New to Swiftsure

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Fished all over Barkley and the banks off Bamfield last year. This year want to stay a little closer to home (Pedder Bay). Planning to fish the swiftsure for the first time, any tips, tricks, gear recomedations, or best bet GPS coordinates would be greatly apreciated.
No, I mean the Swiftsure Bank. It is about a two hour run from Pedder but I understand the fishing there is as good as La Perouse Bank if not better. Just looking to find out where people are fishing out there. I am mostly interested in salmon but I may drop down for some bottom fish at some point.
RS craven is right, Tomics--Swiftsure is a lot farther than a 2 hours run from Pedder Bay.
From owen pt it is usually over a good hour to the bank and to run from peddar better give yourself more time and what about fuel it will take a bit,must be nice to afford that!!!!!!!!!

Swiftsure Bank is actually a closed area (121) so you can only skirt around the edges of the closure. North side is best for Salmon south side for Halli (Chicken Ranch) is good at the 225’ depth. Unfortunately the south side in the middle of an active shipping lane as marked by buoy Juliet Alfa. If you go there keep your VHF set to 74 to hear Tofino traffic control warnings to sport mariners about freighter traffic.

Good Luck
It's 65nm from Pedder to Swiftsure, so as long as he can keep up a speed of 32kn (36mph) he can make it in 2 hours. Better pick a really</u> nice day...
Thanks for all the input guys. I didn't get out this weekend but am planning on a run July long. I have noted the closure on the DFO web page and will steer clear. Thanks to those that were concerned for my health and the wellbeing of my boat. Shouldn’t be a problem to make the 60kn run to the north side in a couple of hours plus or minus 10 - 15 min. I will run up in the morning when it is usually calm and spend a couple of days in the area. I will post results and any info I gather while I am there.

Yote, how was your trip?
We did ok. went to the bank Sat. and caught four hali's all between 20-44 pounds. We had to work a little more than usual but it was still a great trip. One of the calmest seas that I have seen there and NO fog. Sunday we stayed close and caught a 20 and a 37.5 salmon.
We went out to the bank on Sunday limited out in two hours, but man was there one loud puker losing it out there. The guy sounded like he was roaring everytime he let it go.
Nothing like a puker to make everyone else feel great[xx(]. Still not sure exactly where on the swiftsure you guys are talking about, I figure I will just have to get out there and poke around for myself.

I am going to leave Saturday morning and don't plan on coming home until Monday. Ill post results Tuesday when I get back.
TowingTomics just turn on your radar if you have one and you will be able to see where most of the boats are which for halys will be south west of the closed area.
RT2 I do and will. That is kind of what I meant by poking around. Finding the croud shouldnt be too hard.