New Halibut Regs. Letter to the Editor

X2 on Juan's post. Very well said. It's not like if we stop catching hogs they all get to spawn and produce more fish for the future; the commercial guys will be hooking them. I always support conservation but related measures have to be applied across the board to have any real effect.

Personally I prefer to just take what I catch; I don't feel the need to release one just over minimum specs for your big fish just to try and catch a bigger one. I worry about how the released fish is affected and feel it's better to just take it if possible and legal (applies more to Halibut, I think Salmon can be released in ways much easier on the fish). Honestly, 6 20lb Hali's would do me more than fine for a year. But then again, I am a Victoria native and am fortunate enough to fish these beautiful waters whenever I want; I do feel the pain of a guy who gets one shot a year and wants to maximize his returns. Would be quite unfortunate to hook that biggie as the only fish all trip and you can't even keep it, but like GDW said, that's just how the cards are often dealt in the game of life.

But really, none of this matters if the commies are still free to take whatever...
Regarding the commercials what % of sport caught and released halibut do you think will end up on A long line? 10%? 20%? I can't imagine it being much higher but even if its 50% that's still a lot of breeders returned to the deep blue.

The reg isn't perfect but I'm wiling to give it a try and hope it does make a difference. Hopefully I get my turn to release an over that would be a privilege.

As a recreational sector I think we should be proud to lead the charge regarding conservation. This attitude of they can do it why can't we is I believe a big part of the reason FN's take so many salmon and sell them. Instead of leading the charge and setting the example they have followed the greed of the commercial fishermen. Should the recreational sector do the same?
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As a recreational sector I think we should be proud to lead the charge regarding conservation.

We are not conserving, simply allowing the other sectors to take these fish.
our season will end when the DFO deems we have taken our TAC.
a few more fly by's, some creel checks, and presto ! it's over.
this reg should have been 120lbs in the round per house hold. up to a max of six fish. then done.
this reg should have been 120lbs in the round per house hold. up to a max of six fish. then done.

As goofy as that sounds, it probably makes more sense, puts things on an equal footing. The overall quota is based on pounds. The commercial sector works on pounds. Yet the rec sector has this awkwardness of translating this fairly to a piece rate.

You can have your 6 chicken pancakes, but if you get one nice big one and choose not to release it, then you're done for the year. That seems fair. If this harvesting mentality is what's going to govern this fishing, then apply it across the board.

GDW, about your math: think of it this way, with the 15/85 split, for every single 100 pound halibut that the rec anglers now throws back, the commercial sector bonks 6. Or, to give a better sense of scale, for every 15 female spawners that the rec sector now throws back, the commercial sector kills 85 of these big mommas. If those fish average 100 pounds, and the rec angler "replaces" each with a 30 pounder, then those 15 anglers "conserve" 1,050 pounds of halibut (and that's not counting mortality from deep hooked fish dying). At the same time, the unrestricted commercial sector has taken these 85,000 pounds, sold them for $510,000, so that Americans can have more fish sticks and Jimmy Pattison can have a new yacht. With this context, it sounds to me like those 1,050 pounds saved from those 15 anglers is a drop in the bucket. It's like having a no tree-cutting bylaw next to a clearcut.

[and to be clear, I support the slot limit IF APPLIED ACROSS THE BOARD......just like female crabs, ideally NO ONE should be keeping these big breeders. But if you open it up to one group, I can't see how you fairly cut out the rest]
It's all about total pounds caught for the season period. Forget about the size of the individual fish that the commercial guys will catch. We have about a million pounds to catch and the task was to get a longer season out of that million pounds. This is a one year experiment, time to stop the wining, it's done....time will tell how it will or will not work. If it doesn't work I'm sure everyone will volunteer their time and expertise to help construct a better plan for next season.
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nobody is whining. we are discuss the reg.. not bashing in hindsight at individuals
It was not some DFO officer in Ottawa who came up with this plan it was our own SFAB and I assure you it's members have caught plenty of halibut.

It's a very limited window you need to measure say 50-70lbs. If you catch a 90lbr it should be quite obvious at a glance it's over the limit so getting an exact measurenent is not necessary.

I've seen a few top rods make comments like "I won't be anchoring up in the hog holes because of this new reg."

That is excellent and exactly what the reg is going for. Instead of targeting the biggest breeders anglers are going to target small to medium fish. As a result of this reg fewer BIG halibut will be hooked and the ones that are hooked only a small % will die as a result of the C&R.

While it is certainly disappointing the commercial fisherman and First Nations have a different rule set I do believe slot limits work from a conservation angle. Yes this new reg is not about conservation people are quick to point that out but in my opinion it should be about conversation. Think about it Canada's TAC has been reduced or stayed the same year after year in recent history. If we start making conservation a priority just maybe we can reverse that trend and start getting the TAC to increase and our oppurtunities can increase with it.

It sure is unfortunate for the guy who gets out once per year and only catches a 100lbr he has to let go but if everyone could keep those 100lbrs all year that fish would have probably been caught before he got there and/or the season would already be closed before he could go out because bigger fish use the TAC faster. You could say the same thing about the guy who fishes salmon once per year and only catches wild coho. Or goes crabbing and gets a trap loaded with females. Sorry you got no legel fish better luck next year why is this any different?

