Sniper!! While we are on Bajo-how long does that fishery last-think it will hold till the30th? That was me that yelled hi on Tues morning! Besides I have an Orca with a single 225 Yammi>
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Sorry Mike, My appologies. I was a little upset, I wasnt sure but I thought it was you. Obviously I was mistaken, hope you can forgive me.
No problemIFL-so how long you figure Bajo will hold-30th? I have a son-inlaw I either have to take there or Winter Harbour but it's getting late both places.
I would figure on the reef being good still at that time, halis will almost definately be good. Ive only got 4 more days, then I will not be back out until around or after labor day for some last min. halis.
We fished Nootka from the 19th to the 22nd. I would rate fishing as barely OK during that period. Fished both offshore (Bajo) and onshore. Early starts seemed to produce the best results. We were the first boat out on Bajp one day and quickly hit 3 fish in a row and then it died for us. First trip to Nootka. Loved the area but not the fishing. Probalby would not go again in late August. Biggest rain storm of the summer happened on Sunday/Monday. It was crazy. It should stir up the fishing.
We were up there from 19th-21st. To me it depends on what you consider "hot". Everyone was standing around talking about limit this, limit that..... Seriously how much can you guys eat?! Is it not more about getting out there, grabbing a few slabs for future dinners and releasing a few to feel good? I guess I'm the odd ball, but thats more than fine in my book. Anytime I catch 3, 4 or 5 slabs in a day is a great day! In addition to springers, there were hatch coho, tonnes of hali, ling and snapper if you knew where to find them. (this was my first trip therre so all you need to do is use the ol noggin... it wasn't from experience!) Not trying to give you the gears Jim, I just shake my head a bit when all these people were getting down on the fishing when they were bringing wheelbarrows of fish back to the dock! I guess I don't it, it gets me down when I hear people disapointed "only" catching 3 fish. Is that not a good day?

Ps sorry for the thread hijack. :)
Thanks for the lecture. My apologies for offering a fishing report that was too vague and lead to wrong impressions. When I said we hit 3 fish I should have said that we landed one of the three and released it (small feeder). Total kept for 3 days between 2 fishermen was 4 teenage springs and 2 small coho. Hardly wheelbarrows full.