Anglers need to change their ways for decades we have all chased the biggest strongest fish to hang on the dock scale or brag about to your friends. Catching a big one is only good for your ego and a picture, its not good for the species and its not as good on your plate. If your a charter operator I suppose it's also good for business but that falls under the ego or bragging rights catagory.
Great post,GDW. This is exactly my way of thinking.When I was a young buck,it was all about getting that 30-40 lb.
spring and I killed my fair share over the years just for the bragin' rights. Now that I'm older,and life has humbled me
a bit,I find the "ego" dosen't need to be fed the way it used to,and I find myself letting the big slabs go,and taking
a smaller one home instead. I wish it would have occured to me sooner,but I guess it's better late than never.
You are right nobody is bashing individuals on this thread like previous ones. However why can't we be satisfied that DFO actually listened to recommendations for a change and implemented the wishes of our reps. Maybe it will prove itself out maybe it won't. In a year from we will look at it and present that seasons plan and we should expect DFO to once again heed those recommendations. Why wouldn't they? This isn't a conservation issue it is about using all the Canadian quota that is available and so long as we don't exceed it DFO doesn't care how we go about catching it.
This isn't a conservation issue it is about using all the Canadian quota that is available and so long as we don't exceed it DFO doesn't care how we go about catching it.

When you frame it like that, the policy is much more palatable. If you ignore the the big-P Politics and just take the current allocation situation as a given, then it makes sense to try and use what you have wisely. This slot limit is one way to tackle that. Whether or not it's the best way remains to be seen, but it is sensible within the alternatives.

What gets my back up when I this is framed from the sustainability/conservation/ecology angle. This about competing interests and ultimately big money ... it is far removed from ecology. (though I think all can agree that it is better for everyone if the big female halibut can be left to spawn their millions of future eggs ... hey, there's an idea, wouldn't it be great if the commercial sector voluntarily agreed to toss back the big ones too, not because they have to, but just because it's a good thing to do? Then we'd really be on to something!)
It's all about total pounds caught for the season period. Forget about the size of the individual fish that the commercial guys will catch. We have about a million pounds to catch and the task was to get a longer season out of that million pounds. This is a one year experiment, time to stop the wining, it's done....time will tell how it will or will not work. If it doesn't work I'm sure everyone will volunteer their time and expertise to help construct a better plan for next season.

Just like the slot last year was a one year experiment?
What slot? One over one under? That didn't change this year? You are proving me right....DFO is willing to try what ever we recommend, but once they determine the quota is gone we are closed. So you have to present a plan that has a data proven chance of achieving the goals or you are just wasting your time.
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Scott, meant one big one small for 2 day possession. No max size...he is suggesting the rules haven't changed but they have. In fact they have probably changed 3 times in the last 4 years. There is no precedence here to suggest we are stuck with anything.
Ok if we are going to be completely technical. Each year these "experiments" are used as a stepping stone for further restriction. At this rate next year it will be nothing over 40lbs etc. You know exactly what I mean profisher and are skirting the point.
Until we kibosh the quota system or the biomass goes up we are stuck with restrictions...u know that. If the biomass were to drop dramatically and we allotted only 500,000 pounds instead of the million we have now...maybe you would be right. Tough decisions would have to be made and those making them would be forced into a no win situation. As you are obviously very upset with the direction taken you should sign yourself up and get on your local committee and cast your vote where it counts. Those decisions will never be influenced from here (DFO or SFAB) As it was explained to us by someone who asked....this is regarded by the powers as purely entertainment.
The root cause of our problems is the 15/85 split.
Fix that and our problem goes away.
There are people that are trying to fix that but they don't seem to get much support around here. When asked for support it seem most have turned their back on them and they have been left high and dry.
Time to start helping them.
Until we kibosh the quota system or the biomass goes up we are stuck with restrictions...u know that. If the biomass were to drop dramatically and we allotted only 500,000 pounds instead of the million we have now...maybe you would be right. Tough decisions would have to be made and those making them would be forced into a no win situation. As you are obviously very upset with the direction taken you should sign yourself up and get on your local committee and cast your vote where it counts. Those decisions will never be influenced from here (DFO or SFAB) As it was explained to us by someone who asked....this is regarded by the powers as purely entertainment.

I agree about quota system but I just wanted to point out calling this max size a one year experiment is in my opinion misleading and a bit of rubbish
Until we kibosh the quota system or the biomass goes up we are stuck with restrictions...u know that. If the biomass were to drop dramatically and we allotted only 500,000 pounds instead of the million we have now...maybe you would be right. Tough decisions would have to be made and those making them would be forced into a no win situation. As you are obviously very upset with the direction taken you should sign yourself up and get on your local committee and cast your vote where it counts. Those decisions will never be influenced from here (DFO or SFAB) As it was explained to us by someone who asked....this is regarded by the powers as purely entertainment.

very good post Profisher .... :)